I have eight #River books on my Kindle. I just finished & LOVED Frozen River & read Follow the River Home several years ago. The the others are still in my TBR. 🏞️
I have eight #River books on my Kindle. I just finished & LOVED Frozen River & read Follow the River Home several years ago. The the others are still in my TBR. 🏞️
4 ✨ Unsettling, Savory & Grotesque
Not my preferred sub-genre within horror but I was highly entertained from start to finish. Plethora of social commentary. Some feeling too close to home. Plenty of body horror & emphasizes on family division specifically through a political scope. Was enthralled with watching the family slowly disintegrating, not only mentally but physically. I could not help but devour the entirety.
Oh. My. Gosh. This was such a good story. No One is safe in this expose of how media rots our brains, even the "good guys" will get called out. If you're in the mood for a poignant, political, apocalyptic horror, this one is definitely worth it. Gives a while new meaning to the term "doom scrolling."
Check trigger warnings if you're squeamish, it is horror after all.
This book was just okay. It had a great premise, but the execution is a bit lacking. The politics are too heavy-handed, and I‘m not one who minds an author being political. I don‘t get why gross sex scenes had to be used so often to denote evil. There‘s one section, where we watch a whole family fall apart, that is just too long. I did finish it though. #audiowalk
I should just listen to this as my bedtime book since I only have a little over an hour left, but I don‘t like listening to horror at night. I‘ve had bad dreams doing that before. I still can‘t say I‘m enamored with this book, but it‘s an interesting take on the end of the world. Beautiful day today. Nice temperatures and wonderful breezes. #audiowalk
My hold on this came in earlier than I expected, so I‘m back to WUaOYE for my #audiowalk earlier than I thought I‘d be. I still haven‘t decided if I like it, but I‘m determined to finish it this time. It was a lovely evening for a walk.
I tried…I REALLY tried with this one but I just couldn‘t get through it. It started out great and then became a slow slog through the indoctrination/brainwashing of a family and I just couldn‘t make it through to the other side. I might try this again as audiobook but, as a physical book, it just isn‘t keeping my attention. And I‘m trying to get better at DNF‘ing books that I‘m not really enjoying.
Tammany Hall in WUaOYE = Fox News like talk show. Tammany Hall in history = associated with the extremely corrupt New York Democratic political machine of Boss Tweed. I like the reference. Chapman has taken a pretty long time to get to the action. I‘m 4 hours in with 6 hours left, and the people who are supposed to meet have yet to do so. #audiowalk
I went back to this because it‘s a library book and is due in a few days. I got past the really gross scene that made me stop before; it went on for far too long. Otherwise, I‘m liking the book. Temps were down in the 50s today. #audiowalk