It seems like it took me forever to finish. But even though the journey was a bit longer, it was still a great trip! So much to think about and learn from.
It seems like it took me forever to finish. But even though the journey was a bit longer, it was still a great trip! So much to think about and learn from.
If I see the name Elliot one more time I may go insane...I don‘t know maybe if this had come out when I was younger maybe then I would have enjoyed it...but today I had to quit after just 25 pages 😕🤷🏻♀️
This was really hard...I‘m kinda inbetween Pick and So-So. It was glorified Will and Kate fanfiction...which don‘t get me wrong, I love them. But this was just fluff, and it didn‘t really pull me in...until the last 100 pages or so. All in all it was a big Royal Meh
Yall it‘s nearly 3:30 am and I just finished ‘Verity‘....I got so many questions and thoughts 😂 anyone wanna put their thoughts in the comments?
My first book by Hoover and my first suspense novel in a LONG time! I‘m already 1/2 done and it‘s so hard to put down! I may have found a new genre that I love 😍
The Netflix‘s original, inspired by the story of Piper Kerman is good on its own. However the book tells a completely different and more powerful story. While the TV series adds a ton of drama to stretch time and keep people interested, Ms Kerman tells a more honest and enlightening story. The book was so compelling, and I feel like I have a whole new look on the American Prison system.
A Book that has been converted into a TV Show: Orange is the New Black! I‘ve actually only ever watched the first season, but I really enjoyed it. I‘m excited to actually read the book that inspired it!
Man this book threw me for a loop! It started out a little slow for me...then all of a sudden I found myself really disliking Lucia! At first she was kind of an It girl, the type of girl every girl would like to be. But then I found myself wanting to shake some dang sense into her! Like most everyone she is obviously flawed (which is well written) but it made it a little tough to cheer for her. However in the end everything seems righted :)
A Romance Novel: Lucia Lucia. This is the second novel I‘ve read from Trigiani, the first being her wildly popular Big Stone Gap. My grandma is actually from Big Stone, and I‘ve visited the town. I throughly enjoyed reading Big Stone Gap and I‘m very excited to read this one!
Man these books are frustrating...but I LOVE the characters. There is so much grow with each character, and I genuinely cheer them on throughout the story. But...the pacing is so weird! I get what Mead is doing, three books each from the perspective of one of three young women, all on the same timeline. But something still doesn‘t quite work for me even now after reading the second. I suppose I‘ll have to@read the next one then! 😂🤦🏻♀️♥️
A book that starts with M: Midnight Jewel. I‘m a bit behind posting that as I have already read a chunk outta this. Midnight Jewel is the second book in the Glittering Court series. I enjoyed the first book but had issues with the pacing. However each book in the series is written from a different POV which is cool...but I was looking for the next books to fill the holes. So far the pacing on this book is even worse
I loved it! I was so prepared to not, I had taken a stab at classics before and found a mixed bag (ie: loved Pride and Prejudice but I detested Dracula). I also had read a lot of reviews, so many people made mention that at many points they couldn‘t figure out what Fitzgerald was trying to say. They also mentioned his wordiness, which I can support. He does tend to be a bit overly descriptive of small details.
Takes place in summer: The Great Gatsby...because there is no party quite like a Gatsby party 🎊
Still one of my favorites :) such a good, easy read series. Plus I simply love America and Maxon ♥️
I really REALLY wanted to love this...because I love spending time in my Bible. Unfortunately for a ‘Novelization‘ it still came across as a bit dry and occasionally hard to follow. It was a bit of a struggle to finish 🤷🏻♀️
Reread the first book of a series you love: The Selection. It‘s like the Hunger Games meets the Bachelor (one of my guilty pleasures). What‘s not to love? ♥️
One of my favorite “children‘s” books of all time. It still resonates with me now as an adult. The wheel of life just keeps turning :)
For my fourth book this year I needed a Book I Got for Free! Well I got this book a few years ago when I worked a catering gig at a Christian owned factory for Christmas. It‘s been in my TBR pile since then. I‘m only on page 30 so far and I really like how they have converted the Bible into a novelization
Sometimes things just happen right? 😂😂😂 I have the ebook version on The Selection series but now I‘m getting a physical copy of at least the first one. Then I also got Midnight Jewel (of The Glittering Court) and A Court of Wings and Ruin (of A Court of Thorns and Roses). I can‘t wait for them to get here!
Hot damn. For a YA this one got pretty toasty in places toward the end! Feyre is a fabulous character who shows so much growth and makes the reader really like her.
A book less than 300 pages: Tuck Everlasting. This is a re-re-re read for me, the first time I read it I was still in elementary school and it remains one of my favorite stories even now!
When I first saw this I said to myself...there‘s no way I can ready 24 books in two days 😂🤦🏻♀️ but then I realized you have have to read for a combined 24 hours over those two days! I totally think I can do that so, why not give it a try 😂🤷🏻♀️ #24in48 #readingchallenge
“...there is a special strength...a special strength in enduring such dark trials and hardships...and still remaining warm, and kind. Still willing to trust—and reach out.” How lovely is that :)
I‘m about 1/2 through and I never expected this book to be so funny! I never saw the movie (because I‘m one of those that wanna read the book first, sorry not sorry). While at the heart this is a story of survival, endurance, and a whole lot of science. But damn, Mark Watney is such a funny narrator. I love his sense of humor when faced with an unimaginable circumstances. I can‘t wait to finish and see the movie!
The first book of 2019! I‘m tackling a book with a red cover! (Well more orange but hey close enough) #2019ReadingChallenge
I really loved the characters, and the different story lines are pretty cool...but I have issues with the pacing of this book. Mead seems to spend a lot of time on things that don‘t matter to the story but then breezes by large parts of the story. I‘m hoping the other two books will fill in the holes.