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La Nausea
La Nausea | Jean Paul Sartre
El protagonista es Antoine Roquentin, hombre soltero de alrededor de treinta anos. Vive solo en Bouville. Trabaja meticulosamente en una obra sobre la vida del Marques de Rollebon, un aristocrata de fines del siglo XVIII. No tiene profesion y vive de sus rentas, luego de haber abandonado un empleo en Indochina, por haberse cansado de viajar y por haber dejado de sentir tal empeno como aventura deseable."
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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I gave up on this previously when I was at university as I felt I had grasped the existentialist concept and didn‘t need to read past the third of fourth bout of Roquetin‘s nausea. I definitely appreciated it more this time around and even found it quite humorous. Ultimately there isn‘t much plot and the characters are unlikable, but it is philosophically thought provoking. 6/10

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre

i understand why people cared about this but i do not

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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I find great satisfaction in reading great works of literature and history for many reasons. Understanding of how we got to where we are in the world, in literature, in thought, are few of them. There are an infinite amount of pieces in the puzzle we call life and each new connection opens the possibility for more. Between life and reading gradually a picture forms which can essentially be called a “world view”.

Kaag The journey, or puzzle, is never-ending. There is always more to know. More to teach. And most importantly! There‘s always another book to read! It may not be the purpose of life but it comes close enough for me. 2y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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My dad asked me to procure these six books for him. He‘s doing an online course.

If I make it to 85, I can only hope to be as intellectually active as he is! 🤓

dylanisreading That's lovely. 3y
batsy That course must be interesting 😍 3y
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Ruthiella @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Bianca @batsy I don‘t even know what the course is about. 😆 I will ask him when I bring him the books. 3y
BiblioLitten That‘s really inspiring! 💕 3y
Ruthiella @BiblioLitten It is! He‘s also been trying to learn Spanish (with mixed results)! 3y
Centique That is AWESOME! 3y
Ruthiella @Centique He‘s a pretty cool dad. We‘re both pretty lucky, right? ☺️ 3y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre

I read it in 2018. I myself was going through some existential quandaries that time. So I was curious to know what is the hype is all about...
But sartre pulled me in to an abyss of unknowable conundrums and I came back....

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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“. . . there are days which pass in disorder, and then, sudden lightning like this one. Nothing has changed and yet everything is different. I can't describe it, it's like the Nausea and yet it's just the opposite: at #last an adventure happens to me and when I question myself I see that it happens that I am myself and that I am here; I am the one who splits in the night, I am as happy as the hero of a novel.” #QuotsyMar20

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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“Then there are words, inside the thoughts, unfinished words, a sketchy sentence which constantly returns...It goes, it goes ... and there's no end to it. It's worse than the rest because I feel responsible and have complicity in it. For example, this sort of painful rumination: I exist, I am the one who keeps it up. I.”

#QuotsyJune19 | 23: #Sketch

📷: Made with Typorama

Megabooks Love this graphic! Great job. 5y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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I loved this! More than I was expecting if I‘m honest. Philosophically fascinating, but it didn‘t feel like a philosophy book unconvincingly dressed up as a novel, which is what I was afraid of. Thoughtful, abstract but not pretentious, surprisingly light at times, not at all the stereotype of a ‘very serious french philosopher‘ I might have expected. I‘m fascinated by existentialism now and definitely want to read more

SpaceCowboyBooks If you loved this you should also check out The Pigeon by Patrick Susskind. 5y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Starting the bank holiday off right!

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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“My thought is me: that's why I can't stop. I exist because I think… and I can't stop myself from thinking. At this very moment - it's frightful - if I exist, it is because I am horrified at existing. I am the one who pulls myself from the nothingness to which I aspire.”

