Over bearing mother who is one step away from Norma Bates level of being in love with her son can‘t stand the fact that her son has met someone and is falling in love with her. I am so sick of this trope.
Over bearing mother who is one step away from Norma Bates level of being in love with her son can‘t stand the fact that her son has met someone and is falling in love with her. I am so sick of this trope.
Just a world of no. I actually feel horrible for wasting my day on this. I would have rather cleaned the litter box out with my bare hands.
“Washington, the father of the country. Adams, the mastermind of independence. Jefferson, the voice of the revolution. Madison, the father of the Constitution.
And Monroe, the last of the founders.
Or so they say. But if Monroe must be counted as the last, then by my reasoning, my husband was the first. For not one of these men would have ever become president without Alexander Hamilton, the architect of our very government.”
The cringe is so bad it hurts. DNF @ 68%. Caine should leave serial killers to the authors who actually do research instead of spending hours on tumblr learning all the current buzz words. It‘s literally a mad lib of every current buzz wordy trend out there. I feel embarrassed for her. Fuck dude, Bella Swan had more common sense and she got thrown out a fucking window.
Have it the college try and couldn‘t do it.
Not the best book by far but it‘s really cute and I‘m pretty sure with how short the audio is, it would be a quick read on paper.
Now I know why the film was as bad as it was. This story was shit.
Whoops. Accidentally got this and the second book mixed up. I loved this one, I can‘t wait to see what the outcome with Soap will be.
Tried reading it and it didn‘t grip me at all. Tried the audio and got about 10% into it before I returned the book. This one just isn‘t for me.
Not bad but not the greatest. Am in no rush to read the next book but I might at some point, we‘ll see. The main character is pretty forgettable which doesn‘t help the whole not rushing to the next book, thing.
Would have been a solid five stars if it wasn‘t for the unnecessary prison storyline. I skipped all of it after a while because I didn‘t care and it didn‘t do anything to move the story along. I have no idea if it picks back up in the following trilogy or not.
I have a very strong feeling this actually takes place in Saratoga Springs, NY area. It‘s amusing.
I‘ve decided that I‘m not going to be focusing on all of my challenges anymore and instead just reading whatever I feel like. I haven‘t read as many books this year yet because I was being too restrictive and in really hoping to make that up in June.
I love this series so much and I really hope we get another. There were a couple of small things I had problems with but nothing to keep me from reading the series again, which I have every intention of doing. Harry Hole is my favorite asshole.
Michael C Hall did an amazing job narrating the book but I don‘t get the whole appeal for it. It‘s not remotely scary, maybe if I had read it when I was 12, yeah, but it‘s mostly boring, long-winded, and takes too long to get to the fucking point.
Putting this one on hold for a while. It‘s not gripping me right now.
Photo to come. A pretty decent thriller that kept me pretty engaged throughout the whole thing. My only issue is the last few pages of the book were pretty far fetched and happened after the mystery was solved. Other than that, I enjoyed it.
An iffy written story that wasn‘t really planned out and kind of what I expect from a debut - troupe ridden and trying to be edgy but failing by a mile.
I‘m really struggling with this one and trying very hard not to DNf it. A favorite author of mine said he didn‘t really get into it until about page 70 (I don‘t know what version he read) so I‘m going to give it until page 80 before calling it a day.
#StopPublishingShittyAuthors2k18. This book was shit. No mystery, no suspense, no atmosphere, no development, nothing. For a 300 page book, I expect a lot more. The last page was the best thing in the whole fucking story.
Nothing happens in this. At all. I quit at 85% and that was only because I was waiting for other books to come in from Overdrive. I can‘t even be generous in my review because this story was complete and total shit. The characters and plot were so underdeveloped that I actually felt embarrassed for LaFevers because someone actually told her this was good. It‘s not. It‘s trash. Stop publishing shitting young adult.
Almost done with work. Waiting for one new tenant to show up so I can finish his stuff and head home.
Convoluted and far-fetched. Save yourself the time and just pass on this one. I have no clue how it was even published.
Follett is an amazing writer but man, the guy is wordy.
I have yet to read he trilogy this book spins off from and unfortunately, I read Best Served Cold before hand. This one was enjoyable but no where near as good as BSC.
I cannot get enough of these books and I have a feeling next year I will be doing a re-read. I really hope Thirst isn‘t the last book. This one finds Harry at the darkest point of career to date - not only is the villain close, but he‘s close to the people Harry loves the most.
This was a wild ride from the very beginning. I really should start taking pictures of my books.
Kobna does an incredible job bringing this world to life over audio. I love Peter. He‘s my child. I will protect him at all costs. And now I need the next book because I‘m getting itchy.
Teenager girls are assholes. Now with that out of the way, I enjoyed this one more than I thought. I listened to it on audio and it didn‘t take away from anything. The book is split up in two - the before and the after - Lisa does a good job weaving in the characters and keeps you guessing towards the end. Will be buying at some point for my shelf.
Oberon‘s POV AND the introduction of a new dog for their crew. What could be better?
How can you NOT love Oberon? If it wasn‘t for him, I would have stopped listening to Druid Chronicles ages ago. Where Atticus annoys the hell out of me, Oberon is the complete opposite. Maybe it‘s because he‘s a dog and just takes the world as it is, I‘m not sure, all I know is I love him and I really hope we get more shorts from his POV.
Loved this so much that I bought this and the following two and returned the first book to the library. I love Sebastian. Not in a “book boyfriend” kind of way but in a “let‘s get a drink and shoot the shit” kind of way. I can‘t wait to get to know him more. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/10.
I didn‘t want this to end and now I‘m impatiently waiting for the final book to hit my Overdrive account. I have full intentions of not only buying this trilogy in hardcover, but I will also be getting them on audible because I know I‘ll listen to them again. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/10
I did not expect to enjoy this one as much as I did. I love the interview/diary format for this story and the actors they hired for the audiobooks were AMAZING. Not only am I buying these books, I‘m buying them all in hardcover. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/10
I love this world so much. I love seeing things from multiple characters and the consequences of the Ender family.
It was cute, even though the MC is pretty annoying. Planning on continuing the series, though.
I‘ve gotten to the point where I think I‘m done with this series. Nothing new is happening and it‘s all gone stale.
I would have liked more of a closure but there‘s only so much you can do when a body is thrown into a sinkhole.
Most of these came from Book Depository and the rest from Barnes and Noble, all from this month alone. I have another order coming from BD, which the first book arrived today. I really do need to start shopping at my locally owned stores.
Much like The Ice Beneath her, this book is under developed and boring AF. DNF @ 21%.
I‘ve seen the movie a few times and have finally gotten around to the book. It was nice and short which I think sometimes is King‘s true calling.
RTC on Goodreads. I need a bit to take it all in. I‘m looking forward to the rest of the books and will be buying the three that are out next month. And in hardcover. I don‘t buy books unless I enjoy them and I don‘t buy hardcover unless I love them.
I wanted to like this as much as the first one but it‘s no where near as enjoyable.