They're wearing gloves in archives 🤷♀️ Otherwise, this is delightful so far.
They're wearing gloves in archives 🤷♀️ Otherwise, this is delightful so far.
My brain can't focus on anything, but I'm trying with these two tonight!
Apparently our heroine was a 13-month-old prodigy with the manual dexterity, visual acuity, and hand-eye coordination to thread needles 🤔
Maybe she's magically gifted--this is fantasy--but if not, this is just lazy hyperbole.
This series fell off my radar and I never finished it, but I stumbled upon it on hoopla this week. Two books (and a novella) later, I think the series held up throughout and I'm reading more by Barnes.
Only read a few hours today, but I'm happy with my total considering ac issues and #summerreading program prep for tomorrow. Looking forward to the next #24in48!
Took a break from #24in48 to watch Veronica Mars (😲😭🤐) and clean for the ac repair person hopefully coming soon. Back to it with one of my favorite middle grade series!
Ready for #24in48 book 3! Thought about finishing this series, but I think it's time for something different. Maybe an audiobook so I actually accomplish something around the house today?
My first #24in48! I'm finally finished with my MLIS, so I'm treating myself to a weekend of reading that has nothing to do with librarianship 😉
Hi, litsy! Been a long time with life and school. Going to try to keep better track of what I'm reading.
Didn't pick this book for the cover, but probably would have if I'd seen it first. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's pearlescent and luminous, the perfect fit for the title.
Incidentally, I'm really enjoying this japanese slice of life break from my normal kidlit reading ;)
Love, love, love! Maurene Goo writes fun YA romance with emotional depth so well. Perfect for Jennifer E. Smith or Jenny Han fans. And yes, it is screaming to be a Netflix movie ;)
Overall, I enjoyed this. I don't think the first 150 pages setting up the story needed to be as long as it was, and I almost gave up on it before getting to the meat of the story. It picked up once the plot started moving, though, and I'll be looking for the next book in the series.
*I feel like I've written this exact same review about other fantasy first volumes, so I may just not have the attention span for this type of writing now...
So far I like the premise of this better than the actuality. Almost halfway through and I still don't feel invested in any of the characters or their quest. Has enough potential that I'm going to keep at it, but I'm not sold on this yet.
Semester is finally finished (yay!), so treating myself to something not on my work or school tbr lists.
Rereading an old favorite (as one might guess by my username). It may be an unlikely comfort read, but I've loved it since I first found it in middle school when looking for fairy tale retellings.
This one kept me up reading until 6 in the morning. I'll be looking for Bannen's next book!
Weeding James Patterson books does not break my heart at all ;)
Starting a book at 10 PM that's due in 10 hours may not be the wisest choice I've ever made...
This was an interesting premise, but so slow! It took me five months to read it because I just felt no impetus to continue the story. The last fifty pages where things finally start happening are great, but I think it focused too much on character development at the expense of plot. A setup series starter.
First book in a long time I've finished in (almost) one sitting. Darn baby shower making me stop with ten pages left! I loved it 😍
May have to actually attend the #fyabookclub meeting this month. Just finished this and I have Thoughts.
"Ideas, after all, are dangerous." #LISrereading
That title and cover were all I needed to move this to the top of my tbr list. LIS reading can wait!
A little too on the nose with the Twilight comparison referenced in the author's note. Forbidden romance insta-love was way too quick and with little reason. Insta-bffs also seemed rushed. Why did any of these people like each other? Interesting premise, but fell short of expectations for me.
Librarians like their acronyms. This two-page spread alone has ICOLC, COUNTER, SUSHI, NISO, and MINES.
Don't we all look that happy shelving books? #lisreading
Fantasy sequel I'm actually enjoying. A rare thing lately.
I'm culling my TBR pile lately by reading one chapter of a book to see if I'm interested, and this made the cut. Inevitable Ally Carter comparison -- It's like Gallagher Girls if Carter was writing it now without the Girls. Make Embassy Row's Grace an elite black ops legacy without the boarding school, and you have something like this. Character driven while also having a strong outside danger to heighten tension and advance the plot.
It's okay, but so far nothing distinguishes it from the dozen other recent books with the same plot. 100 pages in and I don't really care about any of the characters. Not sure if I'm just burned out on this type of fantasy or it really is only so-so.
This book is making me hungry! Who wants to make me some of Lainey's lemon cheesecake?
What a great description of writing severly in need of an editor. Happily, this isn't one. #botm
My parents are older than the Civil Rights Act. It's amazing to think how much the world has changed for their generation and how recent these steps to equality really were.
Feeling very indecisive in my book choices lately. I've started all of these, but which should I go back to first?
I appreciated the writing from the beginning, but the story didn't really grab me until the main characters all came together (about 100 pages in). After that, though, I couldn't put it down.
So, so good. The author combines thorough research with a personal story to make a compelling account of the aftereffects of US use of atomic bombs in Japan during WWII.
Listened to most of this, but couldn't wait for the drive to work tomorrow and finished it in print. Kind of wish I hadn't because the audio captures the characters so well and I didn't feel as invested in them reading it myself.
Look what's on Hoopla! No waiting for award winners makes a happy not-a-Librarian ;) And why didn't I read this sooner? I would have loved this as a kid (and still do as an adult).
This book is perfect for a complete novice when it comes to Chinese cooking. The recipes are easy to understand and the pictures of ingredients make it so much easier when shopping.
Only 100 pages left...the way it's been for about 10 years 😯 Time to finish it once and for all! On a side note, I highly recommend this translation. Anything Pevear and Volokhonsky do is gold.
Thoroughly enjoying this breezy and fun rom-com. Korean-American girl creates "the kdrama steps to true love" formula to make her crush into her boyfriend. Laughing out loud at all the kdrama references, but I think it works even of you haven't watched any. Had to skip ahead to read the end--couldn't wait to see if it had a kdrama-worthy ending :) #wndb
Not really enjoying the main male character in this. Unrepentantly kidnapping the main character and blackmailing her into going along with his plans is just not working for me. All the characters seem to have between them is lust and fate. Do they even like each other?
Anyone else stop and wonder at choice of saying Nicholas called Alexandra Alix (her name, not a nickname) instead of Sunny? If you're comparing to Nicholas--Nicky, wouldn't Alix--Sunny make more sense?
Lovely and imaginative. Wanted to reread as soon as I finished it. Wish they had thought more about the gutter--some text is quite close and the center text is lost on this full page spread.