All my heart is yours, sir; it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever.
So I'm not sure if it's considered spoilers if it is only 30 pages into the book but I had to verify.... Did this chick just eat a dude with her vagina? Is that what I just read?! I'm dying right now! 😂😂😂💀
All my heart is yours, sir; it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever.
I could have stayed like that for hours, just breathing him in.
Hope is the lifeblood of revolution. Without it, we are nothing but ash, waiting for the wind to take us.
But my wanderlust had turned to lust and wonder. A thirst for knowledge, no matter how dangerous.
You look far too glum for a Saturday evening. In my many years of experience, that means you have not had enough coffee.
I haven't even had one.
Oh, dear me. You clearly are not of the literati.
Decided it was time to up the bedtime story game. Hope my #littlelitten enjoys these! #libraryhaul
Finished The Bone Season this morning and had to run to the library for the next one and lucked out! #libraryhaul #boneseasonseries
I once came across a story about Stephen Fry having difficulty pronouncing this phrase during the recording of the audio books and now, rereading the books, I am finding it and giggling to myself every time! #QeenOfSass #JKRForPrez
“Eventually, he called up JK and asked if he could say ‘Harry put it in his pocket‘ instead. She thought for a moment, then said ‘no‘, and hung up.
“The phrase ‘Harry pocketed it‘ appeared in the next four books.”
How to make friends and other important life lessons, as learned from Harry Potter. Now if only there were some mountain trolls around to knock out lol.
#howtomakefriends #harrypotterthoughts
There's some illustrations, it's a fairy tale story, and it's short to fit in between my bigger reads, just what I was looking for. But it left me a little disappointed. It was kind of melancholy for me and I was hoping for a more light hearted and happy tale. Maybe you will enjoy it, it's worth picking up from the library for a one sitting read.
"Your digital hold is ready"
My absolute favorite kind of email! Thank God for @Overdrive and 24hr library access! #librarylove #myfavoritething
Always make sure you know where your towel is! Maybe it will save you from dying in the vacuum of space, or maybe it will save you from a giant vapor cloud of vampire cat mist.
Made funnier by the fact that I just finished listening to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy audiobook yesterday! 😂
5yo: did you have fun at work today?
Me: not really, I had a long meeting... I HATE LONG MEETINGS! MEHRRRRRR! 😤
Both: *laughs hysterically*
Reading to your kid: 20 minutes a night
Sharing book reference jokes with your kid: priceless
#nobodyelsewouldgetit #bookjokes #littlelitten #raisingreaders
When you wake up and all of a sudden you're a vampire. 😂
Christopher Moore never ceases to crack me up.
Starting off the year with one of my fave authors! I've never read a book by Christopher Moore that I didn't like.
Checking "B" off the #LitsyAtoZ list!
When you buy a present for your kid, but really it's for you. I love Dr Seuss! Can't wait to share this with my #littlelitten!
I'm doing this cool book swap kind of thing, if you might be interested, click the link to my Facebook post for details and comment on the post, I'll send you the info in a private message from there. None of my FB friends wanted in, so I'm turning to my bookish people!
You buy one book and then send it to a stranger, post the details on your own page to keep it going!
Company Christmas party is tonight, I hope they like my white elephant gift! Being the bookish person that I am, I had to get a book! But being the hilarious person that I am, I went with this kind of book lol. It'll come in really handy after a long, stress-filled day at the office! #coloringbooks
This book is so #quoteable. I feel like this is the perfect book for me right now. #youarebeautiful
Without dreams, whatever beast it is that chases us, whether in our minds or in society, will eventually catch us. The fundamental purpose of dreams isn't success but to free us from conformity.
Do not go to Barnes and Noble if you have a Harry Potter obsession.
#noshame #potterheadforlife
God save me from 'normal' people!
This is kind of beautiful. Never end your story because a chapter of your life hasn't gone to plan. Just add a comma and turn to the next page.
After my car died on me today, I took a Lyft home. I had a great bookish talk with my driver. She recommended a few, A Thousand Splendid Suns was among them. Definitely on my #tbr now. Glad that at least something good came from the situation. It always makes me feel better to talk books.
I'm trying to branch out and read more translated works. If anyone has a great recommendation for a book by a foreign author that's been translated to English, I'm making a #tbr list! I picked this beauty up at the library because it looked cool and is by a German author. So far, I'm not sorry!
Did you know that Gene Wilder wrote several books? Neither did I! But you know what? It was great! Set in 1945 Europe during the war, Tom meets Anna in a small cafe when he is on leave before his next assignment. What comes after is a tale of love and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, when being Jewish can get you captured and killed. Short, yet exciting, very well written, and incredibly endearing, you'll love it.
So, I'm 30 pages in and EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS BOOK, I can already tell you. I feel like I'm looking through a window into our very near future, right now is the perfect time for this read. I love how the universe does that, gives you the perfect book at just the right time. I am so curious to see what unfolds.
I thought, what better day to start this audiobook than Veteran's Day.
So, the book was intriguing, but I'm left with one big question. What's up with Brady?
I was wondering when it was going to happen... That spine tingling, start second guessing everything moment. Found it.
*cue chills* pg 293
I've read the book. I've watched the movie. Now I'm listening to the audio book. And guys, it's great. So glad I grabbed this from the library!
books for mommy, books for the boy, movies for both, and plenty of audio books to listen to in the car.
#librarylove #libraryhaul #somanybooks #readallthebooks
This was a really interesting read. It was a bit creepier than I anticipated, full of fascinating photos and intrigue. I can't wait to continue the story and find out what happens with the peculiar children.
"I don't mean to be rude, but what are you people?"
"We're peculiar. Aren't you?"
"I don't know. I don't think so."
"That's a shame."
I love when books include photos and such. It gives the book so much oomph, it makes the story tangible. And these old creepy photos are so interesting!
Oh gosh, which one to read first? I'm leaning toward Frankenstein... I've never read it. I was telling my little man about the story of Frankenstein's monster just yesterday. I forgot I even checked this out!
Read. This. Book.
It's the most romantic thing I have ever read and they never even kissed. This real life story of love across lifetimes is something everyone must experience. Light a fire on a mountainside for a friend. Go on an adventure to find your life's purpose and reclaim your kingdom. Be inspired.
"Dreamers can never be tamed."
#booklove #hugabook
I need her by my side. Without her, nothing, absolutely nothing, will be possible.
I am crying because there is no other way to show what I feel: I am alive. I am alive in every pore and every cell of my body. I am alive. I was never born and never died.
I love you like a river that begins as a solitary trickle in the mountains and gradually grows and joins other rivers until, after a certain point, it can flow around any obstacle in order to get where it wants.
I am just loving this book. I'm going to be sad to take it back to the library. This one is going on the to-buy list, I'm going to need to read this more than once.
... tiny bibliophilic bells rang in the back of his mind.
(I really love this quote ❤️📖🤓)
As always happens when we are focused on what we want, things begin to slot perfectly into place.
I'm busy packing to move instead of reading this afternoon, but I couldn't help but stop for a moment to appreciate this beauty! 😊😍🤓 #bookporn #WhenIThinkAboutBooksITouchMyShelf #PotterheadStatus