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Thornhedge | T. Kingfisher
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Thornhedge is a 2024 Hugo Best Novella nominee, and it is a solid story, as are all of T. Kingfisher's works that I've read. This is a retelling of the Sleeping Beauty story, with a number of unexpected twists. #hugo2024 #hugoawards

#gottacatchemall (prompt 41. Shelmet: Fairy tale retelling) @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1mo
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Translation State | Ann Leckie
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A standalone book in the Imperial Radch series, this novel was nominated for the Hugo Best Novel award and the entire series for the Hugo Best Series award. It's an excellent story in a fascinating settling. #hugo2024 #hugoawards

This novel fits the “Dubwool: Character gets cosy“ prompt for #gottacatchemall, since two of the main characters spend a lot of time eating dumplings and binge-watching an adventure series. @PuddleJumper

Ruthiella I definitely need to read this! 2mo
kwmg40 @Ruthiella I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Have you read the other Radch books? 2mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2mo
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Ruthiella I‘ve just finished the Imperial Radch trilogy this year. Loved it! 2mo
kwmg40 @Ruthiella In that case, I‘m confident you‘ll love this one too! 2mo
bthegood Just checking in - everything okay? Miss your posts - (edited) 1mo
kwmg40 @bthegood Thanks so much for checking in. It turns out that yes, life has been a bit rough lately, as I‘ve been dealing with my elderly parents‘ health issues. There are no emergencies at the moment but it‘s left me with little energy for other things. I‘m hoping to get back to regular Litsy activity soon, though. I appreciate your thinking of me! 1mo
bthegood @kwmg40 thank you for responding - glad there no emergencies - 💕 1mo
kwmg40 @bthegood Yes, things are stable for the moment. Thank you again for the kind thoughts! 1mo
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The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi | Shannon Chakraborty
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This swashbuckling fantasy adventure set in ancient times in the Middle East was fun and fast-paced. It's filled with terrific characters and a lot of humour. It was also nominated for a Hugo Best Novel award this year. #hugoawards #hugo2024

#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 29. Meowth: There are pirates)

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 2mo
TieDyeDude Yes! I loved this story. 2mo
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A Marvellous Light | Freya Marske
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I loved the premise of this historical fantasy set in an alternate Edwardian England, but I found the story's pace very slow and the extremely long and graphic sex scenes quite tedious. I was listening to the audiobook version and didn't want to skip ahead in case I missed some crucial plot point. 😂

I picked this book up because the series was nominated for the Hugo Best Series award, but I'm not inclined to continue. #hugoawards #hugo2024

kwmg40 8 hours completed for the #20in4 readathon so far. @Andrew65

I'm using this book for prompt 34, “Impidimp: Prank or bet“ of the #gottacatchemall challenge, as some magical pranks and shenanigans take place in the story. @PuddleJumper
willaful Yeah, if you didn't like this one, probably not much point in continuing. 3mo
PuddleJumper I didn't like this one either. I was really disappointed 3mo
kwmg40 @willaful I may return to the series one day, as there were some elements I liked and I though the series had potential. 3mo
kwmg40 @PuddleJumper Glad I wasn't the only one who felt this way! I had seen so many enthusiastic reviews that I was wondering if it was me that didn't get it. 3mo
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Witch King | Martha Wells
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It hurts me to rate a Martha Wells book anything less than a wholehearted pick, but I just couldn't get into this one. The opening scene was fantastic and I liked the world Wells created, but the story seemed to drag on.

It did get a Hugo Best Novel nomination, though, so a lot of others must have liked it! #hugoawards #hugo2024

#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 55. Sirfetch'd: Titled character)

PuddleJumper That's a shame! 3mo
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Jennifer Morgue | Charles Stross
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I finished this second Laundry Files book because the entire series was nominated for a Hugo award, and I'm working through the nominees. This one is a mix of Lovecraftian horror and James Bond spy thriller. It's a decent story but the humour is not really my cup of tea, so I don't think I'll be continuing the series, at least not for now.

#hugoawards #hugo2024

The_Book_Ninja I bailed on this book a few years ago. It was so boring and unfunny 4mo
kwmg40 @The_Book_Ninja A friend had enthusiastically recommended this series to me, and that was the main reason I hadn't bailed myself. 4mo
The_Book_Ninja @kwmg40 well you‘re a good friend and you had a go! 4mo
kwmg40 @The_Book_Ninja But not enough of a good friend to continue the series. 😂 4mo
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Excellent space opera, with an interesting array of characters and a lot of unexpected twists in the plot. Nice to see that the book received a Hugo Best Novel nomination this year. #hugoawards #hugo2024

#MarvellousMarch @Andrew65
#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 32, Perrserker: Warrior or soldier character)

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Starter Villain | John Scalzi
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The Hugo nominees were announced yesterday and these are the Best Novel nominees. The full list of nominees can be found at https://locusmag.com/2024/03/2024-hugo-astounding-and-lodestar-awards-finalists/.

I've read Starter Villain and Some Desperate Glory and liked both very much. Is anyone else planning to read the Hugo nominees?

#hugoawards #hugo2024

kwmg40 Starter Villain was one of the recent #LitsySciFiBookClub selections. It'll be interesting to see how it places in the Hugo voting. @TheSpineView 5mo
TheSpineView I liked Starter Villian. I want to read a few of the nominations but doubt I will get all of them. 5mo
Ruthiella I‘m stunned that I have actually read two! I enjoyed both Starter Villain and 5mo
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willaful I enjoyed Tesh's other books, so that's on my TBR. And probably the Wells at some point. 5mo
RamsFan1963 I really enjoyed Starter Villain, but Leckie's Translation State was amazing!! 5mo
kwmg40 @TheSpineView @Ruthiella @willaful @RamsFan1963 I'll be very interested in seeing your reviews if/when you read any others from this list. I'm especially looking forward to Leckie's book but there's a long wait at the library. 5mo
peanutnine I really loved the Witch King. Starter Villain and the Adventures of Amina are both on my TBR, I might push them up the list now 5mo
kwmg40 @peanutnine Glad to hear you loved the Witch King. I've liked all of Martha Wells's works that I've read so far, so I expect I'll like this one too. 5mo
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