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Crankenstein | Samantha Berger
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BEWARE OF CRANKENSTEIN! Who is Crankenstein? HE IS A MONSTER OF GRUMPINESS THAT NO ONE CAN DESTROY! MEHHRRRR!!! HE'S ALIVE! He may look like any ordinary boy, but when faced with a rainy day, a melting popsicle, or an early bedtime, one little boy transforms into a mumbling, grumbling Crankenstein. When Crankenstein meets his match in a fellow Crankenstein, the results could be catastrophic--or they could be just what he needs to brighten his day!
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Crankenstein | Samantha Berger
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Crankenstein is a F book written about a boy who has a lot of things go wrong in his day and turns into Crankenstein! The boy meets another Crankenstein which could be the end or just enough to turn his day around. This book is great to help students with emotional coping skills. #UCFLAE3414SP20

charlotteclancy www.theappliciousteacher.com has great activities students can do like ‘Ask and Answer Questions with Camrankenstein‘ where students can pull questions out of a bucket and answer comprehension questions about the book. UDL 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection. Students will be able to self assess their anger management better after reading this story. EL 22- Give enough wait time for second language learners to respond to bucket questions. 4y
DrSpalding Late 4y
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Crankenstein | Samantha Berger
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This F book would be a perfect read aloud on a difficult day. This books shows a little boy as Crankenstein and how miserable he is until he encounters another Crankenstein and they learn that they can make it go away with some laughter. Students will really connect with the story and want to read on.

LizzettM The UDL Principle (7.2) optimize relevance, value, and authenticity. This will show that it's okay to be upset sometimes but it is important to be happy too. The EL strategy 19, establish predictable classroom routines through the use of an outline on the board or bulletin board is nice for students to see how it can relate in their environment. This book won the E.B White Read Aloud Award.
(edited) 5y
juliap99 This book seems like a great idea to share when students are having a bad day! I like the idea to have an outline on your bulletin board ! 4y
DrSpalding You have included all necessary elements of the rubric! Of course a read aloud for a read aloud award winner. Be sure to expand on your resource from the author. 4y
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Crankenstein | Samantha Berger
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A few more books that are fun to read during the Halloween season, but arnt necessarily directly related to Halloween. #TeamSlaughter

tjwill That telling of The Spider and the Fly is wonderful. The illustrations really make it! 5y
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Crankenstein | Samantha Berger
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#scarathlon #teamstoker #crankenstein

6 points - book read and participation

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Crankenstein | Samantha Berger

5yo: did you have fun at work today?
Me: not really, I had a long meeting... I HATE LONG MEETINGS! MEHRRRRRR! 😤
Both: *laughs hysterically*

Reading to your kid: 20 minutes a night
Sharing book reference jokes with your kid: priceless
#nobodyelsewouldgetit #bookjokes #littlelitten #raisingreaders

Crankenstein | Samantha Berger
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We have all seen a cranky kid. #24in48

flyfarther79 Ha! Saw & heard a lot of those at Disneyland this week 😁 8y
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Crankenstein | Samantha Berger
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Working the library booth at the county fair! You better believe that's a "Make America Read Again" hat. And I tagged Crankenstein from the book baskets because that's who I'm going to be in three hours.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I need one of those hats! 8y
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