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Gissy Yes!📚📚📚📚🙌 2y
Cupcake12 Love it 😂 2y
Wesleypaker Hello how are you doing today ? 2y
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hannah-leeloo Hey friend @Wesleypaker I'm ok thank you, yourself? 2y
Wesleypaker I‘m doing great thanks 2y
Wesleypaker It‘s a pleasure to meet you here I‘m Wesley 2y
hannah-leeloo Everyone is lovely here. What books do you like? @Wesleypaker 2y
Wesleypaker I think like a lot of books like None fiction , Have you read the book “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” ? 2y
Wesleypaker Where are you from ? 2y
hannah-leeloo I haven't read that one no. @Wesleypaker I'm from the UK. 2y
Wesleypaker Ok Well I‘m originally from NYC but currently in Moscow Russia working as a doctor how about you? 2y
hannah-leeloo Erm... I work with animals @Wesleypaker 2y
Wesleypaker Wow nice Are you married do you have any kids? 2y
hannah-leeloo @Wesleypaker this is a book club app, it's slightly uncomfortable that you've only added the women and no book posts. We have groups for personal chats when wished 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Wesleypaker just a friendly reminder that this is a social media site for people who love books. I‘ve noticed you commenting on multiple ladies posts and this is not a dating site. There are plenty of those to choose from and this isn‘t the place for that. Thank you. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @hannah-leeloo ❤️❤️ 2y
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This reminded me of me and my sister @CymbaX13 I'm sure it was just a tap lol. 🤣🤣🤣 #litsyhumour #booklove

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So many times I've wanted to do this!! Who has anyone else wanted to save?❓️? 🤔 happy reading and weekend everyone 📖❤️📚 @TheWolfbehindTheEyes #litsyhumour #protect #characterdeath #save

TheWolfbehindTheEyes There are to many to count but I'd bring back remus so he cannot he'll teddy through the difficulties of being a wizard werewolf 2y
Blerdgal_Fenix This is totally me 2y
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Cupcake12 Love this 🤣 2y
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Wilder Than Midnight | Cerrie Burnell
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So I got this new book rest I wish to share with you. I've very comfortable and warm. Angles the wrist just right for holding your book and even has a massaging purr function. I highly recommend just takes good batteries. #litsyhumour #catsoflitsy #readingpet #readingbuddy

Yuki_Onna 😂😂😂 I'll have one! Where can I order? 🤔 2y
Prairiegirl_reading If only they were hypo-allergenic! 😞 2y
TNbookworm 😻 2y
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ShyBookOwl Lol! 2y
hannah-leeloo I'm also allergic @Prairiegirl_reading have to take antihistamines every morning lol. Oh and @Yuki_Onna they follow you back from the shops lol, free delivery 😅🤣 2y
Ruthiella 😹Also doubles as a bed warmer in winter! 2y
hannah-leeloo Multipurpose! 🙀 @Ruthiella what a bargain! 2y
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Me last night and many many other nights before haha. #litsyhumour #readingtruth

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2y
julesG My right now. 🙈🙈🙈 2y
julesG Thanks, autocorrect. That was supposed to be a "me". 2y
SW-T 😂😂😂 2y
hannah-leeloo I'm half asleep @julesG I read it right haha 2y
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#litsyhumour #litsymemes Happy reading and weekend everyone 📖 ❤ 📚

jewright I smack myself in the face all the time. 2y
melzen Happy weekend 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Mine hits the hardwood floor! My daughter used to hear it fall and she would come and pick it up, take my glasses off, and turn off the lamp… I miss her not being home as much 💔 2y
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Cupcake12 True words 🤣 2y
hannah-leeloo What a beautiful memory @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @hannah-leeloo thank you ❤️ 2y
Christyco125 I have definitely given myself a few bumps doing that. 🤕 2y
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@TheWolfbehindTheEyes @CymbaX13 reminds me of when you take me book shopping lol 🤣 you will never catch meeeeee #litsyhumour #bookshopping #lol #bookworm happy reading and weekend everyone 📖❤📚

suvata Lol 😂 2y
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2y
jimfields3 Truth! 2y
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Saw this shirt on fb. Too good and true not to share lol. Hope you're all well littens. Happy reading 📚❤📖 #teeshirt #tshirt #readingshirt #litsyhumour #priorities #donotdisturb

tpixie Love it! 2y
hannah-leeloo @tpixie you ok? Haven't spoken in a while 2y
Bookwomble 😄 2y
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tpixie @hannah-leeloo yes! My schedule at home and work have been crazy, so I haven‘t scrolled/ posted as much. I need to hang out on Litsy more- it is a place of Joy 🤩 ! But doing well. Thanks! I hope you have been doing well! 2y
hannah-leeloo Aw bless @tpixie I know the struggle, we're always here for you here though and love your company when you can join. Hope you get some time free soon 2y
tpixie @hannah-leeloo thanks!! Today is a slow day at work so I might even sneak in some reading! Lol 😂 2y
hannah-leeloo I fully support that @tpixie happy reading lol 2y
tpixie @hannah-leeloo 🤩📘🤩 2y
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Watching the Harry Potter films with the kids and @TheWolfbehindTheEyes . It reminded me of this on fb that I found hilarious. Had to share. #litsyhumour #harrypotter #hogwarts #witchcraft #wizadry

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