Seems like an appropriate quote considering all the #bookbanning that is happening currently.
Seems like an appropriate quote considering all the #bookbanning that is happening currently.
“I‘ve spent years living safely to secure a longer life, and look where that‘s gotten me. I‘m at the finish line, but I never ran the race.” For some resin this last part of the quote jumped out at me. We‘re all in a race, but how many of us are actually running it wisely and productively? #quotes #thoughtprovokinglines #makesyathink
I‘ve been in a reading slump for quite some time now. I picked this up yesterday because it looked interesting. I hate that it has the “Hulu” thing on it but whatever 🤷🏽♀️ In through the first 50 pages and I‘m really digging the story so far. Glad that this is my first read of the new year and hopefully I will be better with reading 📖 #firstreadof2021 #cominglutofareadingslump
More like since last year... 😆😆 #slowlybutsurely #bigbooks Even though this is a big book, I‘m still thoroughly enjoying it! Sometimes I‘ll go a few weeks without picking it up, but when I do, I jump right back in without missing a beat #bookhumor
I did enjoy this book, just not totally the experience of HOW I read it. This was my first #ebook I much prefer the hard copy of the book. At least now I can say I tried it. Plus, if I read only ebooks, how can I take pictures of my books? 📚😉🙃
I watched the movie #onthebasisofsex this weekend. It piqued my interest to know even more about #ruthbaderginsburg Being the #booknerd I am, I went & looked up what books were about her. So, I bought her book “My Own Words,” & “In Defense of Justice,” which contains her great dissents. Then I also saw there was a #whois book and decided to buy one for the kids at my library. I want to REALLY know who this amazing woman is.
Almost halfway through this mammoth of a book...looking forward to when I get to the chapter “Lincoln.” #historicalfiction #newyork #bigbooks
This is Vito, my brother‘s dog. He loves to cuddle, so I acquiesced and let him lie down with me as I continue with #thesilentpatient #jackrussell
Perfect morning. Already through the first 50 pages... #thesilentpatient #morningreads #rainydayreads🌧
“I‘m any face in the crowd; just the Lord‘s way of filling in the gaps.”
Don‘t know why, but this line just struck me and is staying with me. So far, enjoying the book!
Currently reading “New York”. Right now I‘m reading about the American Revolution. A French aristocrat came to the American side and started training the rebels/Patriots. This part made laugh about how he drilled them and cursed at them in three different languages. And all the while I was reading this passage, Mulan‘s “I‘ll Make a Man Out of You” also kept playing in my head! 😆😆 #letsgetdowntobusiness #historicalfiction #fridaynightread
The best kind of #readingfort The boy‘s are really into he #Naruto #manga at the moment #libraryreading
Onto volume 3 of the #dorothymustdie #prequels Hopefully these stories are a little better than the 2nd volume. Volume 2 had its moments but was left kind of underwhelmed
Trying out a new #koreanfood place. You‘re never dining alone when you have a good book by your side #readingandeating
Finished the first volume and now onto the second one #wizardofoz #reimaginingoz #storyretelling
I‘ve really enjoyed this series. I‘ve already read the first two books in the series (Dorothy Must Die and The Wicked Will Rise). Currently, I am into the retelling of stories that change our traditional view of beloved characters. So far, I‘m enjoying these back stories and am looking forward to continuing the series in general. #dorothymustdie #wizardofoz #storyretellings
Some serious reading going on... #graphicnovel #summerreading
I‘m not much of a #coffee drinker but I decided to try out a new one from #panera #madagascarvanilla and, man! Sooo good! My new favorite thing is to bring a book, order a cup (w/ #extrawhippedcream ) a cookie, and just #read #favoritetimeofevening #summerreading #son #loislowry #thegiverquartet
Anyone else have interesting reading positions? #reading #summerreading #library
Starting the final book in the series #giverquartet #loislowry #mondayreading #libraryfinds
Onto the third book of The Giver series. I would have it sooner but the library I‘m at didn‘t have it in, so had to search it out from another local library. #excited #bookcovers #libraryreads #summerreading
Continuing with my #bookdiscoveries when I take the kids to the library, I picked up The Giver two days a go. Finished it today. Amazing! Why had I not read this before? Took a new group today, went straight to the shelf to get the second book. I‘m anticipating that I‘ll finish The Giver series in about a week or so #Library finds #loislowry
Starting this one today... I loved his book #Paris so I‘m looking forward to this one! #bookcovers #summerreading #historicalfiction
During the summer I am tasked with taking the kids to the library to read. While they read, I take that time to browse and find books that I have not had the chance to read. That is how I discovered Harry Potter 4 years a go or so...so, today‘s pick? Pippi Longstocking. I remember seeing the movie as a kid. I‘m excited to experience the book. #childrenbooks
Loved it! I wasn‘t sure what to expect but I went in wanting to know about this incredible First Lady. I also went in wanting to get a glimpse of what life was like while she and her family were in charge of the country and after reading this...made me miss the Obamas all the more! Reading through her experiences, I felt a connection. After reading this, it makes me want to just be a friend to the Obamas. Definitely recommend!