“Because words always screw up whatever you‘re trying to say.” Zombies ~ Chuck Palahniuk #chuckpahniuk #makesomethingup #quotes #paperback #shortstories #weird #lotsoffilters
“Because words always screw up whatever you‘re trying to say.” Zombies ~ Chuck Palahniuk #chuckpahniuk #makesomethingup #quotes #paperback #shortstories #weird #lotsoffilters
all about the short story format for Chuck, and even if I was not a fan of every single story, each one was entirely different from the last and the book collectively is fantastic and strange (the good kind of strange).
#MagnificentMarch #Mask I liked some of the stories in this collection,I realize Palahniuk is not to everybody‘s cup of tea! Love the cover though.👺
#7days7spines #7days7covers day 1 I will play the spine game!😃how about playing @LeahBergen I‘m sure you have some amazing spines!
Started reading this until I can get to b&n on Wednesday for Stephen King's new book. I like Palahniuk, but I'm not a fan of short stories; hence why it's been on my #TBR pile for 3+ years. Thought it'd be a good filler read, but, yeahhhhh it's not shaping up to be 😐
This book tells stories about a son trying to cure his father's cancer with jokes, about teens frying their brains with automated external defibrillators, about mysterious murders at the Playa Rock Arts Festival... The stories are often weird, sometimes dirty but nevertheless smart, witty and really you can't unread them.
When the author makes a reference to his other book 😃
It's always a win when I can find used English books around here 😁📖
#TheGirlWithTheDragonTattoo #TheGirlWhoPlayedWithFire #StiegLarsson #MakeSomethingUp #ChuckPalahniuk
Went to Powell‘s in Portland on my birthday and could only pick two books to bring back in my luggage...hard decision!
How many short story collections can I read at one time? IDK. Let's find out! 😵😲😁
#MarchIntoOz Day 10: The book cover of this collection of stories seem to show #PleasureAndPain - I will have to read Palahniuk‘s many novels waiting in my shelves. He comes up with gritty, raw, angry narratives that seem perfect for today‘s prompt.
Got a new cauldron (must have) mug from work! Has a homemade mocha brewed within it. 😁 Still in a massive book slump. Currently have 6 books if not more on the go. So Halloween and scary things shall simply have to be my focus for a bit! 😂 #spookytimes #muchlove #fall #trickrtreat
Chuck is one of my favorite authors. His novels are usually amazing with the odd entertaining misfire. This collection of short stories seems to invert that quality equation with a few stand outs, but mostly ideas that burn out in a few pages' time.
Barely halfway through Chuck's #MakeSomethingUp, I still feel I've accomplished a lot because that's how it is with short stories. They make you feel like you've read double the amount of books that you are actually reading. Oh, and hello from my #CactusCupcake. 😋 #PhotoADayNov16
I did take this picture yesterday, but wasn't able to start reading it until now. I therefore conclude that it still counts for November 3's #PhotoADayNov16 :)) Another round of #shortstories, this time from #ChuckPalahniuk. ❤️#litsygram
My very first Palahniuk read and I have two words for this book : insane and disturbing.. in a good way (at least for me).
What can I say? I like this strange, weird, unusual work of Palahniuk mind...very, very much.
While reading quite disturbing stories (in a good way) I have to smile.
Zombies is my favorite. I remember Chuck reading it to us. One of my favorite nights.