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Good Omens | Gaiman, Neal
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This is one of my favourite quotes from Good Omens. You have no idea how happy I was to see it included in the show.
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Good Omens | Gaiman, Neal
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EXCUSE ME?! There best better be a season 3, and they best better fix that heartbreaking ending. I can‘t even. Somebody save me from this pain!
#goodomens #goodomensprime #goodomens2

julesG Spoiler tag? Maybe? 9mo
julesG Also, NeilHimself wrote on his Tumblr (?) that should push come to shove (strikes in Hollywood, funding, etc) he'd write a novel. He's not going to let us hanging from the cliff's edge. 9mo
GingerAntics @julesG oh maybe, yeah 9mo
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GingerAntics @julesG oh thank god! I think David and Michael will happily do the show again, even if it‘s like 30 years down the line. lol 9mo
julesG I saw a BBC interview where they we're joking with the host about finishing with episode/season 666. 🤣🤣🤣 They are both up for another season or 664. 9mo
GingerAntics @julesG 🤣😂🤣 YES!!! That makes so much sense! 9mo
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The Burning Maze | Rick Riordan
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Good Omens | Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
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I reread #GoodOmens during my day trip to the capital yesterday. I did not like it as much as the first time.
#Berlin is very beautiful in October🍂 . I went to the Berliner Mauer memorial and the Topography of Terror and visited an exhibition at the new Humboldt Forum.

#sightseeing #travel

ravenlee I reread Good Omens this year (for about the seventh time) and was kind of disappointed, too. It‘s been my favorite book for so long and now I don‘t know what to do! Your pics of Berlin look amazing; I‘ve always wanted to go. Hopefully I‘ll get back to Germany in the next few years and make it to Berlin this time! 3y
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A Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle
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This made me think of Good Omens… such a different book from this one.
#AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle #audiobook #BannedBooksWeek #GoodOmens #ToTheWorld #TerryPratchett #NeilGaiman #ineffable

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Sunday relaxation in the form of reading a few short stories, continue working on my scrap yarn blanket (that I totally bought yarn for 😅), while #GoodOmens plays in the backgroud 😁

#crochet #booknerd #lazysundayafternoon

The Illustrated Good Omens | Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
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@Branwen it took some doing to get my phone to focus on the pages. You can see they‘re fairly regular throughout. I know there is a little drawing of Crowley‘s Bentley in there somewhere. The full page illustrations are a nice glossy paper, too. So it just looks and feels high quality.
#NeilGaiman #TerryPratchett #PaulKidby #GoodOmens #illustratededition

Branwen Woooooooow! 😍 Okay, I really think I need to get this! 3y
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The Illustrated Good Omens | Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
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@Branwen this is another book I now have in EVERY possibly format. This illustrated edition is GORGEOUS!!! I love that Kidby didn‘t feel the need to match the show. He stuck with the original descriptions of the characters for his inspiration.
#NeilGaiman #TerryPratchett #PaulKidby #GoodOmens #illustratededition

Branwen Omg. OMG. I need this desperately! What is it like? Do you love it? Are the illustrations wonderful? Are there many of them? 3y
GingerAntics @Branwen I adore it!!! If you look at the edges of the pages, you can kind of see these regularly spaced, full page illustrations. That‘s mostly what I‘ve seen. I‘m not sure about in between quite yet. Obviously I need to read this book again so I can find out. lol 3y
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Good Omens | Gaiman, Neal
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This was great, full cast dramatisation 4 hours long I laughed out loud so many times.
I could never get through the book but the audio was great and the TV series was great as well.

#audiobook #readingthelibrary #librarybook #reading #audiobooks #readathon #booknerd #readathon #comicbook #goodomens

ElleSkel I have tried reading this a few times knowing I would enjoy the content if I could just get into the zone but I never had any success. I will definitely try the audio now! Thanks for sharing! 4y
kaysworld1 @Elle_Skeldon If you so go for audio get the bbc televised version its fantastic sound effects the lot, its brilliant. Xx 4y
ElleSkel @kaysworld1 I definitely will! 4y
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Good Omens | Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
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It's just about 50° today - that's practically summer here in Michigan! 😂🤣 Took a nice long walk at the park and brought along Crowley and Aziraphale for company. Got to sit for awhile on my favorite bench and read! Bliss! I'll be finishing this up today! I had so much fun rereading it! 💕📚 @GingerAntics #goodomens

wanderinglynn One of my favorite books! Enjoy the nice weather. 4y
GingerAntics I have to watch the last episode and then I‘m officially done, too. It was fun reading and watching simultaneously. 4y
Branwen @GingerAntics I think so too! It was really fun to do it together! 😃💕📚 @wanderinglynn Thanks friend! I'm glad I got to enjoy it, since it's supposed to snow tomorrow! 😂🤣 4y
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