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Chapter Twelve 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Can't discuss without spoilers but oh my gosh 😲😲
Head spinning
And I haven't even finished the chapter 😅

Soubhiville Oh yeah, this one had some great reveals! Enjoy! 2d
RaeLovesToRead @Soubhiville MIND.... BLOWN 2d
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A Reaper at the Gates | Sabaa Tahir
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Eggs Beautiful 🖤🐍💙 5d
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Book mail 📚😊

Witch King | Martha Wells
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My current Libro.fm audiobook choice. I'm loving it so far.

Eye of the World | Robert Jordan
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I bought the first two box sets (books 1-6) of The #Wheel of Time several years ago & have yet to read a single one. This is the most intimidating series I own. Not only because of how long the series is (14 books) but I always hear about the slog, which seems to vary. Some people say it is one book & others say it's two, or three (& in the same breath say “but it was worth powering through“ lol). I do want to read it, or at least attempt it.

persephone1408 My stepmom bought me the whole series a few years ago and I haven‘t started one yet either. 5d
Eggs Perhaps the movie version would be an alternative to the slog 5d
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Twainy I want to read this series too … I‘m also very afraid … the slog … the length … the description of women‘s clothes … 5d
vivastory @persephone1408 Have you watched the show? 4d
vivastory @Eggs Good idea! 4d
vivastory @Twainy I agree. But I am also curious to give it a shot bc for years I had heard basically the same thing about Moby Dick. People constantly complained about all of the whaling minutiae. It is now one of mf favorites of all-time. 4d
Twainy Don‘t make me read that whale book 😆 I must own it …. 4d
jitteryjane724 For me the slog started around book 7 or 8. But I'm still glad I'm working on it! The first few are quite good so if you're on the fence you should go for it! Don't get overwhelmed at the beginning, just keep going lol 4d
persephone1408 @vivastory I watched season 1 4d
vivastory @jitteryjane724 Thanks for your feedback! 1d
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Not really sure why this picture was used but good info 😊🙌🏽

The Tyranny of Faith | Richard Swan
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Alas, I‘m gonna bail on THE TYRANNY OF FAITH at 32%. It‘s the right book for a plot-driven reader, or for one who really connects with the characters, but it‘s the wrong book for me. I‘m bored and frustrated more often than I‘m entertained, and I feel like certain of Swan‘s storytelling decisions destroy the tension. If I had stronger emotions about these characters, I‘d probably have the opposite take. Since I don‘t, I‘m out. 😔

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 + 🖤🐾🖤 6d
LiteraryinLawrence Sounds like you gave it ample time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ On to better things! 6d
xicanti @LiteraryinLawrence it was also the sequel to a book I rather liked but didn‘t love. A pretty big chunk of the time, I approach a book like that and find the issues that kept me at a distance in the first volume are resolved in the second, but here the author doubled down on them. Sadness. 6d
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A unique magic system and excellent world-building undergird this dark academia fantasy about colonialism and complicity that follows the first female highmage of Tiran and the Kwen janitor her peers assign her as an assistant as the two uncover the shocking truth behind magic. As brilliant as I found Blood Over Bright Haven, it was also a bit predictable and very heavy-handed. Babel Jr.—a less subtle little sibling to one of my favorite books.

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