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Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons
Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons: (opinions) | Kurt Vonnegut
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Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons (Opinions) is a rare opportunity to experience Kurt Vonnegut speaking in his own voice about his own life, his views of the world, his writing, and the writing of others. An indignant, outrageous, always witty, and deeply felt collection of reviews, essays, and speeches, this work is a window not only into Vonnegut' s mind...but also into his heart. " A great cosmic comedian and a rattler of human skeletons, an idealist disguised as a pessimist... has written a book filled with madness and truth and absurdity and self-revelation." -- " St. Louis Post-Dispatch"" He is our strongest writer... the most stubbornly imaginative." -- John Irving" "*" The New York Times"
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Wasn‘t my favorite of his. His mind however is beautiful.

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Work reading.

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My sister and brother-in-law just got me this Vonnegut vintage boxed set for Christmas. I am so psyched about this! 😍😍

OrangeMooseReads JEALOUS! 😍 3y
vivastory This is incredible! I have a couple of early edition Vonnegut books & I 💙them 3y
britt_brooke OMG. Best gift ever!! 🤩 3y
Nute That is really cool! 3y
LeahBergen Wonderful! 3y
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I‘ve been picking this book up every so often and reading a touch of dated wit that left me with a chuckle and little else. This isn‘t entirely the book‘s fault- my memory is sieve when teaching! So this is a worthwhile read as a historical doc and a good thought tool; I was marked by the prophetic nature of the final interview. This man was more important than history is allowing I think. Only so-so because it‘s dated.

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Book 6 of 20
#bookspinbonanza @TheAromaofBooks

A collection of opinions, book reviews, interviews, and speeches with/by KV. At the time of these writings, Vonnegut was characterized as a “black humor” writer/satirist. I liked the variety of the selections, and thoughts from this man who served in and survived WW2.

Leftcoastzen 👍 4y
Eggs Thanks 🙏🏻 @Leftcoastzen 4y
TheAromaofBooks The second Vonnegut book I've seen reviewed for the Bonanza in the last two days... I've never gotten around to reading him myself! 4y
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“You understand, of course, that everything I say is horseshit.” (Playboy interview)

My plan was to dip in and out of this one, but sometimes I let too many days go in between. It took me forever to finish, and as a result, I got kind of tired of it. Still a decent collection, though. I liked the speeches and book reviews (that KV wrote of other books) the most.

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Timely. I could not agree more.

(from Address at Wheaton College Library)

#KurtVonnegut #Vonnegut #KV #quote #quotes

Juli Exactly!! 6y
Deblovestoread Hear, hear! 6y
KVanRead We need him more than ever. Sniff. 6y
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britt_brooke @KVanRead Agree! 😢 God, he would be so pissed right now. 6y
britt_brooke @Juli @Kdgordon88 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
vlwelser ❤ Vonnegut. And this quote. 6y
Maria514626 Love this! 6y
GingerAntics YES!!! THIS!!! 6y
SleepyDragon Amen. 6y
vivastory Truth! 6y
GingerAntics Who would have thought, at least 19 years later, those words would be even more relevant than they were when he actually said them? 6y
britt_brooke @GingerAntics It‘s sad and infuriating, but true. 6y
LauraBeth Jeez I hate guns. I have zero idea why people enjoy something with a sole purpose to kill and destroy a living thing. 6y
britt_brooke @LauraBeth Completely agree. 😬🙌🏻 6y
GingerAntics @LauraBeth I‘ve never been able to figure that out, either. It makes no sense to me. The weird thing is, the people who are so vocal about sanctity of life or the people I see with the most guns. It doesn‘t add up to me. I guess my idea of sanctity of life is different from theirs? 6y
britt_brooke @GingerAntics It definitely doesn‘t make sense. My idea is different, too. 6y
GingerAntics @britt_brooke so glad I‘m not the only one 6y
DivineDiana They sure give me the heebie jeebies! 6y
britt_brooke @DivineDiana Meeeee, too. 6y
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I‘ve been dipping in and out of this every couple of days. I love this paragraph. #Vonnegut #KV #quote #quotes

UwannaPublishme 😊🙌🏻 6y
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A little post-workout “me time” at the Y before I get my little guy from childcare. This place is crowded today. Makes me happy!

