🎼🎶#Bookmail that makes me smile and hug it to my chest. I had to share and see if anyone else has witnessed F Scott Fitzgerald dressed in such finery? 😳
•#musical #princetonman #fscottfitzgerald #fiefiefifi #weswoonforfscott #collegedays
🎼🎶#Bookmail that makes me smile and hug it to my chest. I had to share and see if anyone else has witnessed F Scott Fitzgerald dressed in such finery? 😳
•#musical #princetonman #fscottfitzgerald #fiefiefifi #weswoonforfscott #collegedays
"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."
• I've always loved this quote and it came to my mind when thinking about the #truth challenge for #MayBookFlowers today. ???
#thegreatgatsby #fscottfitzgerald #weswoonforFScott #penguinbooks
"The world only exists in your eyes-- your conception of it. You can make it as big or as small as you want to. And you're trying to be a little puny individual. By God, if I ever cracked, I'd try to make the world crack with me."
•#blackandwhitebookcovers #maybookflowers #weswoonforfscott #fscottfitzgerald #shortstory #blackandwhitecovers
• #indiebookstoreday was a special one for me. I haven't seen these editions in person. (Nor was the $450 and $125 price ideal)
•However, would you be offended by this- the owner commented I need to narrow my genre/author favorites? Going from lit-mystery-vintage books raised an eyebrow. First time my book buying habits have come under scrutiny.
• #fscottfitzgerald #weswoonforfscott #vintagebooks #dreamy #oneday #bookgoals #aprilbookshowers
My Fitzgerald loving heart went pitter pat over the drink menu in our hotel's library turned speakeasy. An amazing experience. Can you guess which drink I ordered? 😉
•#theoliver #knoxville #roadtrip #speakeasy #daisybuchanan #gatsby #fscottfitzgerald #weswoonforfscott
Perfect title page quote. #FranklinLibrary editions tend to do it up right. 😍
•#gatsby #WeSwoonForFScott #classic #literature #booklover #fscottfitzgerald #prettybook
"..it isn't particularly likely that I'll write a great many more stories about young love. I was tagged with that by my first writings up to 1925." -F.S.F.
•He's a master of capturing the bold and the subtle aspects of love in my opinion. My #bookmail arrived and I can't wait to dive in. Even the smell of the copy is superb. Anyone else like to smell their books? ?
•#WeSwoonforFScott #classic #fscottfitzgerald #love #shortstory #scribners
📬💌📬Today's the day! I am looking forward to my #bookmail when I get home. 💕 Until then, just looking at few pieces of my Fitzgerald collection.
•#fscottfitzgerald #shortstory #icon #americanlit #flapper #wordsmith #masteroftheshortstory #fangirl #booklover #scribnerbooks #WeSwoonforFScott
My #Bookstock haul from today. I tried to rein it in... but you know how it goes. My Fitzgerald collection gained a few new members to the shelf today. Well worth getting up at 6am for the trip!
•#bookhaul #fscottfitzgerald #booklover #bookworm #giddy #bookishdelights #prettybooks #slightlypoorernow #blamelitsy #classic #literature #icons #scribnerbooks #bookstockmi #bookstock #WeSwoonforFScott
I am so excited for this one's release on April 25th. Preordered and waiting for my future #bookmail. I am so intrigued to read these short stories. Mark your calendars, Fitzgerald fans! 🍸📚🍸
•#icon #jazzage #fscottfitzgerald #greatamericannovelist #classic #shortstory #favoriteauthor #scribnerbooks #WeSwoonforFScott