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Scarathlon | Litsy
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#TeamCreepinItReal a huge thank you for playing at #Scarathlon with me this year! You all did amazing - no word of a lie - we were in 4th place! I hope you‘ll all join in next year or if you want to jump right back in, #WinterGames is right around the corner. Sign ups on my page.

Read4life Thanks @StayCurious ! Another great year. 👻 11mo
Lin3han Thank you!! How many points did our team get? I‘m so curious!! 11mo
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OriginalCyn620 I had so much fun…my first #scarathlon was a blast! Can‘t wait to do it again next year! 🎃 11mo
StayCurious @Lin3han 451 472!! 11mo
Lin3han @StayCurious DANG OKAY TEAM LOOK AT US!!! 11mo
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Untitled | Unknown

@StayCurious My final #scarathlon total is 17,661. #TeamCreepinItReal

StayCurious Wow great job! 11mo
tdrosebud @StayCurious Thanks for all your hard work for this! I can't wait for Winter Games! 11mo
AmandaBlaze Looking forward to working with you on #RestingGrinchFace for #WinterGames23. 11mo
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Report | Railroad Commission of Texas
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Not my best year of #Scarathlon, but still had fun as always. Yay #TeamCreepinItReal

StayCurious so glad to have you! great job! 11mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Weeks 1 & 2 - 27,647 points
Weeks 3 & 4 - 24,141 points

Grand Total - 51,788 points

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

StayCurious Whoa, great job!! 11mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I did manage to complete these two bingo cards for #scarathlon! Thanks to @Charityann and @Read4life for the fun bingos!


Read4life Thanks for participating in #Falling4Books 🍁👻🎃 12mo
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Well, the last few books for the #Scarathon event did not do well in terms of upping my numbers like I had hoped. Thank goodness for the bonus games. I love this event and as usual have had such a great time participating. Thank you to everyone that helped make this a success and keeping it going. Looking forward to next years! But for now, I'll prepare to rock #WinterGames2023! #TeamCreepinItReal #Scarathon

StayCurious Great job! Loved having you! 11mo
AmandaBlaze Looking forward to working with you on #RestingGrinchFace for #WinterGames23! 11mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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#Scarathlon Bingo cards.

No full houses but quite a few lines:
#BodyCountBingo - 4 lines
#AfterDarkBingo - 2 lines
#BookishFirst - 2 lines
#ThrillerBookBingo - 2 lines
#OctoberBookwormBingo - 3 lines
#Spooktober - 1 line
#ISpy - 1 line
#BookishBingo - 2 lines
#HalloweenReadathon - 2 lines

380 points @StayCurious #TeamCreepinItReal


PuddleJumper Amazing! 12mo
StayCurious great job! 11mo
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44 | Jools Sinclair
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I first read this about 10 years ago so thought it was time for a re-read. I'm not as easily impressed as I was back then, so I'd probably rate this at a 3.5🌟 now. There's not much backstory given (there is a reason for that that the reader finds out later) & it makes the narrative a bit disorientating as the reader works out what is happening. The twist is still good though.

2015 review: A promising start to what looks to be a good YA series.

OutsmartYourShelf Kept me interested in reading it and had a nice twist at the end. Liked it so much I've just bought the rest of the series.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/809933624
Read 31st Oct 2023

Readathons 150 pts
Post 1pt
Words 870 pts
Genre 20 pts

Total 1041 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks
TheSpineView Great job! 12mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 12mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
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Hamlet, Prince of Robots | M. Darusha Wehm
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Elsinore Robotics maker of humanoid androids powered by true artificial intelligence are continually in competition with their rival, Norwegian Technologies. The last public contest was between their model, Fortinbras, and Elsinore‘s HAM(let) v.1 & Hamlet was victorious. Shortly afterwards he was found deactivated at Elsinore, possibly by rogue malware. Hamlet v.2 mourns the loss of his progenitor, & he becomes obsessed by thoughts of revenge.

OutsmartYourShelf A retelling of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' with the lead character an android rather than flesh & blood. The book looks at what is means to be human, about free will & choice. It mostly works quite well. I haven't read the original play but, like Cher Horowitz in Clueless, I've seen the Mel Gibson film version, so I knew what was coming & who the characters were. 12mo
OutsmartYourShelf It's a quick read at just under 170 pages for the Kindle version so it doesn't outstay its welcome. An intriguing take. 3.5🌟

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5721280995
Read 30th-31st Oct 2023

Readathons 210 pts
Post 1pt
Words 220 pts
Genre 10 pts

Total 441 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks
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TheSpineView Great job! 12mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 12mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
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Leeds, UK & Gobbelino London (feline PI) & his human sidekick, Callum, are hired by a mysterious client to find a missing book that belongs to her. Gobbelino is a little apprehensive as there is something about the woman that is off but he can't quite put his paw on what. As the hunt begins, it soon becomes clear that Gobbelino's sixth sense was right & this is much more than just a missing book. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf I loved this. What a change from the usual morose human detectives, instead we have a snarky feline & his human sidekick. Gobbelino is instantly lovable even though he is unfailingly sarcastic & a bit of a curmudgeon - although he's quick to act the innocent kitty if needs be! Believe me, if you have ever owned a cat, you will recognise your feline friend here. I actually laughed out loud in several places. 12mo
OutsmartYourShelf I am definitely going to read the rest of the series. 4🌟

Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5338532956
Read 28th-30th Oct 2023

Readathons 385 pts
Post 1pt
Words 620 pts
Genre 20 pts

Total 1026 pts

#TeamCreepinItReal @StayCurious

@puddlejumper @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65 @DieAReader @TheSpineView @Catsandbooks
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TheSpineView Great job! 12mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 12mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
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