Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
"We need a new kind of politics, one that can excavate and build upon those shared understandings that pull us together as Americans."
Copyright 2006? An eternity ago!
This #Goodwill find is still on my #TBR list but fits the bill for #BooksRelatedToPolitics on #Day11 of the #AugustPhotoChallenge
#SoYoung! #Obama #MissHimAlready #USA