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Subtitled "Wild Swims From the Borderlands", this has been on my TBR for a long, long time. Maybe 2021 is the year I finally read it! Anyone else have those long-haul TBRs you just never seem to get around to? #InTheWild #WindsOfMarch

JamieArc I can‘t resist books about swimming! We‘ll see how long I can wait before I purchase this... 4y
Andrea313 @JamieArc "Books About Swimming" sounds like a new genre I need to get into! Do you have a favorite or two to recommend? 4y
JamieArc @Andrea313 Why yes I do! I‘ll tag them. 4y
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JamieArc This is fiction, but surrounds a public pool. It got me through a period during the pandemic when I couldn‘t swim and was craving it. 4y
JamieArc I really enjoyed this memoir 4y
JamieArc This was a recent non-fiction book. I really liked it. 4y
JamieArc Lastly, I just read Wintering by Katherine May, and in different parts she talks about swimming, and those parts have stuck with me. 4y
Andrea313 @JamieArc Wow, thank you for all of these recommendations! I'm adding them to my wish list now. ❤️📚🏊 4y
Eggs Excellent 📚👏🏻📚 4y
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#inthewild #windsofmarch

This sweet book promotes walking in nature to find all the little miracles, starting with a nature quote by John Muir

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#WindsOfMarch Day 19: Zora Neale Hurston lived much of her young life #InTheWild, jumping at the sun as her mother advised. There is joyful exuberance depicted here as she catches one story after another, and transforms them in her own unique way, making the stories hers. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-n7Y

Eggs Stacked - I love picture book recommendations 4y
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My current read, which takes place in a different sort of wild, #InTheWild (of my back yard). 😃

#readathon #deweyjuly

Jerdencon I'm almost done with this.... I'm liking it and think I'll read the next in the series. 6y
sprainedbrain @Jerdencon I‘m glad to hear that! I‘m just getting started. 6y
Bette Loved this. ❤️👍 6y
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jlondon1963 I loved this story! 6y
ravenlee Very good, although I felt it took a while to get the story really rolling. Second book picks up a little faster. 6y
Quirkybookworm Beautiful Russian folklore story!! I love love love it! 6y
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This will be our #BotmBuddyRead next month!! We hope you guys can join us!!!

Also this is my first sunflower 🌻❤️

AmyG I will be there. I am listening to this month‘s book. Maybe I can finish by the last week? I‘ll try. 6y
lahousewyfe Loved this one! 6y
Hollie Lovely! Kansas is full of sunflowers this time of year 🌻🌻🌻 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG yay!!! 💗💗💗 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @lahousewyfe awesome!! Join us if you can!!! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Hollie thank you!! I bet it‘s beautiful 🌻💕 6y
mrp27 Great picture! 6y
RebelReader If I can get it used or from the library I will try and join you. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @mrp27 thank you!! 💕 6y
Trashcanman Beautiful picture ❤️ 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👍📚 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego 😂 tapped on the wrong name. Oops. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Trashcanman thank you George 🌻☺️! How are you? 6y
Trashcanman @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks the same, I know people here must be sick of hearing it but it really changes so often. I'm sleeping more than I should be but I start vacation next Thursday so hopefully that helps. How are you? 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Trashcanman no one is sick of hearing!! We are here for you! I hope the vacation helps! I am ok... adjusting to being divorced 😱 Time heals all wounds right? 6y
Trashcanman @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks oh my, I never know what to say in these instances. I hope you adjust well and quickly. I hope the wounds heal fast as well. Time and I don't get along, time is a callous indifferent S.O.B. Hope your children are doing well with that also. 🤗 (((hugs))) 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Trashcanman thank you!! ❤️🤗 (edited) 6y
janeycanuck This one is on my list! Count me in. Also, pretty sunflower! There was a farm near where I grew up that always had a field of sunflowers and I used to love passing it when they were all in bloom 🌻🌻🌻 6y
BiblioLitten Omg! A sunflower. I love them so much. Hardly find them though.🌻 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @janeycanuck yay!!!! Thank you!! This is my first one!! 🌻 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @BiblioLitten 🌻🌻❤️❤️ 6y
Andrew65 I should be able to join in as on holiday (providing I have a WiFi signal) but am only able to get hold of an audiobook so will have to do it in that format, didn‘t spoil my enjoyment of An American Marriage though. (edited) 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Andrew65 yay!!! Where are you going?! We missed you this month!!! 6y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Still writing my reports, got 43 left to go - and one week left of school. Missed everybody, hoping I will be able to read the current book in the last week of July and chime in for the last discussion. 🤞 We are most probably going to Northern Scotland, nothing firmly planned yet. We just head off in our motor home looking for a sea to overlook and read. Can‘t wait! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Andrew65 this month‘s book is so good!!! Ohhhh I‘m so jealous!! Post pics because I‘m going to live vicariously through you!! Have fun!! ☺️ 6y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks and will do! I look forward to getting to it next week. 6y
Andrew65 Just downloaded the audiobook. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Andrew65 yay!! We have missed you!! 6y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks And I‘ve missed all of you!!!! Will be back up and running at the end of this week, and already started The Broken Girls so watch me play catch up! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Andrew65 good deal!!! 🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻 6y
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Kings of the Wyld | Nicholas Eames
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#DeweyJuly #InTheWild

