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#Naturalitsy #Scarathlon @Bookworm54

Hi Gemma, Congratulations 🎊 👏

You've won the #scavengerhunt photo challenge. These are great and I love the muddy puddle enthusiast ❤️🎃❤️
Email your address to debs.gregory@gmail.com and I'll send your prize out. 😀

Original post - https://litsy.com/p/a0pHVVdJcDdp

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#Naturalitsy #Scavengerhunt #Scarathlon

Could not walk past this glorious Acer without taking a photo. Just look at all those autumnal colours 😍

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 11mo
AnnCrystal 👏😍. 11mo
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Scarathlon | Litsy
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AllDebooks Wow, looks like a beautiful walk on a gorgeous day 😍 11mo
BookwormAHN @AllDebooks It is finally starting to feel like fall down here 😺 11mo
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Some beautiful autumnal #Leaves on this tree at Melrose Abbey today for the #Naturalitsy #ScavengerHunt ☺️

#Scarathlon #MagicalMonsters

AllDebooks That's a magnificent tree ❤️ 11mo
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On my usual dog walk I got 3 items for the #Naturalitsy #ScavengerHunt

I got big and small rose hips. Berries were harder to find as they are starting to die and look a bit sad now. But I managed to find a decent looking bush! And there was a giant puddle on the field that the dog naturally decided to climb in. I wouldn‘t mind as much if the ball didn‘t get dipped too!

#Scarathlon #MagicalMonsters

dabbe Hello there, sweet pup! 🖤🐾🖤 11mo
Gissy 🐶 🖤🖤🖤 11mo
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#Naturalitsy #Scarathlon

Hi 👋
I thought it would be fun to introduce ourselves, as there are a few names new to me. I'll also add links to the Naturalitsy posts in the comments.

I started #Naturalitsy in Aug '22, looking to connect with other nature lovers. It has been so much fun. Being outdoors is my go-to relaxation, therapy and classroom. There's always something new to learn. I'm Mum to 4 teens and live in rural Derbyshire, UK.

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AllDebooks All are welcome to join in. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist. 11mo
AllDebooks Nominations for #NaturaLitsy November and December #buddyreads This closes tomorrow for voting https://litsy.com/p/VTNXaE40U0Vx 11mo
Bookwormjillk Thank you! I love to hike and walk outside. I‘m a mom to two teenagers and we live with two cats outside Washington, DC. 11mo
AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk 👋 Wow, I bet the scenery is stunning this time of year 😍 11mo
TheSpineView I'm an accountant, married and owned by a spoiled dog. I have a grown son, 3 step children and 11 grandchildren. I'm an Equestrian and own two horses. I still love competing and do eventing (like in the Olympics) in the lower levels. I live in Upstate SC near Clemson University. 11mo
Roary47 I am an environmental scientist turned teacher. I teach environmental and biology at a local Arizona high school. I am a mother of three young children ranging from five years to three weeks. I own a mini farm of chickens, ducks, turkeys, two dogs, and two cats. I love being in Nature, hiking biking and camping. With young children, it has been hard to be outside for too long. It is a goal when the youngest is a bit older to camp more. 11mo
TheBookHippie I‘m a Hippie, I try to live a totally altruistic life. I am literacy & reading advocate in title one schools. I love gardening and cooking from my own adapted recipes. I love to walk when I can -there‘s tons of trails where I live. I love fall and winter for its beauty. I have many birds and animals that live in or visit our backyard. I love plants. 11mo
dabbe I am a retired high school English teacher who still subs and does AP testing at my high school. I am a native Phoenician who has had enough of the heat as most of you know because I've whined enough about it. 😃 I do not have children (teaching was more than enough!), but my husband Matt and I adopted two German shepherds from Saving Paws, and they take up all our time with special needs issues. We love to hike the desert trails when we can. 💜 11mo
Bookworm54 Hi 🤗 I am a scientist (work in industry developing and manufacturing drug products for customers), live in the UK, we have a dog, and try to go nice places for dog walks though we usually stick to a similar route most weeks 🤭 we are going on a walking holiday next week and hoping to start doing a few more outdoor activities like camping! 11mo
Larkken Hello! I do forensic lab work with a focus on the human skeleton but miss fieldwork and being outside terribly. Currently attempting to make up for the lack in Nebraska by going on long walks with my dog and husband. Autumn is my favorite time, but my dog loves winter. The cat is an indoor beast to save the birds from the Murder. I am a poor gardener but enjoy trying. 11mo
AllDebooks @TheSpineView an Equestrian life sounds exciting 😊 11mo
AllDebooks @Roary47 Awww babies 😍you must have your hands full with a 3 week old. I love the sound of your small holding. Sounds perfect😊 11mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie sounds a blissful life. Plants ate my other obsession, just don't tell the books 🫣😍 11mo
AllDebooks @dabbe I adore German Shepards, gorgeous dogs. My Sister has one and he's a big old softie 😍 11mo
AllDebooks @Bookworm54 ohhhh how lovely, wishing you a fab holiday x 11mo
AllDebooks @Larkken I love Autumn too, the colours are incredible 😍 11mo
SamAnne Thank you @AllDeBooks for organizing #NaturalLitsy ! I recently ended an environmental advocacy career working in forest, fisheries, river protection. My sweetie and I love hiking & floating rivers/lakes in the PNW U.S. Am completely attached to a border collie named Jackson. Treated for breast cancer this past year and that has shaken up my life priorities. More time outside! Reducing obligations that keep me from adventures! 11mo
yourfavouritemixtape Hi, I am a sports-journalist, live in Switzerland and have a small daughter. Nature fascinate me. I have a mini-garden on my balcony and live next to a wildlife-park. 11mo
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Middle grade fiction. Chester is particular about rules and routines and also really wishes his absent father would come back. When he receives a clue to a scavenger hunt, he thinks his dad is behind it.

Chester got a little frustrating when he refused to see his misunderstanding about his dad, but I really liked the depiction of his relationship with his mom's boyfriend and how their new family got along.

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The story was ok. It wasn‘t an amazing book for me. Maybe because as an avid reader I‘m not a reader of classics. They were such a big part of this book and I feel like I missed out because of that. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I enjoyed, for the most part, this story about a women learning, at long last, what led to the break between her mom & favorite uncle. When her uncle dies, Miranda goes home for the funeral & learns her uncle left her his bookstore & clues to the truth of what really happened years ago. The plot is good, albeit predictable, characters okay but I think the writing, let‘s both down. Good but not great. Still, a low pick in the end.

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Family drama mystery. I guessed early on what the big mystery was, but I cried anyway, lol. I usually read fantasy romance so this was a nice palate cleanser in between those books. ⭐️⭐️⭐️½