Book 127/150.
First finished book of 2021.
What a fun book! 12-year old Dash and his family live on the moon, part of a small group living at Moon Base Alpha. He‘s pretty sure it‘s overrated.
When one of the 22 people living there dies, Dash is certain there‘s foul play. But how will he prove it?
Looking forward to the other books in this series.
A fun tale of mystery and murder on the moon. Love seeing MG sci-fi too. MAJOR YIKES for abelism though and depicting a future in which all deaf, blind, and paraplegic people are "cured." Totally unnecessary as an explanation for why a character is unfamiliar with the concept of sign language. Completely took me out of the book and makes it difficult for me to actually recommend. Unfortunate since I otherwise liked it.
@sprainedbrain @KatieDid927 @Clare-Dragonfly
I saw this author‘s review of his own book to point out that any of the “reviews” were impossible because he hasn‘t written it yet. Thought of your early post/conversation and just laughed.
A great middle-grade sci-fi mystery. The perfect tone and humor.
Genre: science fiction
Date started: nov 27,2019
Date completed: dec 4,2019
Why you choose this book: it sounded interesting so I bought it
Write a brief summary of the novel: dash‘s family live on the moon and one of the scientists died but dash thinks that it was not a accident.
Who was the protagonist: a 12 year old boy named dash
How was the problem resolved?
Interesting mystery with lots of facts about space travel thrown in. Loved it!
I‘m happy to say 8 met all but my biking 2xs a week. I stayed within my limits on fast food and I‘ll be upping my book goal to 10 now. I didn‘t get to participate much in the walk-a-this today since we had my granddaughter‘s first bday party but I hope to make up some of that tomorrow.
#bfc #bfcr2 #bookfitnesschallenge #fitwizards
@Clwojick @wanderinglynn @jen_the_scribe @Mynameisacolour @RainyDayReading @thereadingunicorn @Peddler410
Like middle grade books? A well- done mystery? Intriguing Sci-fi? This book is definitely for you. 12-old Dash‘s family is part of mankind‘s first colony in space. The world‘s best scientists were recruited to bring their families for a 3-year stay. The death of a Dr. Holtz brought Dash on a fearless adventure to uncover the truth.
#MayMovieMagic #SpaceOddity
Mentioned in another book. A.J. Jacobs mentions it in It‘s All Relative.
I finished this book, recommended by my sixth grade son, a couple days ago and it's a thumbs up. It was slow until about 2/3 in and then it picked up the pace and ended with satisfaction and a twist that makes me want to read book 2. A solid 🌟🌟🌟.
My son's current recommendation that I read. I like it so far.
My 9 year old daughter's current favorite author is Stuart Gibbs. She finished his whole "Spy School" series and loved them! Now she's on to his "Moon Base Alpha" series. I haven't read them yet so I can't say how good they are, but I do love the graphic design on all his covers.
Many of you may be aware of how my 11-year old son piled the Unwanted series of books by my bedside and told me I had to read them. And I ❤️ them. After a brilliant conversation on the way to school today about book 6, this is what he carried to the floor by my bedside tonight. He told me about each one, & which ones are the best (they all are). I love my kids. They are the biggest readers ever (next to me at that age of course). 🎊🎉
My daughter insisted I post the book she is reading😊
I LOVED this book! It was smart, it was funny, and I seriously did not see the ending coming. Until now, Stuart Gibbs was a literary blind spot for me, but kids kept coming into the shop and raving about him. Now I know why. I don't care how old you are, read this book!
Diving into this for the children's book club that I run at work, aka The Not-So-Secret Reading Society! It'll be a nice change from the sad a dreary grown up books I've been dealt lately!