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Weekly Forecast | Thomas Gibson Inc
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My last #WeeklyForecast for 2022😅Thanks to everyone who joined me this year sharing their #BookReports & forecasts❣️I loved seeing what you were reading & which books were leaving an impact. Looking forward to continuing our reading journey in 2023🙌🏻🤗Villa & Exiles are #ARCs publishing 1/3 so one will definitely be my #LastFirst2223 as each work for 2023 challenges, Attenberg because @britt_brooke loved it and Mustique for #ReadingAmericas ❤️

BarbaraBB Which island is referred to in Mustique? and I've enjoyed the reports and forecasts a lot 🤍 2y
Librariana I *love* your reports and forecasts and in 2023, I want to make a genuine effort to participate in them more regularly and CONSISTENTLY (I'm yelling at myself as I type that, btw!) I feel a bit of regret as I watch from the sidelines when I KNOW I have all the power in the world to be a more active part of the fun. So here's to better #readingresolutions in the new year! 🥳🍾🥂💜📚 2y
squirrelbrain I love joining in the weekly reports and forecasts! Thank for being such an amazing host Cindy! 😘 2y
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vivastory I would definitely join in with the weekly forecasts if I wasn't such a mood reader. Think I'll aim for the book report. I thought about your music posts recently 🎶 2y
Cinfhen @BarbaraBB #StVincentAndTheGrenadines and I‘ve loved seeing your posts each & every week xxx Hope you‘re enjoying your Christmas Day 😘 2y
Cinfhen @Librariana I‘m always so glad when I see your beautiful avatar in my conversations box😁No pressure, swing by whenever you can - Merry Christmas 💚❤️💚 2y
Cinfhen @vivastory I TOTALLY get it! 9/10 times I NEVER read what I forecast 😂😂Happy Holidays 🎶🥂 2y
Cinfhen @squirrelbrain and thanks for being an amazing friend xxx LOVE to the fam - Merry Christmas, Helen 😘 2y
Librarybelle Thanks so much for hosting these weekly checkins! It‘s always fun to see what you are reading and enjoying! 2y
britt_brooke Curious to hear what you think! 🤍Reviews seem to be pretty mixed. 2y
Cinfhen It‘s good so far @britt_brooke but it‘s not blowing me away. It‘s a bit bland and I feel like I need MORE 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @Librarybelle I really enjoy chatting with everyone on Litsy 🫶🏼 (edited) 2y
TrishB I‘ve loved these! May not get to one today but great they‘re carrying on next year ❤️❤️ 2y
Cinfhen Thanks for playing so “religiously” @TrishB - looking forward to sharing more titles in 2023 2y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen That‘s fair. It‘s pretty specific to her journey to becoming a writer so some stuff feels left out. How do you like the style? I like the stream-of-consciousness feel, but I know it has turned some readers off. 2y
Cinfhen I don‘t mind the style - I actually prefer it since I‘m listening on audio and it feels more organic @britt_brooke 2y
Bookzombie I love all the book reports and forecasts. Hopefully, I will be consistent next year. 😀 Happy Hanukkah! 💗💗 2y
Cinfhen Yay @Bookzombie i know sometimes life gets in the way 😆 Merry Christmas ❤️💚Hope you‘re having a lovely holiday weekend 2y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I did audio as well and agree. Not sure if I‘d felt the same way with print. (edited) 2y
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One of my #ReadingResolutions for 2022 was to not acquire any more galleys until I had read all of my backlog.

Friends, it‘s January 5th and I have just been approved for two ARCs.

There‘s always next year. 😳

Chrissyreadit 🤣what are they 3y
sprainedbrain @Chrissyreadit in my defense, they were both too good to pass up. One was Mecca by Susan Straight and the other is 3y
Kappadeemom Mine too but I just need to give it up 3y
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readordierachel Resolutions are made to be broken 😉 3y
ravenlee Amendment - any galleys… 3y
Billypar One does not simply stop ordering galleys until finishing the ones they have 😅 3y
Reggie Lol, out of 6 resolutions I‘m down 3 so far, so no worries chica. 3y
sprainedbrain @Kappadeemom the struggle is real! 😂 3y
sprainedbrain @readordierachel @Billypar I appreciate your support in the face of my abject failure. 😅 3y
sprainedbrain @ravenlee I hadn‘t thought to just amend!! 😂 3y
sprainedbrain @Reggie but that means you still have 3 good goals! Go you! 😂 3y
batsy To put it another way, resolutions flail in fear in the face of your commitment to reading 😁 3y
sprainedbrain @batsy ooooh I like that! 😅 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Maybe you can reset & start again on the Chinese New Year. 🤣 3y
sprainedbrain @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick that‘s another excellent option! 😅 3y
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Shardik | Richard Adams
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Shardik is beautiful and rich; terribly sad and hopeful. A story about regret, shame, repentance, suffering, faith and loss thereof, forgiveness, love. It was a slower read for me, but only because Richard Adams packs it tight with this one. It is lovely, I really enjoyed it.

