This was a fun wild thriller which is what I need for summer!
This was a fun wild thriller which is what I need for summer!
Enjoyed this memoir a lot!!
Enjoyed this but wished I read some more Brontes before reading!
Overall I liked it...preferred the first half over the second which was slow in parts for me.
A wonderful powerful little book dealing with grief...had to hold back the tears in a few spots.
Little Man is checking out my library haul today...I think he approves?
Fun fun fun! Loved it!!
First Russian Literature book read and loved it!!
Another great book by Joe Hill!
Second half is where it got better for me and will have me reading the second novel in this series.
First time reading it and loved it!!
Loved this little book!!!!
Loved this scary book
Enjoyed these short stories which revolved around Mr. Quin and Mr. Satterthwaite.
Loved this children's classic!!! Read this just in time for the movie!!
Must get my hands on her other books! Enjoyed this short-story collection!!
In not a fan of zombies but this book was so engrossingly good!!! Loved it!
Finished this beast last night!! On to It!!
Starting this one today...my first Louise Erdrich book!
Night-time reading and loving it!
Looking forward to reading this Woolf book for the month of March!