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This was funny, clever, and full of Lord Peter‘s “piffle”—this time put to useful purpose as he goes undercover at an ad agency to investigate a suspicious death. I loved the spot-on caricatures of office personalities, as well as Lord Peter‘s various small “tells”! The mystery was also satisfying—other than one trope at the end that I hate. (Another belated review for a December read!) #CloakandDaggerChristmas - classic mystery #SeriesLove2023

Ruthiella Awesome 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄I‘ve read this before but honestly, other than the ad job, remember nothing about the plot. 9mo
willaful One of my favorites. 9mo
batsy I enjoyed this a lot, too. 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 9mo
BarbaraJean @Ruthiella I find that to be the case for me with so many murder mysteries! I guess that adds to the re-read value when I can‘t remember who the murderer was😏 9mo
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The Christmas Guest | Peter Swanson
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My library hold just came in 😆. This will be perfect for a cozy festive read.. from the English country house, village pub to Christmas meals, it‘s a great holiday read, with a murder (or more) thrown in! It‘s a quick, engrossing and fun read, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Ruthiella I‘m hanging on to this for next year. Hoping to do #CloakandDaggerChristmas again! 9mo
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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A few more #wintergames wrap-ups. #snowangels

For the #CloakandDaggerChristmas challenge, I completed 7 prompts, though 2 of them were finished a few days after the Dec. 25 deadline. Thanks to @Ruthiella for hosting!

Thanks to @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES for the extended #rushathon readathon. I managed to read 76 books during the 4 months.

kwmg40 #BookSpinBingo was fun as usual, though I didn't finish either my #BookSpin or #DoubleSpin book. But I did get a bingo! @TheAromaofBooks

I loved doing the #CandylandReadathon and got 3 badges in addition to a couple of bingos! Thank you @Catsandbooks for hosting!
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Great month!! 9mo
Ruthiella Great work! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 9mo
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DieAReader Fantastic! 9mo
Andrew65 This is brilliant, well done 👏👏👏🙌🎊🎉🥳 9mo
Catsandbooks Awesome job! 👏🏼❄️🍭🎉❤️ Thanks for participating! 9mo
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My #firstlast #lastfirst books for 2023. The tagged book was also one of my #CloakAndDaggerChristmas picks.

Ruthiella Excellent work! 🎄💀🔪🎅🏻 10mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I am an avid mystery reader so it is no surprise that I fulfilled 6/8 prompts. 7 & 8 I did not get to.
Thanks @Ruthiella - This was such a fun challenge!

tpixie Great job! 10mo
Ruthiella Well done! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 10mo
LeahBergen Nicely done! 10mo
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I read 4/8 for #CloakandDaggerChristmas - enjoyed trying this out this year - now that it's on my radar I will definitely try again. Added some good reads to my TBR - Thanks for hosting @Ruthiella -

#WinterGames #GangstaWrappers

Make a great day everyone 🥳

Ruthiella Awesome job! 🎄💀🔪🎅🏻 10mo
bthegood @Ruthiella thx - it was fun 💀☃️ (edited) 10mo
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Ruthiella Nice work! 🎄💀🔪🎅🏻 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 10mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 10mo
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A Small Death in Lisbon | Robert Wilson
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This is a complex and gripping mystery/thriller spanning two timelines that eventually merge. Some parts are quite disturbing and graphic, but I enjoyed learning more about Portugal's history in the second half of the 20th century.

I chose this book for the “wartime mystery“ prompt of #CloakAndDaggerChristmas. @Ruthiella

#wintergames #snowangels #longdarknights @Emilymdxn

BookmarkTavern Sounds intense! 10mo
PuddleJumper ❄️❄️ 10mo
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Ruthiella Awesome! I love it when I learn things from fiction. 🎄💀🔪🎅🏻 10mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Catsandbooks ❄️🍭❤️ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
Emilymdxn ❄️❄️❄️ 10mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 10mo
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The Maid | Nita Prose
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I enjoyed this cozy mystery featuring Molly the Maid. It was fun and charming with great characters. I liked all the twists and turns, though I have to admit that some of the surprises revealed at the end made the story a bit implausible.

I chose this book for the “published in 2022“ prompt of #CloakAndDaggerChristmas, though I didn't quite finish by Dec. 25.. @Ruthiella

#wintergames #snowangels #brightcolddays @Emilymdxn

Ruthiella Aw, we‘ll let the timing slide! 😉 Nice work! 🎄💀🔪🎅🏻 10mo
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This is the last book I managed for #CloakAndDaggerChristmas for the "child detectives" prompt & it's an utter delight. It's a fictional reimagining of Agatha Christie as a young sleuth, with the inspiration for her creation of Hercule Poirot depicted as her childhood friend & partner in crime(-busting), Hector Perot. The 20th-century setting is beautifully-realised, the characters are lovable but not cutesy, & the mystery is solid. I enjoyed it!

Ruthiella Sounds good! 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄 I‘ll keep this series on tap for when I need to read some middle grade fiction. 10mo
batsy @Ruthiella The second one is Christmas themed, apparently! Considering how I get distracted by other books I'm hoping I'll get to it next December 😆 10mo
Ruthiella @batsy Sounds like a perfect excuse to keep it for next year! 😂 10mo
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