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Husband: I‘m not trying to be unsocial, but this book is due back tomorrow. (Waking Gods - his first overdrive loan 🙌🏻)

Me: Do I really look worried? 🤓📖🍷

Although, we could probably sit somewhere more comfortable.

Tadams4 Totally been there! The struggle is read! 6y
britt_brooke @Tadams4 Totally is! Wait, was that a Freudian slip?? 😉👏🏻 6y
mrozzz 😂👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 6y
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Maria514626 Ah, a Reading couple. ☺️ 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto 😂😂😂 6y
britt_brooke @Maria514626 He‘s the reason I became a reader. 💚 6y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Zelma 😂 now that is love (and a happy evening). 6y
JacqMac True love! 😂 💕 6y
AceOnRoam Sweet couple. We are the same ❤ 6y
Bookzombie I love this post! Tell him to turn off his WiFi or internet on the device and he will have more time to finish it. 🙂 6y
britt_brooke @Bookzombie I hadn‘t thought about that! 🤦🏼‍♀️ But we both always put our devices in airplane mode to save battery power anyway. 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
britt_brooke @AceOnRoam 💚💚💚 6y
britt_brooke @Zelma @JacqMac ☺️😁💚 6y
Maria514626 @britt_brooke That is the best!!! 6y
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ICYMI: Several Vonnegut ebooks are on sale! The lovely @OrangeMooseReads posted this graphic a couple of days ago. Thanks for sharing! Looks like the deal runs for the month. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

cobwebmoth What would you recommend for someone who hasn't read any of his work?😶 7y
Brooke_H Slaughterhouse-Five is perfect for beginner Vonnegut readers, IMO. 7y
britt_brooke @cobwebmoth I agree with @Brooke_H Slaughterhouse-Five is a great place to start. It eases you into his style and sense of humor. Also God Bless You, Mr Rosewater or Cat's Cradle. I'd also recommend Breakfast of Champions though it's not included in the sale. 7y
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Brooke_H Breakfast of Champions is my fave. 7y
britt_brooke @Brooke_H Mine, too! 😁 7y
britt_brooke @cobwebmoth 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
vivastory This is so tempting.. 7y
britt_brooke @vivastory 💸💸💸 7y
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Something on the funnier side to help me through The Emperor of All Maladies. #kurtvonnegut #essays #usedbooks

britt_brooke Love that cover! Enjoy. 7y
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I saw the photo @britt_brooke posted of her Vonnegut collection, and it inspired me. If I was going to join an author fan club, it would definitely be for Kurt Vonnegut. One of my life goals is to own all of his books. I have a good start. #JoiningAFanClub #JuneTunz

britt_brooke Ooh, nice collection! 😍😍😍 7y
britt_brooke Love the buttons, too. 💚 7y
Cinfhen Nice collection 💕😊📚 7y
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gossamerchild Vonnegut is amazing! 😍 7y
Loretta I think I've got almost all, too. 😍 7y
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Thank You Half Price Books, I Love You.


Plato says that the unexamined life is not worth living. But what if the examined life turns out to be a clunker as well?


If somebody says 'I love you' to me, I feel as though I had a pistol pointed at my head. What can anybody reply under such conditions but that which the pistol holder requires? 'I love you, too'.

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Trying to do a little reading before sleep. Isabella has different ideas. #basiccat #nopewasntreadingthatatall

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I found this humorous. Kurt he has a way with words and thoughts.

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My love for Vonnegut begin with stealing my big brother's copy of Slaughter House 5. About 3 years ago I was in Indianapolis for a cousin's wedding and dragged my mom with me to The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Museum. My love was solidified. I mentioned this book early in the weekend, I picked it up at the local library sale for $1, when I examined it closer I found its a first printing.

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Our community library had a sale. These are what I got, my son got a stack as well. $12.50 was spent. The Vonnegut is a first Edition 😊 $1.00!

Hobbinol #stackenvy 👍Confederacy of Dunces has one of the most unforgettable characters you will ever meet. And what a haul! 8y
OrangeMooseReads @hobbinol I have heard only good things about that one. It has only ever been on my consider list, but for $.50 it went in the bag. 8y
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