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The Horse Whisperer | Nicholas Evans
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#AnglophileApril #CarelessWhisper

Perhaps not a careless whisper, but horse sense and the grieving process can act as whispers of healing.

Cinfhen My SIL hired a SLEEP WHISPERER to get her kids to sleep on a schedule when their kids were 6 months old 🙄 I love my brother & his wife BUT...although her kids did sleep through the night early on😴 5y
Reviewsbylola Love this pic. 😍 5y
Reviewsbylola And omg 😂😂😂 @Cinfhen Maybe I should have tried that. 🤔 I‘m sure the sleep whisperer would not have approved of Florence sleeping in our bed until the age of 3. 😂 5y
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Cinfhen We STILL give them shit over the SLEEP WHISPERER @Reviewsbylola but her oldest who is 10 is a really GOOD sleeper 😂😂😂 5y
Leftcoastzen Love Breyer horses! 5y
Mdargusch Love this photo! 🐎 I sure wish there was a sleep whisperer when my kids were little! 5y
iread2much @Leftcoastzen I have a whole collection from when I was a kid 5y
CrowCAH @Leftcoastzen I only have a handful of Breyer horses, I have more Grand Champions! 🐎 5y
CrowCAH @iread2much neat; they‘re very good quality with such detail! 🐴 5y
iread2much @CrowCAH totally! I‘m hoping one of my nieces will be horse crazy and then she can have them. 😄 5y
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Collected Poems | Edna St. Vincent Millay
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From “Sonnet XXVII”

“I know I am but summer to your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year.”

📙: https://m.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/i-know-i-am-summer-your-heart-sonnet-xxvii

#AnglophileApril | 17: #CarelessWhisper

📷: Made with Typorama & PhotoGrid

MoonWitch94 Beautiful 5y
Cinfhen Wow! I just love everything about this post 💕💕💕 5y
erzascarletbookgasm This collage and quote 👌💯 5y
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Mdargusch Lovely! 💗 5y
Reviewsbylola ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
emilyhaldi ☀️ 5y
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Written in Blood | Diane Fanning
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Remember this book and The Staircase? I knew I had seen a picture many times of Mike and Kathleen dancing. I wonder if his guilty feet have got no rhythm? Is he ever going to dance again? The way he danced with yoooouuuu? 😂😂

I love #carelesswhisper! Strangely enough, I listened to it a lot in college in Durham. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #anglophileapril

emilyhaldi I haven‘t stopped thinking about the Staircase since I watched it!!!!!!!!! 5y
Cinfhen They looked so happy back then. What a terrible story. 5y
Megabooks @emilyhaldi I only stopped thinking about it after I both watched The Staircase AND read this book. It brought back the old familiar confusion I had after it happened so I just moved out of my head. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen it is. I watch My 600 lb Life and the people on it really believe themselves when the say they don‘t eat that much. They erase pizzas and ice cream and focus on the orange they once ate. They forget that they (for real) ate $30 of McDonald‘s at one meal and say they can‘t afford healthy food. My point is that people can make themselves forget things. I wonder if mike pushed back the murder so far he doesn‘t think he actually did it. (edited) 5y
Megabooks @emilyhaldi @Cinfhen I really can‘t believe I just used My 600 lb Life in an intelligent discussion. #guiltypleasure 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!!! And here I was thinking THAT was VERY PROFOUND! 🙌🏻💕😂 5y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I try! Lol 😉😘 5y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I just couldn‘t stop thinking how hard it is to spend $30 at McDonald‘s!! I mean it was 2 double quarter pounder meals, 20 piece nugget, cookies, and a shake! I mean, for f**** sake! I was totally gobsmacked. Then she goes to Dr. Now and says she eats grapes and crackers. As you can tell, I needed to get this out! 5y
LauraJ @Megabooks I‘m glad you got it out. I‘m very amused by this whole thread. 😸 5y
Megabooks @LauraJ lol! 😂 I‘m glad. Sometimes I get a little punch-drunk when I‘m up late and finally get the house to myself!! 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha!!! I might need to watch a few episodes 5y
Megabooks @Cinfhen It‘s an interesting program. I‘m always rooting for them to lose weight, but sometimes their excuses are just absurd. There was a good one recently where the man lost half his body weight and made peace with his abusive father. Then there‘s this shady therapist that makes me angry because she seems to bring up the worst parts of their lives for ratings. The worst was when Dr. Now verbally berated a mentally unstable woman that made me cry 5y
Cinfhen Some of those scenarios sound abusive😢I‘m always curious what motivates a person to go on national TV and subject themselves. 5y
EadieB @Megabooks @Cinfhen Love your discussion about My 600 lb. life! Never saw the show but I‘ll have to check it out! Back to Michael - he definitely is totally in denial about murdering these women. I keep thinking about the control he had over the girls even after he killed their mother! Wicked man! 5y
Cinfhen He really is a wicked man @EadieB I almost forgot about those poor girls 5y
Reviewsbylola That brings a whole new level of creepiness to the song. 😆 5y
Mdargusch Great tie in! 5y
Megabooks @EadieB @Cinfhen I had temporarily forgotten about Margaret and Martha too! I feel terrible for them!! 😢😢 Cindy - regarding the show, they get a pittance of money, but they do get free medical care as long as they‘re being filmed. (There are follow-up shows where they get loose skin removed.) Many have been turned away from other drs for being too large or have Medicaid that won‘t pay, so they see this as their only option. ☹️ 5y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola Right? I always thought this was one of the stranger George Michael songs. 5y
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There's always some drama where Mapp & Lucia are involved... Usually provoked by some #carelesswhisper (s) around town. But I can't complain, their drama is FUN!

