#IDoIDoIDoIDoIDo have had a good time with this thriller, it is a real pageturner, but there were no surprises or unexpected twists in the book so now, having finished it, I feel a bit disappointed.
(Picture: Stromboli, Italy)
#IDoIDoIDoIDoIDo have had a good time with this thriller, it is a real pageturner, but there were no surprises or unexpected twists in the book so now, having finished it, I feel a bit disappointed.
(Picture: Stromboli, Italy)
Wow is this book thorough! It explores the roots and history of Mormonism including the concept of Polygamy and it‘s repercussions. Joseph Smith wasn‘t originally supportive of plural marriage until God spoke to him one day and gave him that direction... after that he was all #IdoIdoIdoIdoIdo 👰🏼 👰🏼👰🏼 And later, god spoke to the Lafferty brothers and directed them to murder 🔪 was it lunacy, or just religion??
I‘m in #heaven. When the auctioneer asked “does anyone have $22.50” for ELEVEN boxes of WWII/military history books I said #idoidoidoidoido and then I got these footlockers for $20 each! I‘m sorting out my haul and will take photos of some stacks later. There are some excellent books, some super old books, and a box I‘m referring to as the “Fox News” box that will go to Goodwill. #augustisatrip #abbainaugust
#AbbaInAugust Day 5: Uncle Peter‘s special niece is grieving since he will soon say #IDoIDoIDoIDoIDo - a huge Chinese wedding with all the dragons and birdseed, red fabric and hungbao, family speeches and fertility soups. The narrative is exquisitely lyrical – neither maudlin nor simpering, it describes a little girl‘s emotions with such raw clarity - one of my faves. My full review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-5PV
Scarlet says #idoidoidoidoido to Charles, but would be in #heaven if she could say it to Ashley. She and Melanie aren‘t technically sisters, but Melly calls her the “beatenest sister” she ever had. #favoritefictionalsisters #ABBAinAugust #augustisatrip #auginbooks18
#abbainaugust #idoidoidoidoido These two have been hanging-out unread on my kindle for quite a while.... One day I‘ll get to them... maybe even soon! 🤦♀️
Some classic matrimonial tales from Montgomery. #IDoIDoIDoIDoIDo #ABBAinAugust
Mrs. Bennett is ready to say #IDoIDoIDoIDoIDo on behalf of all her five daughters, she just needs some men of a good fortune to be willing to do the same. 💍💍💍💍💍