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Librarybelle Thanks for another fun #HashtagBrigade ! 2mo
Bookwormjillk Thanks for hosting us once again! Jo collecting boys read a little weird, but having people chorus from trees on my birthday is new #LifeGoals 2mo
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Cuilin The teacher in me loved the idea of the boys school, not sure that ever made it into any adaptation? Thanks for hosting, but I‘m glad this one is done. 2mo
mcctrish And they ( and we ) lived happily ever after. Thank you for hosting it was nice to revisit the Little Women 2mo
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin I feel like it was hinted at but not actually shown (edited) 2mo
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead @BarkingMadRead I think there‘s a Jo‘s Boys book. 2mo
peanutnine What an unexpected ending! I'm not mad about it though. This was a fun read overall! I'm glad I finally read this one, I'm grateful for the buddy read giving me the incentive! 🤗 2mo
willaful @Cuilin Bookwormjillk There are two sequels to Little Women -- Little Men, which is about the school, and very fun, and Jo's Boys, which is about the kids grown up and marrying off. 2mo
Clare-Dragonfly I am always disappointed by this ending. Jo says she is going to write still, but she doesn‘t actually do it that we see. She claims to have this long-cherished dream of opening a boys‘ school but it‘s never been mentioned before! 2mo
julieclair The ending was a bit out of left field, but I actually liked the idea of the boys school. Thanks for hosting, @BarkingMadRead . I would never have re-read this without the #hashtagbrigade . 😘 2mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Thanks for hosting! 2mo
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