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Bought in Shakespeare and company and started on the flight home from Paris! I desperately didn‘t want to come home, I had such a perfect weekend. Paris lived up to all of my expectations and being there in springtime with my wonderful boyfriend felt like something from a movie. Now to obsessively show everyone the photos and read my two new books

Oryx Sounds wonderful. 5y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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My Shakespeare and Company purchases! I‘m working on my small collection of books bought in translation in the countries they were originally from. Very happy with my French classics 🥰

andrew61 The maryse conde looks interesting - i loved segu, so would like to try more of her books. 5y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 5y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗 5y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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I am. I am, I exist, I think, therefore I am; I am because I think, why do I think? I don't want to think any more, I am because I think that I don't want to be, I think that I . . . because . . . ugh!

MrBook 😆👏🏻🙌🏻 5y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Existentialist literature for an existential summer.
Jean-Paul Sartre's "Nausea" makes for a good read when you're sick of everything.

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Whew. Well, now I‘m exhausted.

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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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“My odd feelings of the other week seem to me quite ridiculous today: I can no longer enter into them.”

#QuostyMay18 | 3: #Yesterday

Cortg I like this quote! 6y
LiterRohde @Cortg Thanks! Easier said than done, IMO. 6y
Cortg Yes! I‘m going to share this with my son though 😀 6y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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I‘ve delayed writing a review in this because I tend to find with books like this after a few weeks I have thought more about them and have more of an opinion but it hasn‘t really happened here. I love bits of this, I find a few bits dragged a lot, I might read it again and if your into this stuff absolutely read it but I think I prefer Camus at the moment

QuoteQueen I am definitely “into this stuff” but surprisingly haven‘t read much Sartre. (edited) 6y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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I‘ve been a real mess reading recently but I‘ve got stuff back together and hope to get through this today, mixed feelings so far

MicheleinPhilly Your drink looks YUM! 6y
smccallum @MicheleinPhilly I‘m a sucker for a decent mocha even if it‘s considered a loser drink in ‘Everything Is Illuminated‘🙈 6y
zezeki I've read Nausea and I loved it, but I admit it's not the easiest read. Before reading it, I became a bit familiar with Sartre's ideas and existentialism, so maybe that helped me enjoy it more. 6y
smccallum @zeljka I love lots of it, I think I‘ve read it badly due to some turbulent times however I also find with the period of French writing it‘s a slow burner and I‘ll enjoy it and then when I‘m musing on it after I‘ve finished I‘ll end up completely adoring it and end up re-reading it, this has happened with all the Camus I‘ve read 6y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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1. 38 in Aug 😰
2. 4 older siblings; nice even number of two brothers, two sisters & then I came along 🧟‍♀️
3. No
4. My Name is Red, Wizard of Earthsea, Tao Te Ching
5. I mean...?!
6. 😂😬
7. Shenanigans, malarkey
8. That I can be shy; I think it's painfully obvious but it's not, I'm told 🤔
9. Both. Partial to 🐶
10. Coffee
11. Tagged book 🤢
12. @Centique @Billypar if you wanna play :)

Thanks for the tag @vivastory #hallowhoareyou @Gyldholm

JoScho Malarkey and shenanigans are awesomely fun words! 6y
RohitSawant 💙 7! 6y
TrishB Love your words 💜 6y
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saresmoore Oh, gosh, your book title! I can certainly relate. Is it weird that I like you even more, thinking of how you ruined a perfectly even-numbered family?? 😂♥️ 6y
alisiakae Shenanigans was on my list as well! 6y
batsy @JoScho @rohit-sawant @TrishB ❤️ @4thhouseontheleft It's a good one ☺️ 6y
batsy @saresmoore I like you much better for saying that! 😂😘 6y
LauraBeth You are the disrupter ❤️ 6y
batsy @LauraBeth ❤️ My siblings would agree a little too much 😂 6y
Moray_Reads I haven't seen a single person answer 5 with anything but distain and disbelief 😂 6y
readordierachel Malarkey is a delightful word! 6y
readinginthedark I‘m the youngest of five, too! Only one brother, though...it would be nice to have another. 😆 6y
batsy @ReadOrDieRachel It really is delightful 😀 6y
batsy @readinginthedark Hahaha, there's an age gap of 15 and 13 years between my brothers and me. I would like two new brothers, like they make them on TV or in fiction 😂😂 6y
readinginthedark That‘s hilarious! My two eldest sisters are like that—much older than me. My brother is the closest to me in age, three years older, and we get along so well! I can handle him better than the armies of girls everywhere! 😛 6y
batsy @readinginthedark 😂 That's so sweet, though. I used to dream about having a brother close to me in age coz I got along better with boys while growing up, too. 6y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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#newyearreads #writtenbydeceasedauthor

