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This book serves not only as a biography of Baron von Steuben, but also a celebration of queerness found in the margins of history.

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It really is a short guide, this comic. But that's a good thing for all those who are not really into reading. For us reading dragons is a one sitting read. It's still very informative for people questioning, and for friends and family. It helped me confirming that I truly am a-grey.

LiteraryinPA Congrats for figuring that out! I‘m in that same questioning place, so this sounds like a book I should read. 3mo
Jari-chan @LiteraryinLawrence Good luck on your own way! Hope you will find answers to your questions 🙏 3mo
Kitta My ex tried to gaslight me into believing I was ace, but I don‘t think I am, I‘m just demisexual and have a lot of trauma. Her understanding of asexuality was way off and I feel like it‘s misunderstood by so many. I‘m doing more reading on it, and always looking for more books on the subject! 3mo
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Jari-chan @Kitta That's terrible! I'm sorry your ex did that! And thank you for your openness and sharing this with us. Asexuality is widely misunderstood and barely represented. No wonder, in our highly sexual society... 🥲 3mo
Kitta We divorced because I was working through the trauma at too slow a pace for her, there‘s a lot of reasons it was a bad relationship but but her telling me there was something wrong with me was the worst. Even if I was ace, there‘s nothing wrong with that! I‘ve been meaning to read this - have you read it yet? 3mo
Jari-chan @Kitta It's good that you got out of this relationship. You need to heal in your own time, and if someone doesn't give you that, they don't appreciate you as a person. And really, there's nothing wrong with you, or with ace people. It's only wrong, that some people think it is. I haven't read the tagged book, thank you for the recommendation! 3mo
Kitta Thanks for the reminder, I‘m healing at my own pace! And I‘m doing much better now. I‘m much more myself after we split and happier! 3mo
Jari-chan @Kitta I'm so happy to hear that! Sending you strength and love for the road ahead of you. Be proud of yourself 💪❤️ 3mo
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Published a year after his death, LIFE OF CHE was a bomb dropped on the status quo of political dissent under the military regime of Argentina. It was such a threat to power the author was ‘disappeared‘ by the CIA after evading capture for years. Brutal artwork echoing the revolutionary struggles and sparse, poetic dialogue brings an artistic lens through which to view the life of one of the most compelling figures of the last century.

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An amazing, amusing biography in comics format about one of the most important military leaders in the American Revolution, Baron von Steuben, a flamboyant homosexual who spoke no English, yet took charge of a disorganized Continental army, led them to victory, and wrote a guidebook for training American soldiers that remained in use for a century. #Queer #LGBTQ #GraphicNonfiction

Reggie Yes!!!!Rachel Maddow talked about him on her show. I believe that he was from Prussia and they gave him citizenship here in exchange for his battle strategy. She talked about him because when Trump was president he rolled all that back when immigrants who were serving were being told they would no longer be given citizenship. Stacked. 7mo
Lindy @Reggie I‘m sure you will love this book. I‘m glad Maddow talked about him; he seems to have been mostly ignored in history books. 7mo
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Look at Catherine (the Great) shooting daggers at her husband 😆

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Spot the meme…

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 7mo
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“Okay, but how can we call a dead guy from the 1700s gay? Even if he was buried in sequins, is that appropriate? Is it accurate?”

I like that the issue of terminology is discussed in this biography.

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In Europe and in America, von Steuben‘s proclivities were well-known: his addiction to the finer things in life. His flair for style. The annoying, untrained greyhound that rarely left his side. His many suspected lovers, including Prussian royalty. And just the overall sense of “extra” that permeated every fibre of his being.

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