You're out of your mind if you think I bought this candy for trick-or-treaters. I knew I wanted to read this book, and also knew that it would be impossible to read without Hershey chocolate.
You're out of your mind if you think I bought this candy for trick-or-treaters. I knew I wanted to read this book, and also knew that it would be impossible to read without Hershey chocolate.
Heeeeeeerrres Hershey!!! Hahahaha
#NationalPetDay #PetsOfLitsy #RabbitsOfLitsy #BunniesOfLitsy
These guys aren‘t technically #jinglebells but I love this commercial!
#TBRtemptation post 2! The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist goes through the real-life rags-to-riches story of Milton S. Hershey, the largely uneducated son of a minister's daughter who started candy shops that went under, went into the caramel business, then the chocolate business, and the rest is history. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
#spookyoctober #candy
On a separate trip to Pennsylvania, my girlfriends and I visited the chocolate spa at The Hershey Hotel. It was as decadent and chocolately as you can imagine.
When you go on a tour of the Hershey factory and love books, not only do you buy candy but you also buy a book about the life of Milton S Hershey.
#ReadJanuary Day 13 - Set in Your City
Regardless of what you think about their products and current business practices, this is an interesting read about my city's founding and the building of a confectionery empire, and how much of that original dream has been changed.
#SetInYourCity #Hershey #NonFiction