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#BiblioMAYnia #UnusualNarrator #SequelPlease
I was curious by the title, and I have to admit that it lives up the story. The sense of humor of the main character really shocked me (in a good way) a lot, and I can't deny that there were parts where I had to stop reading and take my time to laugh and get a breath. It feels like a movie most of the times, a little commercial, but it's good enough to entertain me and wish for a sequel. Good read.

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I need to know what happens to Eleanor and Raymond!!!


OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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The Marriage Lie | Kimberly Belle
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OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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Day 14 of #BiblioMAYnia is #SequelPlease :)

I recently posted about wanting a sequel to Sunshine by Robin McKinley. But I also would have loved more in the Georgia Nicholson series. I loved all of these books, and they still make me chuckle when I revisit them. Although it won‘t happen, I would have liked a return to Georgia when she was older. See what trouble she got into out in the world 🤣

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

rubyslippersreads ❤️ this series! 4y
OriginalCyn620 This title! 🤣 4y
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Burn Baby Burn | Meg Medina
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I would absolutely love a sequel to this book. Nora Lopez, the MC, is one of my favorite YA characters. The book ends as she‘s finishing high school so I‘d love to see what she does after that. #SequelPlease #BiblioMAYnia

OriginalCyn620 Agree! 👍🏻 4y
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The Sisters Brothers | Patrick DeWitt
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This book is described as a violent, lustful odyssey through the underworld of the 1850‘s American frontier. Nope not for me I thought. It pays homage to the classic western. I do not like westerns, yet this book transcends it labels. I loved it 🤷‍♀️ so much #sequelplease #biblioMaynia

Cathythoughts Sounds good !! I‘m waiting for my copy to arrive .... looking forward to starting it soon 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
bio_chem06 I was a little disappointed with this read. I didn't hate it, but I just didn't think it was as good as everyone else seemed to think. However, I'm going to read more Patrick DeWitt because his writing was great. 4y
Cuilin @bio_chem06 I understand as I know my liking partially comes from the delight of surprise but I‘d still read a sequel. 4y
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The Peach Keeper: A Novel | Sarah Addison Allen
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I would welcome (and devour) any sequel featuring any characters from any of Allen‘s magically realistic novels
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

JenReadsAlot Yes! Great books! 4y
Eggs Thanks 📚🤗 @JenReadsAlot 4y
Velvetfur Omg I reeeealy want peaches now! They didn't have them in the supermarket yesterday, I noticed 🙁 But this is a gorgeous photo in the meantime! 😁 4y
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OriginalCyn620 I‘ve only read a couple of her books but I really enjoyed them! 4y
Zoes_Human I want fresh peaches so bad now. Or maybe some peach ice cream with a little bit of cayenne pepper on it. 🍨 😋 4y
Eggs @Velvetfur @Zoes_Human 😋😋 anything 🍑!!! Warm peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream 🍨 4y
Eggs @OriginalCyn620 so good right !?! 4y
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Neverwhere | Neil Gaiman
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After Richard Mayhew returned to London Above in the end, he realises that he is not satisfied with the normal world, and wants to return to London Below. With a last line like that, I really wished Gaiman writes about Richard‘s further adventures in London Below. Last line in the comments. 👇

#BiblioMAYnia #sequelplease

Patchshank I would love a sequel to this book. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm “And they walked away together through the hole in the wall, back into the darkness, leaving nothing behind them; not even the doorway.” 4y
Branwen This one is my absolute favorite Gaiman book specifically because of the ending! 😊💕📚 4y
OriginalCyn620 Yes! Loved this one...would definitely read a sequel! 4y
Cheshirecat913 Adore this book so much. 4y
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The Wise Man's Fear | Patrick Rothfuss
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#BiblioMAYnia @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I have enjoyed this series and I am waiting patiently for book 3. After 7/8 years it is supposed to be out this year. I can't help but be skeptical.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Yeah - I haven‘t started these because I didn‘t want to wait impatiently for an author who is dragging his heels. 4y
TheSpineView @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I get that! Maybe this IS the year! 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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thegirlwiththelibrarybag @TheSpineView, I also feel that you can wait too long for something. It‘s been nearly 5 years between outings of Jim Butcher‘s Harry Dresden... and I‘m not as sure I still care? And one of my favourite Australian authors, Isobelle Carmody has dragged her series‘ out so long that by the time one of the final books came out, I couldn‘t be bothered. 4y
TheSpineView @thegirlwiththelibrarybag That has happened to me before. Sigh.. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I understand... I feel the same way about GRR Martin! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I know, and now supposed Dresden has 2 books coming out this year.... I‘m skeptical too. 4y
wanderinglynn I‘m (cautiously) optimistic this will happen 😀🤞🏻 4y
TheSpineView @wanderinglynn Time will tell! 4y
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Gunslinger Girl | Lyndsay Ely
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I‘ve seen mixed reviews about this one but I enjoyed it, and although the author has said that she‘s not planning one, I wouldn‘t mind a #sequelplease! The ending was set up up perfectly for one!

LibrarianRyan This wasn‘t my favorite but I did enjoy it. And I agree about the sequel. 4y
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