A book recommendation from Reese Witherspoon's book club. Cute read on a cold snowy day
A book recommendation from Reese Witherspoon's book club. Cute read on a cold snowy day
I started this book during lunch today... It is fascinating and I'm having trouble putting it down.. I'd recommend it and I've only read 50 pages so far.
Whether you are pro life or pro choice this book is riveting. Must read!
"Perhaps in those honest conversations, instead of demonizing each other, we might see each other as imperfect humans, doing our best."
Not sure if I agree with how the book ended so quickly but it's a fast read. You'll want to keep flipping the pages to see who killed Anna. And I read all Lisa Scottoline since her books are usually Philly based 😊
Must read. Eleanor thinks everyone is socially awkward when it's really her. Her honesty is hilarious. I can't wait for the movie.
"Women, you are sleek and gorgeous. You hold us together, you're the ribbons. We're men. Dangerous only if you take us too seriously. We're the whiskey."
Our book club pick of the month... the whole town was involved and entwined but I liked it.
Does anyone want to do a bookswap or trade before these go to the library?!
My train book for the week... other passengers must think I'm nuts, I've chuckled way too many times to only be 38 pages deep.
".. I was imitating that buffoon who worked in the office- what was his name? Something rapey. Chester. Yes, Chester! Have you ever looked him up? We should Google him. I bet he has more pedophilia arrests than we can count.."
Rainy day reads... and football...
(I just started the second half of the book... I'm pulling for Reese and Caleb even though they come from such different upbringings. Jonah is such a strong little boy, I'm not sure how I could cope if I was in his shoes..)
If you thought this was a page Turner... wait till you get halfway through when you're reading faster than ever to see what happens..
A true love story.. full of ups and downs that tugs on your heart ❤
Overcast beach day... but reading this makes me want to pack up, head to OCMD & eat boardwalk food 😊
Has anyone else read this yet? I don't like how the chapters are broken up and scattered but I'm in too deep not to keep reading..
This weeks beach read... only 100 pages in... wondering how everyone is connected..
Great book! Absolutely fantastic!
"I would never tell you that the life you wanted couldn't have been exactly as great as you planned. But you have to live the life you have. You have to find inspiration in the struggle & pull the joy out of the hardship.... more than anything, I know that you just have to choose to make the best of things. You get one life & it only goes forward. & there really are all kinds of happy endings"
The latest book in my bag.. I'm all about the summer books right now
Why did this book have to end?! I want to be whisked off to Singapore on the next private jet! What ultimately happened with Rachel and Nick? What about Astrid?! I hope the rumors are true about the movie!
When you get the instinct that it's too good to be true and you're right..
Wow, this book was incredible. I did not want to put it down! It was slighty twisted but it has a way of drawing you in.
Just wow.. Olive and Big Roy's marriage.. The love triangle between Roy, Dre and Celestial.. Roy's biological.. geez.
I need an Ove in my life ? Such a great read! I found myself always smirking at his mannerisms despite his cranky old ways. He showed his love towards people differently and he truly loved his wife. The "granddad" part got to me the most. I hope my work book club eventually picks this book to read ?
I love Danielle Steel books. My heart broke during each tradedgy yet Alex still turned out on top. I didn't want to put down the book down and I was constantly rooting for her like "you go girl!"
Stephanie Plum is my hero and I wish I had her job. I swear I laugh out loud reading all Janet evanovich's books.
This was our Book Club's (at work) book of the month. It was a great read and provided me with insight and perspective as to how people are treated so differently in the areas they live in.
When my friend @Captivatedbybooks told me about the premise of this book, I made a strange face and was like "eww, whattt, nooo!" But after reading it, I really was rooting for Wavy and Kellen. I felt like I was on a roller coaster of emotions!
This book made me super angry as I quickly turned the pages to finish it! I feel like it was unfinished though.
My not so secret santa package has arrived, thank you @merelybookish 😊 🍭🎅🤶 can't wait to open it! #secretsantagoespostal2017
"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way."
That's what happens when you play dangerous games. Sooner or later you get burned.
This book was hilarious! It made me laugh throughout and makes you want to broaden your horizons..
A definite beach read... "if the horse throws you, climb right back on"
Love Danielle Steel... maybe I'm just oblivious but when you think it couldn't get any worse and it does... 😲