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My long Thursdays at work usually meant I didn‘t make my reading streak (which I originally set at 30 minutes - then downgraded to 15 to no avail) meant I always lost my streak every Thursday, which meant my longest streak was 6 days. I changed my reading streak to 1 minute (just long enough to read a poem or two on my lunch break on a Thursday), and I managed to keep my streak alive through my first Thursday back at work. #reading #readingstreak

GingerAntics I‘m so bloody proud of myself for my streak surviving a Thursday at work, which is why you‘ve had to read all of this (if you actually did). 🤣😂🤣 #proudofmyself #applebooks #beentryingsinceseptember 4y
Texreader Proud of you too!! 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader thank you!!! 4y
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Butterfinger Awesome!! 4y
GingerAntics @Texreader @Butterfinger due to some madness at work today, I lost my streak at 34 days (Thursday would have been 35). I guess I‘m starting over. lol 4y
Butterfinger @GingerAntics nothing wrong with that. 34 days straight is very impressive. 4y
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Friyay!: Blank Line Journal | Hunter Leilani Elliott
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1. Something sweet & salty. Like chocolate covered pretzels.
3. Life returning to normal??? (My #friyayintro is so late because 2 more family members came down with the stomach flu yesterday 😭🤮.) BUT ALSO, I started a new job this week which I forgot to tell you all! 🎉 So basically between work & sickness, my life is insane right now.
4. Only one! #proudofmyself
5. Blue-gray

ljuliel Sorry about the flu. Yuk. Worst thing ever. But good luck on your new job. I hope you like it. 5y
Megabooks Congratulations on work!! 🎉🎉 5y
Lreads I hope everyone feels better soon! And congrats on the job! 5y
DaveGreen7777 Oooh, wishing you the best with the new job! 😊 5y
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IQ | Joe Ide
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Audible sale alert. Tons of previous Daily Deals are priced low. I really used restraint to only pick four!

#iregretnothing #proudofmyself #audiobookhaul #damnyouaudible

sk888888 Love, love, LOVE IQ. I think the third book, Wrecked, was even better than the first (IQ) and that was incredible! 5y
TieDyeDude Yay, Murderbot! 5y
Red.Reads I would legit buy an audiobook just for Craig Wasson's narration. His reading of 11/22/63 was absolutely perfect. 5y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @sk888888 I have the first two. Need to get to them. I‘ve been on a mystery / thriller binge lately! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TieDyeDude Yes, it gets so much Litsy love! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Red.Reads I love having fav narrators. Not sure if I‘ve listened to him read before. 👂🏻 5y
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I actually finished mowing my entire yard! As a reward, the rest of my Saturday plans are book, couch, and cuddles with #Bailey. Oh, and probably a Benedryl induced nap. 😴😴😴

@LauraBeth you can be impressed now, because I sure am. 😂

dsfisher Awesome! Sounds like a good plan for the rest of the day! I‘m going to have to buy a chair, looks like Bailey has totally claimed the couch. 6y
LauraBeth I‘m impressed! You‘ve inspired me to go get out of my pjs! 😂 Nice job! 🌟🌟 6y
Annl She looks like she has settled right in! 6y
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TrishB Well done!! 6y
MicheleinPhilly @LauraBeth I just took Pickles to the park for an hour and a half, came home, and put my pjs back on. 6y
LauraBeth @MicheleinPhilly 😂😂🙌 6y
DGRachel @LauraBeth @MicheleinPhilly I‘m back in my pjs now. 😂 6y
TricksyTails She seems to be the perfect cuddler! 😍🐶 6y
DGRachel @TricksyTails She really is. 😍 6y
TricksyTails Trade? 😏 6y
DGRachel @TricksyTails You know you wouldn‘t give up your boy, don‘t pretend otherwise! 😂 Bailey might cuddle, but she won‘t let you use her as a prop for your photos like Tanuki does! 6y
TricksyTails Trade? 🤣 I need cuddles!!!! 6y
DGRachel @TricksyTails You should do what I did to Samia when she didn‘t want to cuddle...I‘d walk up to her and grab her around the middle and make her let me love on her. 🤣🤣 Then I told her it was her fault for being so sqooshie. 6y
TricksyTails Nope. He‘s not having any of that. He squirms out of my grasp and then whacks me with his fat paw. And continues to hit me until I leave him alone. Then nibbles on me. 🤣 He‘s a jerk. 6y
DGRachel @TricksyTails I‘m sorry, but 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I am still amazed that in 13 years, Samia never bit me, because I deserved it. Tell Tanuki Auntie Rachel said he‘d better be nice or no more treats! (And funny story-my couch has reclining seats. Bailey accidentally hit the button with her paw and startled herself. I‘m dying over here, laughing. She gave me the side eye. 😒🤣🤣 6y
TricksyTails 🤣 Aww Bailey!! 🐶♥️ Wouldn‘t that be something if she started reclining in that chair now? I bet she and Tanuki would have a blast together. He‘d love up on her but not me. 😭 I need a new dog! 6y
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Teachers Rock! | Todd Parr
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I am getting over the crippling exhaustion of grad school and looking forward to reading more books for pleasure instead of research articles for a grade. #proudofmyself #DONE #GVSU #mastersdegree

Chelleo Congratulations!🎉🎈🍾🎊 6y
RebelReader Congratulations! 🍾🎈🎉🎊 What an accomplishment! 6y
amvs1111 Congratulations! 🎉 6y
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[DELETED] 3803335244 Congratulations 6y
Wife So proud! (since I‘m her mom) 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 6y
ReadingVampire Congratulations!!!! 6y
HOTPock3tt Congratulations!!!!🎊 6y
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