Love this book, makes me feel all cosy! #books #cosy #coldnights #reading #happy #hotchocolate #love #hygge
Love this book, makes me feel all cosy! #books #cosy #coldnights #reading #happy #hotchocolate #love #hygge
I love the sign on our downstairs toilet!! #harrypotter #potter #ministryofmagic #magic
Not only do I love the concept of hygge, but the book is a lovely relaxing read and looks great on the coffee table!💛💛 #hygge #book #coffeetable #relax #cosy
I've just started reading my Mum's copy of this classic trilogy, she has great taste in book and loves them.....so far I'm hooked! 💜🌟💜 #fantasy #fantasyfiction #magician #weekendreading #classic #trilogy
Saw this in @Waterstones and I strongly believe there isn't a more British book- "A Practical Course in Personal Magnetism: The Victorian guide to Health, Happiness, Power and Success"!! How marvellous, I think I might have to pick up a copy! ?❤️?#book #books #goodreads #waterstones #victorian #selfhelp