Reviewsbylola M&L are the perfect pair for this prompt! Well played! 5y
Mdargusch So perfect for this prompt! 5y
emilyhaldi Wow thanks guys I really struggled with this one 😂😅 @Reviewsbylola @Mdargusch 5y
Cinfhen Never read M&L but the peanut gallery approvals😆 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
LeahBergen I‘m saving these last two of the series! 5y
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Whispers | Dean R. Koontz
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I am 100% certain this book does not reflect George Michaels song #carelesswhisper #anglophileapril

Reviewsbylola 😆😆😆 surely not! 5y
emilyhaldi Truth!! 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!! 5y
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Music For Chameleons | Truman Capote
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#AnglophileApril #CarelessWhisper You better be careful what you say to Truman , it might end up in one of his books.There is debate as to if the non - fiction in this book is really fiction or embellished gossip.I love his writing but his love of the party scene and his various addictions probably kept him from writing more,would there have been another great novel?I wonder....

TrishB Also a Gary Numan song https://youtu.be/f7K62hTCJVY 5y
TrishB You‘re welcome 😁❤️ 5y
Leftcoastzen @TrishB That was great ! He is so young , looks 12 years old. 5y
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TrishB 😁 he‘s 24 there. Love this clip. 5y
Reviewsbylola I would love to have the chance for a gossip sesh with Truman!! 5y
emilyhaldi Yes!!! 5y
Cinfhen Fabulous pick!!!! Did u read this book?? Capote is a character and he‘s SUCH A GOSSIP!!!! 5y
Leftcoastzen @Cinfhen that book sounds good! Hope you have a wonderful Passover. 5y
Cinfhen Thanks so much @Leftcoastzen can‘t believe it‘s another Passover.... 5y
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A Company of Swans | Eva Ibbotson
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#CarelessWhisper makes me think of dancing, and this is one of the most memorable books I‘ve read that featured dancing. It‘s an odd book but I quite enjoyed it at the time, and for some reason it has stuck with me ever since 💃🏽


Reviewsbylola I like the connection! 5y
Mdargusch Nice! 💙 5y
emilyhaldi 💃🏻 5y
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Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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Some might call them hauntings, others might say it is just a #carelesswhisper. But whatever you call it, Cathy sure knows how to get the attention of the men she wants to torment, and it doesn‘t matter much if she‘s alive or not 👻


Mdargusch Lovely photo! 5y
BarbaraBB Well played! 5y
Reviewsbylola Perfect! 5y
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Cinfhen Oooohhh, good choice and beautiful edition 5y
emilyhaldi Love your photo 😍😍😍 and this book! 5y
RohitSawant Great pick! 5y
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