This debut author released Kings Of The Wyld last year featuring a ragtag group of adventurers that have passed their prime but have to get the band back together one more time.

Light hearted and full of humour they trek across the wild. The sequel, Bloody Rose, comes out next month. ❤️🏃‍♂️❤️


SilversReviews Love the basil. 6y
LeahBergen Your basil is looking nice. 👍🏻 6y
Lynnsoprano Your basil looks nice and healthy. 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @SilversReviews @LeahBergen @Lynnsoprano thanks all. Usually, since I'm in the Canadian Prairies, I just grow my herbs indoors, but this year I'm trying some outdoors growing over the summer to see how it goes. So far so good. 👌 6y
SilversReviews @GrilledCheeseSamurai I grow mine in pots on the porch so the critters and the deer won‘t eat them. 6y
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I haven't taken part in a photo challenge for a while but here goes #inthewild for
#readathon #deweyjuly

ladym30 Lovely photo! 6y
MayJasper Thanks 😊 @ladym30 6y
RadicalReader @MayJasper your wonderful description couldn‘t be any more accurate!!! 6y
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The Wild Things | Dave Eggers
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#hopintospring #inthewild

Hmm... I'm not sure I want to venture into the wild with this Where The Wild Things Are adaptation. Anyone read it?

RaimeyGallant Nope. 6y
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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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I read this in HS. It's the story of Chris McCanliss and how he went on a journey to find himself and a new meaning to life #InTheWild. Unfortunately, I'll luck befalls and his body is found by a moose hunter. I need to go back and revisit this book at some point. #HopIntoSpring @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

AshleyHoss820 I have this on my TBR! It sounds interesting...and sad... 6y
vkois88 @AshleyHoss820 I can't really remember much about it in detail, but it definitely was an interesting story. I'll probably read it over again to refresh my memory, and then watch the movie adaptation. 6y
AshleyHoss820 @vkois88 I may have to move it up my TBR pile and do the same! 😊 6y
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Eggs Have read several x. His sister wrote a book as well about Chris and the family 6y
StephanieGeiser I haven‘t read the book yet but I really enjoyed the movie! 6y
vkois88 @StephanieGeiser thanks, that's good to know!! I've been wondering. Now I can watch it without worrying about how bad it'll be 😊 @eggs I haven't read that one! I remember hearing about it briefly but never picked it up 6y
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This is our current family read aloud, a tale of Bluebear‘s lives #inthewild of Zamonia. I love the amazing vocabulary it exposes them to, and the kids loves the giggle-inducing silliness of it all. Great stuff in spite of its 700 pages, lol.

vkois88 That cover is too cute!! 6y
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