And the Labyrinth shrine grows... 😁#dancemagicdance #nevergothatway #astheworldfallsdown
And the Labyrinth shrine grows... 😁#dancemagicdance #nevergothatway #astheworldfallsdown
While I have not yet read this title, I am listening to another book about Stalin and if I loved them I would thing the world was falling down. #astheworldfallsdown #septembowie
Today Daisy models my new charity shop find. Looking forward to reading this, the SF masterworks selections have been a great way for me, as a late comer to sci-fi, to find some top reads in the genre. Also a late tag for #astheworldfallsdown #septembowie @Cinfhen #dogsoflitsy
#SeptemBowie #day15 #AsTheWorldFallsDown Catch up from the weekend.This is one of the most intense,nerve wracking,end of the world as we know it books I have ever read.The tension & dread that is all through this novel will have you stressed till the very end.One day the world wakes up to a phenomenon of monsters,if you see them you die.This is the story of a mother trying to save her children in a world where you have to be blind to survive.
#Septembowie #AsTheWorldFallsDown On my #TBR since I ordered it as a #BOTM pick ages ago. The audiobook was available & I figured I'd finish it quicker listening to it. A bit of a slow start, but ultimately I found myself caught up in Sarat's story. A second civil war certainly seems more than possible in today's world & political climate, so it has a frightening edge to it & fits today's musical prompt-what could happen as the world falls down.😱
#catchingup on #septembowie #day15 - #astheworldfallsdown & #awesomeautumnbooks #day16 - #marvelousmemoirs
Something of a 2 birds / 1 stone situation, though both themes are nothing if not apt. The memoir in question is "marvelous" in its meaning and execution, not in what it recounts, obviously.
I still haven't read this (so many chunksters to get to), but it mentions"society's collapse" in the back description, so I think it works for #astheworldfallsdown #septembowie
#septembowie #astheworldfallsdown
Their world really did fall around them 😳. I had a Romanov obsession in the 90s and read a bunch of these. This one was great because Massie was one of the first people to have full access to the Russian records post the find of the grave in 1991. This is the story of the historians and forensic experts working out what happened and resolving the various Anastasia theories.
For today's prompt of #AsTheWorldFallsDown this series works perfectly. #Septembowie @Cinfhen @Marchpane
I love this trilogy. Atwood brings her signature subversive wit to an #astheworldfallsdown scenario.
(Incidentally, my favorite band, Girl in a Coma, does a killer cover of this song. Highly recommend)
@Marchpane @Cinfhen