Tiny nun grandma dedicated this book my younger brothers and I in 2006 when it was compiled and published. It has never been more relevant.
Tiny nun grandma dedicated this book my younger brothers and I in 2006 when it was compiled and published. It has never been more relevant.
The meow slept on this Boulder true crime classic all night now he knows who killed JonBenet #truecrimecat
. . . the consequence of teaching a girl she was weak instead of warning her she was strong.
Almost picked this up when I was in the city the other day but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm honestly a little confused about my reluctance to read the Cursed Child–I'm a Harry Potter superfan until the end of time. Anyone else have similar feels?⚡️
Amy Schumer basically glowing in San Francisco fog on Tuesday☁️☁️☁️
YAS! This is my #1 book of the year so far. There are so many things I want to but won't say because spoilers, but Emma Cline is a brilliant goddess who captures the felt sense of being a teenage girl in a way that's so alive the text practically has a pulse. Also I lucked out because the Girls speaks directly to a lot of my interests and passions--Northern California, 60's culty vibes, Manson and the context-less-ness of being young. So good.
I knew just being a girl in the world handicapped your ability to believe yourself. Feelings seemed completely unreliable, like faulty gibberish scraped from a Ouija board.
This book took over my life and destroyed me. The final installment of this series was more heartbreaking than the others but equally captivating. At a certain point I desperately wanted it to end and go on forever at the same time. I don't know what to do now that it's all over.
Every intense relationship between human beings is full of traps, and if you want it to endure you have to learn to avoid them.
Love Like You Are Trying to Fill an Insatiable Spiritual Hole with Another Person Who Will Suffocate in There
It's official–I've owned this for over two months and haven't started it yet🙄
This was amazing. The intro sucked me back into the neighborhood with crazed fascination and the theme of disintegration was beautiful. 5 million stars. I love you Elena Ferrante.
I didn't resonate much with My Brilliant Friend but I'm so glad I still decided to continue with the Neapolitan novels. In the second book of the series I became completely obsessed and transfixed by the subtleties and the power dynamic in Lena and Lila's friendship. Elena Ferrante is a genius.
Got some cute little sprout bookmarks for my birthday! 🌱📖🌱
Early birthday presents from my parents❣
Birthday books I got @lulu from Book/Shop in Oakland📚
More Book/Shop! My love browsing the book-related prints.
The way they wrap up books at Book/Shop in Oakland
Ah! So good. My partner and I listened to this on audiobook and were transfixed by the magic. Neil Gaiman is king. 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is actually a great commentary on the 37 practices of a bodhisattva–I only bailed because it was required reading for my grandma's retreat, and once the retreat ended I wanted to go back to reading Elena Ferrante💫
My grandma is the cutest grandma💫📿
Just hanging out with the bookworm @ Fairyland in Oakland 📚🐛✨
All I want to do is be reading this. All the time. I wasn't super crazy about My Brilliant Friend but this one if finally making me understand the Ferrante craze📖
On a mild Neil Gaiman binge👻
Sprawl spoke to me on so many levels. Really hoping to have similar feels about this.
"Nobody actually looks like what they really are on the inside. You don't. I don't. People are much more complicated than that."
"Books were safer than other people."
"I remember my own childhood vividly. . . I knew terrible things. But I knew I mustn't let adults know I knew. It would scare them."
Maurice Sendak, in conversation with Art Spiegelman, The New Yorker, September 1993
This guy was on sale on audible the other day and BOY am I glad😍
YAS LAURIE PENNY! Unspeakable Things is such a thought-provoking masterpiece. This book made me want to be back in school so I would have a justifiable reason to write essays about it. Five stars all the way ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Here are the worst things you can call a woman: ugly. Slutty. Fat. Bitter. Bitch. Cunt. The worst thing anyone can say to a woman, in short, is that she doesn't please you. We must get used to giving the answer: is that all you've got?"
"You can spend your whole life being a story that happens to somebody else."
"I refuse to burn my energy adding extra magic and sparkle to other people's lives to get them to love me. I'm busy casting spells for myself."
"It's so much easier, if you have the option, to be a girl, not a person."
Stoya popping up in a Unspeakable Things gives me life🙏
I may be late to the party but having a signed copy makes it all okay🔥
Went to the Oscar de la Renta exhibit at the de Young today and picked up this cute little book! It reminds me of a weird monster book where you could mismatch their body parts that I had as a child👗👠👹
Laurie Penny was a big inspiration for my thesis and so it kills me that I'm just now starting this. Very exciting.