Enjoying the sunshine and starting a new book- even though I have four other books I'm in the middle of. Oh well. 🤗
Just finished reading this for the first time in my College English class.
It was great odd short story!
#weird #shortstory #dark
My friend brought back this amazing adorable Alice in Wonderland pin from Disney World for me and I love it! 💗
It looks so cute with my Barnes and Noble Classic 😊.
#AliceInWonderland #AlicesAdventuresInWonderland #DisneyPin #BarnesAndNobleClassic #Cute #Adorable
I have grabbed this book off the shelf twice so I finally bought it. I'm interested in how this book will turn out as I have read mixed reviews. If you've read it, let me know what you thought!
#SignLanguage #Chimp #Family #TBR #Thoughts
I had to drag my family into this bookstore when we were exploring this little town. This bookstore was packed full of books floor to ceiling! I walked away with The Woman In Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware which has been on my reading list.
#bookstore #readinglist #VacationDoesntStopAReader #SoCute
I write with a heavy heart, that I was unable to finish this book. The book had a slow pace with no real rush of adventure like I had hoped. And poor Mr. Malone was only seeking adventure to escape the friend zone. While I was excited to read this novel, I have to put it aside as I cannot continue with reading it. Maybe I'll try again someday. #didnotfinish
Starting this recommended non-fiction book today. It looks very promising and I'm excited to dive into this world of... murder! As well as its presence and influence on fiction! ☠️
#friendrecommended #murder #nonfiction #england #bbc #femalewriter
"I don't like to throw the L-word around; it's too good and rare a feeling to cheapen with overuse" pg. 13
This book is off to a great start. I 100% agree with not carelessly throwing around the "L-word". I'm excited for what this book has in store.
#JohnGreen #Turtles #L-word #finallyreading
@ziof221b I'm finally starting this book. Beat you to it, lol.
What a wonderful enthralling book. It was clever all the way through and left me guessing and assuming till the very end. This was the first novel I have read by Agatha Christie and I was totally satisfied by everything I have heard about her writings. I look forward to reading more from her!
#AgathaChristie #Pick #yesss #newfav #fav #mystery #suspense #thumbsup
It's been too long since I've read in bed by flashlight. Glad I'm able to spend it with my first Agatha Christie book! So far, I'm really enjoying it. #AgathaChristie #classic #nighttimeread #mystery
I can't remember everything about these books as it has been many years since I've read them, but just thinking of them gives me a content happy feeling so I must have enjoyed them! I remember reading them as fast as I could and absolutely loving these books. #childhood #lovethis #flashback
Just picked up this book today! I'll probably ruin my childhood vision of The Jungle Book but that's what growing up is all about, right? #TheJungleBook
The movie was exact! I was really surprised and happy to read line-by-line sentences that were in the movie as well. This book was well written and maintained a good balance of science and life that made it realistic.
I got this book at the book store without realizing it was part of a series. Can I read this as a stand alone or should I read the other books?
For being a supposed American Classic, it didn't live up to the hype for me. It was an easy read but the overall story? Perhaps in its time it was more intriguing but now? This book is just the story of rich people's drama. Yes, there was symbolism behind literally everything, but as a reader and not a scholar, it wasn't for me.
Sadly had to bail on this book. The main character suffers from temporary amnesia and so he doesn't even know what is going on! This book just isn't moving fast enough and nothing is seeming to be resolved.
"For what profit hath a man of all his labor which he taketh under the sun if the trees and the brush and the moss strive everlastingly to take it back?" (Kesey 25).
^ The hardships of living Oregon. ^
This book was good, not amazing, but good. It was slightly confusing but was written with good intent with a well thought out story to be told. Even though it was 'So-So' I am going to continue reading the series.
After accidentally buying the 4th book in this series, I finally found the 1st one! I'm really excited to start reading this book to kick summer off :)
This book was recommended by a friend and after starting it and putting it down for awhile, I've finally picked it up! Hopefully I'll be able to finish it this time... 👍
I loved these books but it's been forever since I've read them. I need to buy them 😱📚
This book was given to my sophomore class as an assignment for our world history class. Even though we all began reading this begrudgingly, I began to thoroughly enjoy this book even if it made me cringe at how they ran their society and were 'more equal than others'. This book is a classic I will never forget.
"A conductors' baton was in his hand. He counted off the beats. One, two, three silent seconds. Okay, now. On the downbeat. Hit it..... Terrance's baton continued to count off the cadence of shock and sorrow." Page 17
It is probably my fault, but I watched the first two movies before even picking the books up. I tried, but I got halfway through this book and got stuff and gave up. It was terribly slow! Maybe one day I'll try again but for now, it was a bust. ☹️
This book was intense with the characters constantly moving and in danger. It was exciting but the thrill wore out as the chases never seemed to end and even tired me out as the reader. But thankfully I pushed through and this has become one of my favorite books of the series as the ending is incredible. Don't give up on it! 👍