Sad news. William Helmreich has passed away this weekend, another loss due to Covid19 . I found his lovely book
at a library sale. Still on the TBR. Some of the best experiences of my life were days I spent walking aimlessly in NYC. 😢🍎🏙
Sad news. William Helmreich has passed away this weekend, another loss due to Covid19 . I found his lovely book
at a library sale. Still on the TBR. Some of the best experiences of my life were days I spent walking aimlessly in NYC. 😢🍎🏙
I did travel in July to satisfy my #wanderlust for a bit. We had a blast in The Big Apple.
Ooh, I hope we see one when we visit this summer.
#Bookishnews as seen on Facebook
I‘d like to read “The New York Nobody Knows” about a man who walked 6,000 miles around every block in the city before our next trip to #NYC this July.
#WalkOnTheWildSide #MarchIntoThe70s
#libraryfoundationofla #bookdropbash last night. Oaxacan-inspired middle eastern food (yummy!!), drinks, tequila samples, scavenger hunt, Oaxacan mural exhibit we hadn‘t made it downtown to see, and books to trade!! I picked up this one.
Tenzin: "The author walks around New York City and collects details by talking to locals in each borough – that's how you learn about a place. I see what he means. If you talk to the owner of a restaurant, you learn so much more than by just eating a meal. You create a different connection with a place by talking to people. If you're just by yourself, with your headphones in, you don't get the same experience." #newyork
"This, too, is part of the American dream - to be respected."
Me and @MrBook as we trekked across chilly NYC streets yesterday after book club. 😊❤