When you read past your bedtime and then get up early to read some more . . . #current read
When you read past your bedtime and then get up early to read some more . . . #current read
#axethestacks reading this beauty from my tbr for this readathon. I don‘t know why I waited so long to read this.. killer mermaids!? Enough said!
#readathon #current read
Diving into to my favorite authors older novel, #DifferentSeasons by #StephenKing. I've read a good deal of his novels, but I still have a good deal to go. Some of my favorite movies are based of these novellas, so I'm thrilled to finally read this one. It has been on my shelf and TBR for way too long! (Four short novellas)
#current read #novellas
#SuperSeptember #WeekWrapUp #Read #current #tbr #September #SeptemberTBR
I didn‘t get through my goals but this definitely kicked me into high gear. Finished 7 books this week! Next time, I‘ll aim to be less specific. Thank you @Andrew65
1) Six of Crows: 75%
2) Home Before Dark: 30%
3) The Wise Ones: 15%
✔️ 4) 2 audiobooks : Dead Until Dark & Cherry