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A Curse For True Love
A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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I like these series wasn‘t like the carvel series but it was good

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber

Star-crossed lovers at its finest! However, very little interaction between the love pair.
The villains felt flat.
The narrative style again was again top of "once upon a time".
I expected so much more from the epilogue- after all Jacks and Evangeline have been through!

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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Maybe I would have enjoyed this more if I‘d just read the previous books, but as it was I had somewhat forgotten the plot of those stories and this one jumps right in. I was kind of confused at first as it heavily assumes you are fully up to speed, and once I did catch back on it just felt meh. Not bad or boring just not as good as the first 2 books (or as I remember them being). Way too much romance for me! 🌟🌟🌟

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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I didn't like this one as much as the second book.
The story seemed to end so abruptly, I wanted more of Jacks and Evangeline's ending than we got.
LaLa and Chaos' stories were built up in book two but did not seem to go anywhere in this book.
Other than that, I really did enjoy this book. It was so sad and heart-breaking. Apollo's development was quite surprising!
I can't wait for more of Stephanie Garber's stories in the future.

emz711 For real. It should have been a duology. There was too much recap 7mo
bookish6 Agreed! A duology would have been perfect. 7mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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A day filled with music, books, movies, shows, and middle pic isn‘t mine but I‘m stopping by a holiday treat party to share and enjoy! I didn‘t want to be on my phone too much during it ❄️ #wintergames #snowflakesquad

PuddleJumper Great day! 💙❄️💙 7mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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Definitely the best in the trilogy, although I wanted more of LaLa! Very satisfying ending. I have closure.

Mrs_B Also, yay for libraries borrowing for free rather than expensive Amazon prices!!! 8mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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It was the part of herself that loved to hope. She‘d forgotten how Hope could make colours brighter and feelings warmer. How it could shift thoughts from what wasn‘t to what was possible.

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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Ok guys... I was let down. By the format, by the majority of the story being a summary of what happened in the last 2 books and then at the end no explanation? I had to go back to figure it out but .. love? Was the answer love? Nothing about her magic or how she's a key or what's the deal with the cuff now?
Book 2 is my favorite for sure

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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It's here!

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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Nothing but love for this series. This book was painful and enchanting, and Evangeline has some insane growth moments for herself. I have the biggest feeling of sadness knowing that I have finished Jacks and Evangeline‘s story, I don‘t want it to be over. The worlds Stephanie Garber creates in her books are transporting and truly magical.

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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First hit chocolate of the season! Really loving this book and excited to see how it ends! 💕📖 Do you think I have enough marshmallows? 😋

RaeLovesToRead Oh my Gosh that looks so yummy!!!! 8mo
peanutnine Never enough marshmallows!! 😋🤤 8mo
emz711 What did you think? I was a little let down 7mo
Branwen @emz711 Same! I thought it was good, but I also had hoped for a little more to the ending! 7mo
emz711 @Branwen should have been a duology 7mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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Finally getting ready to start the final book in this magical trilogy! I am keeping my fingers crossed that Evangeline will get her happy ending! 💕📖

Ruthiella Beautiful picture! 😍 8mo
peanutnine Pretty photo! 🍁😍 8mo
Branwen @Ruthiella @peanutnine Thank you so much! 💕 8mo
emz711 Your trees match so well! 8mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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I absolutely loved this book! It wrapped up things quite nicely for the story that had been building throughout the trilogy. I loved being back in this world as Evangeline navigated all the things thrown her way. I also loved the hint of potential new books in this world at the end.

#SassyBookworm😏 #ACurseForTrueLove #Audiobook #Libby

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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This book wasn‘t good, which was heartbreaking. No shade to anyone who liked it! Just as in the Caraval series, Garber creates a world that draws you in, but can‘t quite stick the landing. The characters and plot are all over the place, there‘s way too many POVs, and there was a bizarre choice to move the central love story plot to the back burner in favor of side character shenanigans. I really wanted to like it, but I couldn‘t continue.

KateReadsYA @BooksNBowls 🤦🏼‍♀️ and the plot thickens lol. 9mo
KateReadsYA @Kylivi it's so sad that everyone I've seen review this has said the exact same thing. She's such a great writer. Idk how this happened. 9mo
Kylivi @KateReadsYA Ikr? Maybe the deadline was too rushed? I feel like some of it could have been fixed with more time to think it over. 9mo
BooksNBowls I don‘t think I‘m gonna read it.. @KateReadsYA 9mo
KateReadsYA @BooksNBowls I'm giggling 🤭 9mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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So my day consisted of running some errands, cooking a fabulous clam linguine for lunch & a huge pot of veggie soup for dinner. All the while listening to my #Libby audiobook, I almost got through 50%!! What a fantastic day off today after a crazy busy day yesterday at work. Plus peep my sleepy babies in the top right corner. Oliver (orange) & Luna (black).

#SassyBookworm😏 #Audiobook #AudioCooking

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 9mo
dabbe Hello there, most adorable kitties! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 9mo
GondorGirl Aww, such sweet monsters! 🥰 9mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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Would have preferred this to have been ebook but when my library hold says ‘several months‘ & your 17th in line…you take what you can get! But I have to say it‘s a perfect day bc I have so much I‘m going to do around my house & excited to start listening!

#SassyBookworm😏 #Audiobook #ACurseForTrueLove #Trilogy

A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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#serieslove2023 The 3rd book in the Once Upon a Broken Heart series wrapped up everything in a nice little bow. It wasn‘t as good as Garber‘s other books but I still enjoyed being back with Jacks and Evangeline. It picks up right at the end of book 2 so we see Evangeline with Apollo and the effects of opening the Valor arch. A nice conclusion to this series but I can see her continuing to tell stories in this world. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2

TheSpineView Fantastic! 9mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 9mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber
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At last the collection is complete (under the dust jackets are the B&N editions). Now, I can binge the whole series....eventually lol

Kar2b Ooo… when did you receive your preorder dust jacket? I haven‘t gotten mine yet. 9mo
jackilynn I actually got mine the same day I got the book (so a week ago?) which I think is the fastest i have ever gotten it. Hopefully yours comes soon. 9mo
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A Curse For True Love | Stephanie Garber

No one is posted yet for this! I am counting down the days! #jacks