Saturday night and everyone is watching tv so I've snuck away to start reading this book I got from the library today!
Saturday night and everyone is watching tv so I've snuck away to start reading this book I got from the library today!
Finished this book last night in my favorite reading spot. The puppy was feeling left out so he had to be in the picture too! Lots of drama, moves fast, and will make you smile what more could you want from a summer read.
I've been in a serious reading slump. I've started 3 different books but nothing I've wanted to keep reading. I picked this book up last night and no more reading slump. I had to get an oil change and the guy kept apologizing for taking so long. I had a solid hour of uninterrupted reading time. I don't think he understood how wonderful it was to have nowhere to be and a book that you just want to keep reading!
This book is four short novellas. The first and last ones are great but the middle two stories are just okay. I loved The Fireman so this was a little disappointing.
Finished the above tagged book. Not as good as Beartown but still a worthwhile read. Puppy has nothing to do with the book except that the only reason I got some extra reading time in is because he is feeling a little under the weather and sacked out on the couch.
Lazy Saturday afternoon - could not stop reading this book. I love it when a book is soooo different than you thought it would be. I don't want to give anything away but if you like a book where you say to yourself What? Than you will like this book!
Not your typical children's story. This is a very different story. I wish I understood it on a deeper level.
Way lay to the party, but thoroughly enjoyed this book. I love a good thriller. It was cool to try to solve the puzzles along the way.
Hello summer! I know I'm probably the only person who hasn't read this book but I loved it. After Sharp Objects, I said no more Gillian Flynn . I'm so glad I changed my mind. Dark, twisted and some great plot twists! Favorite book of the year so far.
First day of summer vacation when I didn't have to go somewhere. I finished this book. So good! It's a ghost story and a murder mystery rolled into one. It kept me guessing and on edge.
Very powerful book! Hard to read but too good to put down. I can see why it won the Pulitzer.
1. The above book is what I'm reading.
2. My fifth grade teacher
3. Early Saturday morning - it's the one time I'm guaranteed quiet.
4. The Prydain Chronicles and Little Women
#manicmonday @JoScho
This is my first Jodi Picoult book. Wow I loved it. This is such a difficult topic. I love how she tell the story from multiple characters perspectives. Heartwrenching and a couple of twists I didn't suspect.
This is such a great book. I wish I had known about it when I was younger.
It's Saturday time to catch up on all the chores. That's why I'm doing this! I am really enjoying this book. I never read it as a kid but it's great!
1. People who don't yield or use turn signals.
2. Cake
3. Bridget - guinea pig
4. Romance
5. Will do!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1. Wesley the Owl
2. We have 3 pets in the house - a dog, a gecko, and a guinea pig.
3. Komodo dragon
4. Polar bear
#manicmonday @JoScho
Finally reading my son's favorite book.
1. Richard Nixon
2. Heroes day 8/13
3. Tuesday
4. 1996
5. 8675309
6. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
9. 5
10. 15
I love the Lunar Chronicles and this book is no exception! Iko is one of my favorite characters.
I actually alternated between reading and listening to this book because who doesn't want to listen to Alan Cumming reading to you! Poor guy has quite a rough childhood. It's amazing that he was able to forgive bis father.
My poor puppy has tummy issues so he is confined to the kitchen but he doesn't like to be alone so I'm hanging with him on the kitchen floor doing some reading!
Finally read this book. I'm a bit hesitant to read books that have so much hype around them. This book is worth all the hype. Fantastic characters and a story that needs to be told from a perspective that doesn't get told.
I loved the Lunar Chronicles and I'm so glad to see it continue. I'm not a big graphic novel reader but this is great!
My son recommended reading this book. He was right she is awesome and
Not book related but this is our new puppy Percy!
1. Crunchy
2. Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips
3. Taking my son back to college
4. Talk to animals
5. Political science
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Home sick so I thought I would finish this book. So terrifying!
Agatha Christie is still the master. I never would've figured that out!
And so it ends. I'm a little sad to be done. I think this was the most enjoyable outside of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. I'm impressed with the care, time, and scholarship his son put into Tolkien's unfinished books so that we could read them. #lotrchapteraday
Enjoying my Christmas present and finishing my first book of the year. I think Mary Oliver is my favorite poet. I hope to read a lot more of her in the coming year!
I've always been a dog person but this book is great! It's heartwarming and funny and sweet. I'm glad I decided to finally read it.
This is probably the last book I will finish this year. It will complete my Popsugar challenge, but I am also reading it because it was one of the favorite books of a lady in our church who passed away this week. She was like a grandmother to me. She loved cats and I will miss her a lot.
I miss Firefly. My son bought this for me for Christmas. I picked it up and I was just going to read a page. Instead I finished the whole thing!
Spending a quiet snowy night on the sofa with the dog we are watching. I think I have to high expectations after The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. This book is okay. It is so much more readable than The Silmarillion, but it was just okay to me.
1. Cabbage patch doll
2. I bought A Fall of Marigolds for my mom and It for me!
3. I crossed that line a long time ago. I'm 43.
4. Yes
5. Will do
1. Yes I usually have 4 or 5 going. One of which is an auduobook and one is the #lotrchapteraday book.
2.I am a regular at the library. I am there at least once a week. It doesn't hurt that it us 5 minutes from my house.
3. I mostly return books on time but I have paid the occasional fine.
4. Never
5. Occasionally and usually only to finish a challenge.
#yesorno #readinghabits #peekinsidemylife
I'm not a big poetry person but I really like Mary Oliver. Her simple reflections about nature are so beautiful. Her works always make me feel like taking a walk in the woods.
1. This was my dog wearing "the cone of shame"
2.Besides reading I like to watch cheesy action movies.
3. Favorite fruit - watermelon Favorite vegetable - cucumber
4. my husband and I do a beer advent calendar from Costco
5. #Payitforward We are currently dog sitting for someone who had to sell their house because of a divorce. Otherwise he would have been sent to the pound.
#HumpDayPost @MinDea
I expected so much more from this book. It's supposed to have an amazing magical contest and an epic love story. I felt like none of it was ever flushed out. In the end I just wanted it to end😕
I might be in the minority but I think this is the most boring book ever written. The only good thing I can say about it is that it is done. Hoping the next book is better. #lotrchapteraday