Existential fiction. This cover. 🖤

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cover is awesome!!! 6y
amvs1111 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Agreed! It has quite a feel to it. 6y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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I still have no idea what existentialism is. Written as a diary, we are trapped in the narrator's head and as he is not concerned with people, there is no character development. Written as if in the moment, the narrator does not know what is happening. So there is no plot development. The only part that I found interesting was the meeting with the past love. Their dialog was almost enough to make me care about existentialism.


BarbaraBB So funny this. Indeed, what is existentialism? That you of all people still wonder after reading almost all of the 1001 books, makes me doubt if I wil ever know 😀😂 7y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB Philosophical novels don't agree with me :-)) 7y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Sartre is the kind of writer that makes me feel dumb. He is very intelligent and Nausea is a very polished novel. I know I will have to return to this in the future.

charl08 I have yet to meet a Penguin Classics cover I don't immediately covet... 8y
Knowledgelost @charl08 so many great editions, this is why we always own multiple copies of great books (edited) 8y
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La Nausee | Jean-Paul Sartre
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When I was dating, anytime anyone asked me out, I would stall until I found out who their favorite author was. If they seemed bewildered that I would ask, then I knew I didn't want to go out with them in the first place. My partner and I actually bonded over Sartre's Nausea [😂]. He sent me a drink in a bar, and I was always skeptical about that so I just cut to the chase and asked him what he liked to read. He had me at Sartre. #notinenglish

Lindy Great how-we-met story! 8y
LeahBergen I love that you can tell people that "nausea" brought you together! ?? I love this story. 8y
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Alfoster Too cute!! 8y
Louise Great story! 👍🌟💕 8y
ValerieAndBooks Love at first Sartre!! Cool story 😊 8y
UwannaPublishme 😊👍🏻 8y
Hobbinol @Louise and @Fern Thank you! Literature makes true bonds! 8y
Hobbinol @LeahBergen 😂And who'd have thought of a happy ending to an existential conversation under the twirling lights of a disco ball! 8y
Hobbinol @Lindy Thanks! Proves how enduring literature is (I say some 30 years later)! 8y
Hobbinol @ValerieAndBooks Thank you! Although I don't make a habit of philosophical discourse at discotheques!🙂 8y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre

So much talk about existentialism happening around me, so I'm reading the father on this school of thought

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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Slightly late from helping my parents move! For #onewordtitles I've picked this which has been on my TBR for ages, I might try and get round to it next month if there's time! #photoadaynov16

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Currently reading this beautiful book. It's really interesting but a little bit hard to understand. I'm going to take it slow with this one so I can really think about the deep message it has.

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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Still on the topic of overthinking, here is a man who reflects on his own existence and just drives himself crazy without knowing it. The more he learns, the more it gets... nauseating. Reading for reference so I'll know when to pause thinking myself. (If it is at all possible? -and here comes another thought...) #Currentread #PhotoADayNov16

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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Existentialism really changed my life this year. I read a lot of it but Sartre is the best thing that happened to me so far.
Spent wonderful hours looking forward to meeting Anny.

La Nausee | Jean-Paul Sartre
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MrBook Oh wow, that is so cool!!! 8y
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Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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Happy Birthday to one of my favorite philosophers, Jean-Paul Sartre. "I cling to each instant with all my heart: I know that it is unique, irreplaceable - and yet I would not raise a finger to stop it from being annihilated." - Nausea

Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre
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No reason for existing... I suppose, Monsieur, you mean that life has no object. Isn't that what people call pessimism?

Zakia You've got such good books on here... I approve! :) 8y
anushareflects @Zakia Thanks so much! :) 8y
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