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Norse Mythology | Neil Gaiman
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Listening to the #audioplay right now.


@Heideschrampf have you listened to this yet?

5 hours done in the #24B42019 #readathon @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Andrew65 Brilliant 🙌This was my first read of 2018. (edited) 6y
Heideschrampf I read the book and i have the MP3, so i‘ll definitely go back to #PapaG reading this into my ear ;) 6y
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TrishB Perfect 👍🏻 6y
julesG @Heideschrampf It's a full cast audioplay. 6y
Heideschrampf @julesG whaaaat!?! Who with? 6y
julesG @Heideschrampf Derek Jacobi, Natalie Dormer,... 6y
Heideschrampf The usual suspects. Nice! Thanks for the heads-up! 6y
julesG @Heideschrampf Yep. And Diana Rigg as story teller 6y
Cinfhen Maybe I‘ll give it a go....thanks for sharing 6y
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Death of a Gossip | M.C. Beaton
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I adore Hamish! He‘s like the Columbo of Scotland‘s police force - everyone thinks he‘s a little slow and definitely quirky, but he‘s very intelligent and resourceful. Much of the action takes place in the Highland village of Lochdubh, where the skies #BloweNorthernWinde . Tagged is the first in the series. Fast reads, a little repetitive, but it feels like visiting old friends every time I read these books. #WinterWonderland

TrishB Great pick 👍🏻 it can indeed be windy up there! 6y
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Burial Rites | Hannah Kent
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#WinterWonderland #BloweNorthernWinde

This was so atmospheric I felt chilly just reading it! ❄️

TrishB Great pick, loved the landscape in this book. 6y
JennyM @TrishB she really captured it - great read. 6y
Cinfhen This one was so good that I worry her next one, won‘t live up!!! 🚨🚨🚨#BuddyReadAlert looking forward @Redwritinghood @emilyhaldi @JennyM 6y
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JennyM @Cinfhen I know, it‘s often the way. But I have only heard great things about the Good People so 🤞 6y
youneverarrived Loved this book 💙 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen I‘m in for that buddy read if not too late! 6y
JennyM @TrishB @Cinfhen we were looking at mid January if that suits Trish? I can fit in around everyone else 6y
Tamra Loved this one! 6y
ReadingRover Love this book! 6y
Rissreads Fantastic book 💙 6y
scowler1 Brilliant book, I might have to read it again now. 6y
JennyM @Tamra @ReadingRover @Rissreads @scowler1 glad to see so much #litsylove for this book 📚 6y
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The North Wind and The Sun, one of the many fables by Aesop, is about the Wind and the Sun bet on which can force a man to remove a coat. We know who won!
Moral of the story: ‘Gentleness and kind persuasion win where force and bluster fail.‘

#winterwonderland #blowenorthernwinde

TrishB Lovely pick ❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Fabulous pick!!! 6y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻♥️ 6y
nelehelen ♥️ 6y
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Cinfhen Hahahahaha 😜 6y
julesG Very good one! 6y
JennyM Ha...love it! 6y
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TrishB Clever, funny pick 😁 6y
mcctrish 🤣 6y
ShelleyBooksie My kiddo will love this 6y
CouronneDhiver Well played 6y
GripLitGrl 😄😄HA Ha!! 6y
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#BloweNorthernWinde #WinterWonderland
Greetings from Oldham, where we have more than our share of northern wind. This was taken in Delph, while walking to Marsden, home of Simon Armitage. @TrishB @Cinfhen

Cinfhen So beautiful 😍 how you feeling today??? 6y
arlenefinnigan @Cinfhen better than yesterday! God that was a long day at work 🤢 6y
Cinfhen Hahahahaha Happy Friday💕😘 6y
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Cathythoughts Beautiful country ♥️ 6y
arlenefinnigan @Cathythoughts indeed. North West Is Best. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Beautiful view 💚 6y
JennyM Beautiful! 6y
TrishB Lovely ❤️ love this book too. 6y
batsy Gorgeous. 6y
Eggs Breathtaking 6y
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The Mediaeval Baebes: Songs of the Flesh | Erotic Print Society, Marie Findley, Vania Zouravliov
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#blowenorthernwinde #winterwonderland
Some of my Baebes memorabilia. Saw them on a show years ago that Numan was on and was immediately interested in hearing more. They give a brilliant live show and are great to chat to. They did a Victorian style erotic print book - on the right!
We had this song playing at our wedding ❤️

Cinfhen What a beautiful song choice ~ it‘s absolutely enchanting ✨💫⚡️✨💫✨ 6y
Cathythoughts Very special song so ♥️ 6y
batsy 💕 6y
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TK421 I've been a fan of theirs since they did a song with Delirium back in the day. It would have been really cool to see them with Gary Numan. 6y
TrishB @TK421 they‘re definitely unique. 6y
Chrissyreadit I had a cd of theirs but have no idea what happened to it now... 6y
TrishB @Chrissyreadit now you have to find it! 6y
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Chocolat | Joanne Harris
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#Winterwonderland #BloweNorthernWinde I haven‘t read the book but I remember that the North wind has a lot to do with when the mother and daughter move around in the movie. Also, I remember this part because in the background of Vianne telling her daughter about her grandfather, the song playing in the background is Eric Satie‘s Gnosiennes No.1. I‘m a sucker for a good score.

Cinfhen Nice one, Reggie 6y
Cathythoughts Loved the movie 👍🏻 6y
JennyM 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
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JennyM But more importantly, did the snow last?? Did you make a ⛄️? 6y
Reggie @Cinfhen Thanks!! @Cathythoughts me too!! @JennyM Today, because it‘s snowing overnight here right now. 6y
TrishB Love a bit of Satie too 💜 6y
GatheringBooks haven‘t seen the movie yet. :( 😭 nor have i read the book. 6y
batsy I read it when it first came out (such a long time ago 😲) and remember that I enjoyed it. 6y
Cinfhen It‘s still snowing??? Wow!!!! 6y
Cinfhen @JennyM is sweltering by the pool and you‘re freezing 🥶 6y
JennyM @Cinfhen @Reggie Yey...I‘m so hanging out for the ⛄️ 6y
arlenefinnigan Oh the book's lovely 6y
Reggie @TrishB his music is lovely. 6y
Reggie @GatheringBooks the movie‘s great!! 6y
Reggie @batsy when I picked this all I could think was, “omg, that movie was over 10 years ago!!!” And also that they snubbed Leno Olin out of a Academy Best Supporting Actress nomination. Lol 6y
Reggie @Cinfhen @JennyM I‘ll take the freezing. We don‘t have too many of those days here. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I remember the movie 👍. Good pick. 6y
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#WinterWonderland Day 28: The cover of this book reminded me of #BloweNorthernWinde. This is the story of a gigantic beautiful woman named Doña Flor who lives in a small barrio in the American southwest. The villagers do not fear her presence, in fact they look forward to her giant steps, the songs that she sings allowing birds to come and build nests in her hair. She reads encyclopedias in under 5 mins too! My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-7Au

Cinfhen Beautiful interpretation and stunning illustrations 💚 6y
TrishB Beautiful book again ❤️ 6y
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