This morning #JulesGsMaking roast peppers. Why anyone would do that in the oven is beyond me, I like to char the peppers on the hob.
Listening to this hilarious romcom. Easy listening material when doing chores.
This morning #JulesGsMaking roast peppers. Why anyone would do that in the oven is beyond me, I like to char the peppers on the hob.
Listening to this hilarious romcom. Easy listening material when doing chores.
#audiobooks are my best kitchen help.
Today #JulesGsMaking some sort of mixed pickles. Also, avocado stones ready to go into soil. And there'll be fruit salad tomorrow - without the spring onions, of course.
In another episode of #JulesGsMaking: my wasp/insect/tick repellent balm and I cleaned the kitchen drawers - inside and outside.
Good thing I'm home alone at the moment, I laughed out loud several times.
#OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead
Today's adventure in my kitchen - I should make a # out if this, like @MrBook.
#JulesGsMaking Blueberry jam. After having blueberry pancakes for breakfast there were enough berries left for a jar of jam. Since I'm not a waster, I made jam.
Now, I'm making a wasp repellent balm: macadamia nut oil, beeswax, lavender and peppermint essential oils.
I love #audiobooks.