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A Voice in the Wind
A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
This classic series has already inspired nearly 2 million readers, but both loyal fans and new readers will want this 20th anniversary edition of a Christian classic, which includes a foreword from the publisher, a letter from and Q & A with Francine Rivers, color map, an illustrated glossary, and discussion questions suitable for personal and group use.The first book in the bestselling Mark of the Lion series, A Voice in the Wind brings readers back to the first century and introduces them to a character they will never forgetHadassah. Torn by her love for a handsome aristocrat, this young slave girl clings to her faith in the living God for deliverance from the forces of decadent Rome.
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Great descriptive writing! Love how this book follows three different characters. I‘m excited to jump into book number two in this trilogy.

A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Every time I read this series, I love it even more 💜

A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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I have read The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers at least three times before. This will be my fourth time. This series remains in my top favourites books of all time. Phenomenal books!!

jdiehr So good! 3y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers

This is hands down my favorite book of all time. I yearn to be like hadassah. She is so strong mentally. Also the character development with Marcus is amazing.

A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Stoked to start this series #bookworm

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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Wow, this book is incredible. I think I forgot to breathe at times. I was invested in every character on the page. ❤

JulAnna Such a good series! 💕 6y
Lizzybennetgirl Yes it is! I‘m two books in and I absolutely love it. Hadassah is such an inspiring character... and so unlike other Christian romance heroines. 5y
Rachbb3 @Lizzybennetgirl True, it's a beautiful and unique series. 5y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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1. Tough one!! Maybe J.K. or Francine Rivers.. C.S. Lewis if we are taking just the works of the author and not the author himself. Bc he‘s dead.
2. The Oh Hello‘s
3. Definitely tea!

GarthRanzz I meant works but everyone seems to have taken it as the real thing for both one and two. 😊 Either way works. 6y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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1. I‘m not much of a crier. I tagged the most memorable assumed death.
2. Polka dots. Unless it‘s on a scarf.
3. Cheese.. I‘ve never had gravy on my fries. I think its a UK/Canadian thing??? I‘m assuming this means brown gravy. I‘ve dipped my fries in white gravy.. I may be over explaining.. again.
4. I‘m from Texas. I say coke. If i were forced to choose it would be soda. I‘ve never said pop.

SpeculativeFemale Gravy fries might be a more northern thing. They're not as popular here in Pennsylvania as when I was a kid, but a lot of the older restaurants still offer them. Newer places seem to tend more toward cheese fries. 7y
Melissa_J Gravy on fries with cheese curds is called poutine and is a very popular Canadian dish. I actually haven‘t heard of just gravy on fries, around here it‘s always poutine. 7y
Sharpeipup @Ke633 Fries with country gravy & a Coke....Yes please! Yum! 7y
Ke633 I would definitely try poutine!! 7y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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This was an amazing book. The author pulls you into this story! It‘s a great book of faith, perseverance and surviving persecution in Roman times.

Foragingfantasy I loved it too. Tho I wanted to shake Hadassah more than once. 7y
BrieT2016 Lol! I wanted to shake Julia! 7y
Foragingfantasy @BrieT2016 yes. Her too. 7y
Lizzybennetgirl Haha Julia. Definitely Julia! 5y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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#FriYayIntro @jess.how
1. 👍🏼😂🙄
2. I tend to recommend specific books rather than authors but probably Sir AC Doyle, CS Lewis, and Francine Rivers maybe..
3. Going to Austin for a girls shopping weekend.
4. I am the baby. I have 1 older brother... @collecttolkien
5. Ok... but don‘t be mad at me when I 🙄. 😬

TrishB 😀👍❤ 7y
FictionFox 😂❤️💃🏼 7y
BookwormAHN 😸🤘🦄 7y
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hes7 😂👍🏻🎉 7y
Caterina Yesss I love C.S. Lewis! 7y
UwannaPublishme 🤗🙌🏻🏖 7y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Just finished reading these again and no matter what.. I cry at the end. I've had these books for over 10 years and I've read them all the way through at least 7 times and I still tear up.

A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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LauraBeth One of THE most recommended books to me ever is Redeeming Love by her 8y
underthebelljar @LauraBeth I haven't read it yet but it does seems to be the favorite by her. The Mark of the Lion series is great though! 8y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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#photoadaynov16 #novembertbr
I failed at keeping up with the October photo challenge so giving it another shot for November! 👍
I don't usually plan out the books I'm going to read in a month. But at the moment my goal is to get through this stack that I borrowed from the library. Currently reading the top two. 📚

A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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I realize Calabah is supposed to be the evil temptress, but for realsies she is the only character who actually makes plans to get what she wants. Everybody else just lets life roll all over them. It'd be nice to show that making plans for your life does not automatically make you bad or unvirtuous.

A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Wants to kiss her...but knows next to nothing about her...and it's not lust? Color me skeptical.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds interesting... 8y
BookFreakOut @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'm happy to report that he has finally come to his senses and realized that what he wanted would actually be rape. Although now his new tactic is to tear down her faith so she'll consent without worrying about her purity. He's a work in progress, to say the least. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookFreakOut It sounds that way, your posts make me want to see how this turns out.... and what other 'romance' novel troupes he might pass through on the way.... 8y
BookFreakOut @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Well, she had to be on death's doorstep before he realized her faith is more than a smokescreen. This book is a classic example of Christian women's fiction (I am Christian btw): woman is the picture of humility and suffers hardship gracefully, has virtually no flaws and will undoubtedly be rewarded with God-given love and blessings in the end. Good book, good representation of the faith but predictable for the genre. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookFreakOut Non-practicing Christian here too, but not a big reader of Christian fiction...hopefully your story gets better as it goes, and although I'm not a reader of Christian fiction, I'm sorry it has set patterns of its own. 8y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Roman hunk of hotness doesn't force young Christian slave to sleep with him despite the fact that he can barely keep it in his pants. Give the boy a prize. 🙄

WordWaller Lolllllz this book has issues. I read it when I was 12 though and LOVED it 🙄 8y
BookFreakOut @WordWaller I'm enjoying it, but I chatted with a friend about how "not being a rapist" is so often used as a gold star of virtue in books, so now I can't help but notice it. ? The bar is set so low sometimes that normal behavior is all of a sudden a paragon of goodness! 8y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Reacquainting myself with Hadassah and company for the first time in seven years or so and the first paragraph did not disappoint - immediate immersion into the turmoil. I loved this series in high school, hoping it holds up as beautifully as I remember it!

SaraFair I had a hard time with the death, and bailed. Some good folks recommended it to me, and I really want to try it again another time. 8y
ElyssaReads There are some difficult parts to read for sure from what I remember and the few chapters I've read again so far - they can be hard to read especially in certain seasons of life. I recommend giving them another try if you're willing - once you get past the rough parts it's a very hopeful story! 8y
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A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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She then walked up to me, licked my nose, and whined. My puppy is not an outside puppy.

A Voice in the Wind | Francine Rivers
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Why is it only in darkness that we remember what sustained us even in the light?