I thought this would be much harder than it actually once. As soon as I thought about it, my answer was obvious:
1) Agatha Christie
2) L.M. Montgomery
3) Michael Crichton
I thought this would be much harder than it actually once. As soon as I thought about it, my answer was obvious:
1) Agatha Christie
2) L.M. Montgomery
3) Michael Crichton
Aargh! No, only 3?!? Err I'll go with Ian Irvine to escape into the amazing worlds he creates, Charles Dickens so I can rediscover his books again and Jane Green for some lighter reads (Jemima J will always be a fav)
#DesertIslandBooks #ReadersLiveAThousandLives #EscapeWithABook #Reading #BookNerd #BookWorm #BookLover #Readers #Books #LetMeRead #Staycation #BeachReads
1. Arthur Conan Doyle
2. Lee Childs
3. Robert Heinlein
I'd also like all of James Patterson's books. I'd need something to build bonfires with lol.
I do not even remember where I first saw this, but I know I wanted to share it here anyway!
I would probably pick JRR Tolkien, Tamora Pierce, and Terry Pratchett. What about you?
Eight of my chosen titles are longtime favorites. The last two are wildcard books, which I‘ve never read. I know, I know. It‘s risky! What if I don‘t like them? But I think I need the anticipation & hope that comes from the unknown. If I‘d only put one unread book on the list, I think I‘d place too much importance on it. It might be too riddled with pressure to be enjoyable. With two, the weight can be shared.
Does anyone else think about the books they would want with them if they were stranded on a desert island or is that just me? Here‘s the 10 I would want. I think 10 is a good number - you get some variety but you also have to choose. What would you choose? 🏝#desertislandbooks
It‘s National Book Lovers Day so it seemed the perfect time to ask this very difficult question!! #desertislandbooks
#EmojiNov #day2 #🏝📚 #DesertIslandBooks Exactly how big a suitcase can I take with me? Coz if I can't take the whole Wheel Of Time series, every Discworld novel, all my Harry Potters & every Dame Agatha book she's written, I ain't goin! 💗💚❤️💜💛💙