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Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping
Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping | Peggy Parish
11 posts | 12 read
The Rogers family takes America's most popular housekeeper camping. "No child can resist Amelia and her literal trips through the minefield of the English language--and no adult can fail to notice that she's usually right when she's wrong."--NewYork Times Book Review.
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My second Amelia Bedelia book arrived today! I am reliving my love of the Amelia Bedelia classics so ordered these two (tagged one is an original from decades ago). Poo-Dunit is making an appearance in the background and gets an honorable mention...it is also amazing. ❤️

LiteraryinLawrence I loved Amelia Bedelia! I remember “filing” the papers and heating up a “can” of soup. 😋 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great photo ❤️ 7mo
CuriousG @LiteraryinLawrence So many funny things that stick in my head from Amelia Bedelia books - I think the one that always made me laugh as a kid was when she would 'pitch the tent' 😄 7mo
PaperbackPirate I loved Amelia Bedelia too. Thanks for the walk down memory lane! 6mo
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How awesome is this library program?! Not only can you sign out fishing gear, but you can sign out a day pass to local parks. Amazing!!!

annahenke Love this idea! 5y
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1. Popcorn 2. Socks? Scrunchie? 3. Veronica Mars, Psych, 4. Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, 5. Green, yellow 6. Seltzer, coffee, tea, 7. Camping 8. @hermyknee @cobwebmoth @TK421 @Avanders @ReadingRover and anyone else!!! thanks for tag @Gissy #summersantagoespostal

nelehelen I love camping too!! ♥️♥️♥️ thanks for playing and joining! 5y
Avanders Psych! Also amazing 🤨🤨🤨 (I‘ve already done this one .. but thank you for the tag! 😘😘) (edited) 5y
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So because I actually have for a change, thought this would be fun. Mine are totally train if thought and not really an overall picture, but I like them #20thingsaboutme


LibrarianRyan ⭐️🤓👍 5y
Beatlefan129 I was curious about “malas” so I looked it up—bracelets right? 5y
CuriousG @Beatlefan129 Can be bracelet or longer necklace length (that you can then wrap around wrist too) - the ones I've made are 108 beads, so pretty long 5y
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Post #3 from last weekend's book haul

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Every time someone says hit the road, I always think of Amelia Bedelia #throwbackreadathon

Sills Loved teaching Amelia Bedelia unit when I taught early elementary-great figures of speech🙂 6y
kricheal She was my favorite when I was young! 6y
Clwojick ♥️ 6y
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My next two books for the #throwbackreadathon. Amelia bedelia always knows how to put a smile on my face!

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Part 2 of 3 for #riotgrams #booksinnature is a throwback to colder times! My mom has always been a big fan of Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping, so I had to include a pic of her for this one 🌲❤🌲

TrishB Great pic 👍 7y
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Outdoor all night reading party begins!

britt_brooke How cute! 7y
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How did I miss Amelia growing up? I only discovered her as an adult after having my children. I love watching the puns dawn on my 6 year old and on more than one occasion Amelia has elicited serious belly laughs from me. I adore the simple humorous word play and Amelia is so good hearted. 🙂

KVanRead Me too! I also only discovered her with my kids and I love her! 7y
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