A fast paced gruesome story about man vs nature/each other/themselves. Has the same vibe as The Revenant, so of that's your thing: go forth!
ManBooker #5 down 8 to go.
A fast paced gruesome story about man vs nature/each other/themselves. Has the same vibe as The Revenant, so of that's your thing: go forth!
ManBooker #5 down 8 to go.
Continuing on with the Lyndsay Faye Palloozaa!
Already love this!
Love this series!!
And look at Tess with baby Queens ❤️
So so great!
Loved every minute of it!
Very nerve wrecking too
Starting ManBooker number 5!
I wouldn't have picked this up if it weren't for the Our Shared Shelf book club and I'm glad I did. I enjoyed this short and to the point memoir about Carrie and her bandmates and her afflictions.
"You can have as many words as you please only I can't stay to hear them"
Anne Brontë - Burn Master
Switching to this one because Hystopia is just.... 🤔 I don't even have words 🙄
Holy crap you guys.
Holy crap.
So much fun!
It's detective/mystery, only it's Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson investigating the Ripper killings!
Honestly you guys, you need this in your life!
It's was so thoroughly researched and it's amazingly written.
Lyndsay Faye has been a huge SH fan since she was a kid and we can tell that by the genius way she structured the story, and the dialogues are insanely good. I mean... It's just the best!
I'm gonna go get all her other books now
Sherlock Holmes + Watson + Ripper + Faye
Perfect combination!
Somebody hold me and tell me book 8 will be here real soon, please 😩
Well, all the rumors are true: this book. This freaking book. Is a work of art! So well done!! 👏🏽👏🏽😭💔
OMG!!! So so good!!
Now on to the LAST book 😭 I'm gonna miss these guys
"People aren't made to float through the air. Unless we know the weight of our bodies, unless we feel the force of gravity, we'll forget what we are, we'll lose ourselves without even noticing."
Going to try and start this before bed because I just cannot wait till tomorrow 👀😬❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for the great ride, DetRet Hodges.
Amazing finale.
Note to self: ALWAYS buy all the available volumes of Rat Queens.
Just gets better and better!!
I got this book knowing nothing about it. I loved the title and the Jacqueline Woodson blurb closed the deal.
What an amazing wonderful beautiful sweet and enriching read.
This middle grade book follows the story of Mai, an American girl with Vietnamese heritage, on a journey of self discovery that was so well done it left me feeling like it actually happened to myself.
I loved loved loved it.
Oh Anne Tyler!
What a master storyteller!
Had a BLAST reading this ❤️ So much fun
Loved it!
"Please don't forget: I am my body. When my body gets smaller, it is still me. When my body gets bigger, it is still me. There is not a thin woman inside me, awaiting excavation. I am one piece."
- Lindy West
#shrill #lindywest #lindywestforpresident #bookandbooze #bookandbeer #saturyay #feminsm #feminist #feministliterature
All the love in the world for this series ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
My FAVORITE volume so far!
Currently reading! ❤️
This series continues to blow my mind!
With this book we follow the movement until the historical March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.
So amazing and incredibly important.
Now I'll be *patiently* waiting for book three... 😒
This woman is one bold kick-ass lady
Shedding a light on the kid free life
Really wonderful read
We are both really upset that I didn't get the next volume yet... #BadPlanning
Loved it!! So fun and heartwarming and hilarious
I wanna keep reading coz this book is so good but 💤💤💤 - Jack the Kitty
#FunFridayPhoto hosted by Liberty
This is so much fun!!
That cliffhanger though.... WTF
Happy Bloomsday! I remember almost giving up a bunch of times, wanting to throw it from a window other times, but also loving it and laughing super hard and just being mesmerized by the whole thing.
Oh this book you guys!
I was so afraid to read it because I'm such a sucker for Jane Eyre and I enter retellings of classics with caution.
This book was delightful!! It's not a retelling. The main character is a Jane Eyre fan and so this whole thing is just a treat! Very well done. Wonderful writing
I learned all kinds of things from this book. It was a lesson on Iran's history, the emotional toll from the war, politics, growing up and finding your voice, loss, religion, education. ❤️
Read it read it read it read it read it read it
A million gazillion stars and a half
This book ripped my heart out and left me both devastated and hopeful.
Amazing read. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
So so so so so good!!!!
Currently LOVING 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
OHMYGOD what was this book. So freaking good!!!!! 🙌🏽
Just finished this right this minute and Oh! I love it so!! I need more Nimona!! Won't there be a book 2? Or like a series of at least 8 books? 😭