This is my book 1 of (minimum) 2 for March, so on pace! Now, what next? 🤔

#richardadams #book #readingchallenge #readingresolutions

The Resolutions | Mia Garcia
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What are your #ReadingResolutions?

Mine, so far:
Appreciate and read what I already own.

That‘s it.

Read more in this article from Kirkus Review: https://apple.news/AonwXpYVtSNy9ATB9HiWZew

Gissy Me too but I can‘t put myself in a book ban because it doesn‘t going to work. But read more books, definitely is my goal in 2021, and maybe subscribe to an audiobook company. I have audible but there you have to buy the books and they are so expensive, is like buying the book twice. I want a company where you can borrow audiobooks. I think I can improve my reading speed by using audiobooks🧐Which one you both use? 4y
BookishMarginalia @Gissy We have the public library (Orange County, Florida allows non-residents to purchase an annual library card — I recommend that!). Scribd is also good for borrowing audiobooks. 4y
TravelsWithBooks @Gissy Definitely get a library card, if you don‘t have one already! Then attach it to Libby(or whatever app that supports your library). I borrow most of the audiobooks I listen to. Sometimes there is a wait, but it‘s worth it just to borrow and not buy. 4y
jessinikkip My goal is 121 books in 2021, and that doesnt count work books on my Kindle, only books I already own or bring in this year. Not necessarily banning myself because that wont work but just making sure I read what I have and read more than I bring in. 4y
Gissy Thank you! 4y
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In an effort to read some long-unread books, get my Netgalley stats up and start engaging with litsy on a regular basis in joining my first #bookspin this month. Excited already! @TheAromaofBooks #readingresolutions

MittenGirlPeach I love this challenge so much. I started in October and I look forward to the 2nd every month like it‘s Christmas! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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New Year's Day | Edith Wharton
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✨2021 Reading Goals ✨

• Read more nonfic (perennial goal)
• Read poetry every day (*first thing* in the morning)
• Read ALL of my Book Club‘s picks this year (🙈 I‘m a bad seed)
• Read at least 1 Children‘s Classic per season
• Read a bunch of the page-to-screen adaptions I‘ve been putting off: most importantly, “Good Omens” & “The Haunting of Hill House”
•Read at least one chunkster (it‘s been a WHILE)


monalyisha Later additions: •Read some Moomin. It‘s what I call my rabbit at least a third of the time (even though her name is Moxie). I should probably know what kind of energy I‘m summoning. 😅 •Make a real effort to at least TRY to get my Reading Journal up-to-date. 🙈 (edited) 4y
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How to Build a Girl | Caitlin Moran
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Finally got around to finishing this one. Caitlin created one of my favorite characters I‘ve ever had the pleasure of going on a journey with. I absolutely adore Johanna/Dolly, she is an absolute treasure. The only fault I have is that it was a pretty slow start.

#review #booked2020 #bookworm #readinggoals #readingresolutions

In the Dream House: A Memoir | Carmen Maria Machado
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I loved carmen‘s collection of stories “her body and other parties” so I‘m really excited to start this one. My depression has been sky high with this corona shit so everything I enjoy doing has fallen by the wayside as of late. I‘m hoping this will pull me out of it because I adore her writing.

#currentlyreading #booked2020 #bookworm #readinggoals #readingresolutions

I Don't Want To Be Crazy | Samantha Schutz
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Started this one on Friday. Also I finished the last book I started gosh I‘ve been litsy slacking. I‘ll post the review for the last one later this evening. Anyways, I‘m adoring this one to bits. It‘s so relatable.

#currentlyreading #booked2020 #readinggoals #readingresolutions #bookworm

The Wife Between Us | Sarah Pekkanen, Greer Hendricks
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Getting slower and slower at work, but I‘m getting lots of reading done. On to book 31 💃🏻

#booked2020 #readinggoals #readingresolutions #currentlyreading #bookworm #readingatwork

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