So far so good
I saw this book (spanish version) in a bookstore in Mx and it made me oh-so-happy. I thought this was a super sweet book and all kids should read it :)
i finally finished this & i liked it a lot. totally recommended! :)
Well, i got this yesterday. And I saw the movie today. I haven't read the book yet, but the movie was wonderful. Even my very much anti-HP husband liked it. :)
One of my favorite #FFRomance books of the year!! :) #lgbtqreads
The week has been hectic, so i've had very little time to read. But i'll try to catch up today. In the meanwhile, a piece of pan de muerto and a cup of coffee to get ready for my book.
Got the Spanish version of this book that i read a couple of years ago and loved so much. Beautifully written characters and wonderful prose.
Busy weekend ahead, so this will be a slow read. So far it's great, though. And the books are SO pretty! LOL
This book. lol. Doing the audiobook version. The narrator is a robot, but the story is good. Pic... when i take one. Bwahahaha
Welp.. Here's the thing: there were things i absolutely loved about this book, but there were things i absolutely did not love too. I feel like the story ended with TOO MANY loose ends. Characters that vanish into thin air, like Noah. Dude, NOAH. The story is good but, for me, it wasn't a satisfactory ending of a series. Also, there are a couple of racist lines that I didn't like at all. OTOH Adam & Ronan were everything. I wish i'd liked it more
So, i finished this book last night. i liked it a lot, a lot. But i didn't love it. There were parts that were unecessarily repetitive. That said, i'd totally recommend it if you like shifters with a cute backstory. This is a life love story. It goes back to when the MCs meet when they were very young and they became friends. The best of friends. And then, years later fall in love. The wolf makes this posessive, but also strong and loyal. 3.5.
this book has taken over my life. If you like paranormal shifter books, you may like this #mmromance by TJ. check it out! #lgbtqreads
I finished this book last night. I can't put into words how much I loved it and make it justice. A brilliant #ownvoices that captures perfectly well what it is to be an immigrant in America. An incredible family story that has perfectly imperfect shaped characters that are relatable and so very real. I absolutely recommend this book, and if you're into audiobooks, definitely pick up the audio version. One of my fave this year.
I'm still listening to Everything I Never Told You, but i've had this book since forever and i'm thinking of bumping it up (my next read is supposed to be #Wolfsong by TJ Klune - a M/M shifters romance). Should i put that one on hold and give this one a go? 😱😱😱😱 #help #needsguidance
This is one of my favorite #mmromance series. I 100% recommend it if you like historical and paranormal romance. #lgbtreads #queerbooks
This is the third book in the a Raven Cycle series, and things that weren't as clear in the first two books are now shaping up, and adding much more to the story. I love all the magical and fantasy elements in this story. Plus.. Ronan. I do love him with all my heart. #ya #theravencycle #favorite
This was a great book as well. The second in the series. We get to see a bit more of each one of the characters, and Blue, in particular feels better shaped in this book. I do recommend this series a lot. Well, at least up to book three... I still haven't read the last installment in the series lol :) #ya #theravencycle #favorite
I must get to this book ASAP. Or so i'm told. #tbr
this book is so very good
i really enjoyed this book! :)
This book is everything. EVERYTHING. It's a story about grief, friends, family. About getting lost and then finding yourself. It's a story about feeling like you lost everything and then realizing that in spite the pain, the heartbreak, the confusion, there is always a reason.. or many, to keep going on and keep fighting. The aliens plot line added some gorgeous brilliance to the story. Go Read. #queerbooks #gayYA #lgbtqbooks #YA
Startingggggg :)
I really loved this thriller/ghost story. I've seen it described as Black Swan Meets Orange Is The New Black, and i agree. Brilliant portrayal of toxic relationships and strong influences. The voices of the protagonists are so real and imperfect that only make this even more wonderful.
A must read. There are books that are extremely important. This is one of them.
I adooooored this book. i love the dynamics within the raven boys. And i also love the whole magial thing and the psychic stuff. Also... Ronan is my boo.
Amazing book. #diversereads
Wonderful story and characters. I was s bit heartbroken cuz... things... You need to have the second book ready to pick it up right away! #YA #patrickness
One of the most intense, powerful and heartbreaking books i've ever read. I don't think i'm mistaken when i say that there is little to no chance that i will read a book that hits me so hard in the next years. Tip: have a box of kleenex ready. And wine.
#alittlelife #lgbtreads
One of my favorite M/M paranormal romances. Vampires, a rock band and a mansion in the middle of nowhere. Beautiful and creepy at the same time. A LGBTQ Romamance that you should totally should read. :) #santinohassell #stygian #mmromance #lgbtreads #diversereads #paranormalromance #vampires #rockband
I finished this book by #junotdiaz last week. I couldn't believe how amazing it was and how long it took me to pick it up. The writing is gorgeous, the characters are incredible and so real and relatable, and the story is heartbreaking, beautiful and magical at the same time. Totally recommended. :)