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I have the boy... I married a master carpenter. Now I need the bookshelves. #12daysofxmasphoto #wantasagift

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#12daysofxmasphoto Day 12 I don't want this to sound like a rant or pity party, but I want bookish gifts and almost never get them. 😂 Please don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for any gift I get, just surprised that more aren't books or book related. 🤓 #wantasagift

Photo credit: Google

Suzze Same here! My children haven't bought me books for years. I ask for bookstore gift cards. Nope. Argggghhh. 8y
Mariposa_Bookworm Same here. I'd love an Amazon or Barnes & Noble card and I never get one. 8y
Bookzombie @Suzze @Mariposa_Bookworm Exactly! So easy to buy too! 8y
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Jhullie Same here, I am the easiest person on the planet to buy for yet I always end up with useless mugs! 8y
AmandaL Same here, too! 8y
KimM Them: what do you want for Christmas, Kim Me: Books! Them: ugh, boring. Gets sweaters and pants because those are exciting (edited) 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I always hear from my MIL, "but I dont like the books you put on your Amazon wishlist." (Um, theyre for ME to read . . . ??) 8y
MeganAnn Me too!! I always ask for books/bookish stuff/book gift cards. Occasionally I'll get a Barnes and noble gift card thrown in with something else but that's pretty rare. 8y
Bookzombie @Jhullie @AmandaL I feel better that I'm not alone in this. 🙂 @KimM It's hard to deal with non-readers. We know books aren't boring. 🤓 @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com I stopped keep my Amazon wishlist because no one uses it. 😕 @MeganAnn Gift cards would be so great! 8y
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The Giving Tree | Shel Silverstein
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What I #wantasagift this holiday is the time to kick back with a book like this. #12daysofxmasphoto

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Love this!! 😍 8y
GirlMeetsBook @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled.com Thanks! A co-workers husband makes them! 8y
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I WANT IT ALL. Kidding. Kind of. But isn't this perfect?! #wantasagift #12daysofxmasphoto Thanks for a super fun challenge, @LibrarianRyan !

TheLibrarian Amazing 😍 8y
Bookworm54 I want it all too! 😍 8y
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I have these on my Kobo account, but I don't know if I still have the copies to transfer to my Nook. So, for my #wantasagift prompt, I want these in some form for Christmas 😬. These books are hilarious and I feel are really true to the characters of the show.
#12DaysofXmasphoto @LibrarianRyan

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BookishMarginalia I loved the show and didn't know there were books too! 8y
rubyslippersreads Can you re-download the epub files from your Kobo library and then transfer them to your Nook? 8y
mydearwatson @BookishMarginalia, I highly recommend them...so funny. 8y
mydearwatson @rubyslippersreads, I have the EPUB files somewhere, I'm sure, but I forrgot about trying to re-download them...thanks! 8y
TheBookDream I realize this post is 3 years old, but funnily enough I just bought 4 books from Kobo to transfer to my Nook, and the two psych ones are the only successful downloads/transfers! So 3 years later you should still be good 😂. Now if I could only figure out why Adobe is hatin‘ on the other two novels I‘ll be all set. 4y
mydearwatson @TheBookDream The Nook has a Kobo app! I just used that. @rubyslippersreads, sorry to make you wait 3 years for the answer...I‘m sure you were very worried about it! 4y
TheBookDream @mydearwatson I like to use the non-tablet Nook when I can, but if all else fails I‘ll just put the app on the tablet. I love the e-ink screens though 4y
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I'm finally getting my own library, now what to furnish it with?? #wantasagift #12daysofxmasphoto

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#12daysofxmasphoto #wantasagift

There are so many books on my tbr Santa that I would be happy with any number of them. This one has been on my list for a while though, and you know how much I love Mercy and the gang 😇🎄🎁

(Image from google)

The Time Machine | H. G. Wells
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#12DaysofXmasPhoto #WantAsAGift Who doesn't want use of a time machine every now and then?

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#12DaysofXmasPhoto This place. Gift certificate. This is what I #wantasagift. Best little independent in town.

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#wantasagift Visit #Persephonebooks in London, the Strand, and re-visit Powell's, Parnassus and Malaprop's. Travel, travel, #travel to #indiebookstores. Got this mug from Malaprop's in Asheville. #12DaysofXmasPhoto

LeahBergen Hang on while I pack a bag ... I'm coming with you! 8y
Jerseygirldani My favorite mug I own is from the Harvard book store in Massachusetts. I'll have to take a pic! 8y
Betty @Jerseygirldani please tag me when you put up your mug shot (pun not intended) 8y
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