Can't remember all my justifications, d'oh!
Crochet ballet: 1950s housewifery complicated by the installation of a new kitchen. Knitting is involved.
Solar troller: Just the perfect book for this prompt. She calls him at the break of dawn and dispenses snarky insults.
Floral laurel: characters named after flowers.
Lupine goldmine: fields of yellow flowers.
Mortal portral: Yup!
Retail Greyscale: Shop with a very weird, creepy museum.
Snarky sparky: Kit's snarky little sis gets busy, leading to romantic sparks for him and a girl.
Dreamy Steamy: Pursuing the American dream while eating many goodies, sometimes steamed.
Gurney journey: A character is injured and requires an ER trip.
Meaty treaty: aims for reconciliation between autistic people and parents of autistic kids.
Neighbor Labour: Appropriately, the right spelling for a book set in England. An appeal (basically a Go Fund Me) is sent out for a child with cancer and much work and trouble ensues for the family friends.