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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra
Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
18 posts | 17 read | 27 to read
From the iconic and bestselling author of The Mummy and The Vampire Chronicles, a mesmerizing, glamorous new tale of ancient feuds and modern passions. Ramses the Great, former pharaoh of Egypt, is reawakened by the elixir of life in Edwardian England. Now immortal with his bride-to-be, he is swept up in a fierce and deadly battle of wills and psyches against the once-great Queen Cleopatra. Ramses has reawakened Cleopatra with the same perilous elixir whose unworldly force brings the dead back to life. But as these ancient rulers defy one another in their quest to understand the powers of the strange elixir, they are haunted by a mysterious presence even older and more powerful than they, a figure drawn forth from the mists of history who possesses spectacular magical potions and tonics eight millennia old. This is a figure who ruled over an ancient kingdom stretching from the once-fertile earth of the Sahara to the far corners of the world, a queen with a supreme knowledge of the deepest origins of the elixir of life. She may be the only one who can make known to Ramses and Cleopatra the key to their immortality--and the secrets of the miraculous, unknowable, endless expanse of the universe.
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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It's been years since I've read Anne Rice but that's about to change. My first ever Goodreads win came in and I'm super excited to get back to the mesmerizing worlds that she created 🧛‍♂️🖤🧛‍♀️

Simona Congratulations for your first win 🍾🥂 2y
HeathHof @Simona Thank you, I'm not usually very lucky so it was especially exciting to win!😁 2y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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Ann Rice is one of my favorite authors, I love everything she write. 🤩❤❤❤❤❤ #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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This was one of those books I expected to like but sadly I just couldn‘t get into it. So after restarting a chapter a few times I decided to bail.

Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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This one was alright. I didn't read The Mummy (the one before it) but the book did a good job of reiterating what happened bringing me up to speed.


Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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I haven't had much luck today so hopefully this one won't disappoint. 🤞

Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice

Read The Mummy first.

toofondofbooks Lol love that review 😁 6y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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This book was so reminiscent of the early Vampire Chronicles with their struggling natures. There were passages that made me gasp, laugh, and cry out. Each time I picked it back up I felt like I was falling again into Rice‘s reality and out of my own. The way the story is lined out allows for so many more books to follow, and I deeply hope they write more!

RaimeyGallant Nice review. 6y
rubyslippersreads I've been wanting to read this, but kind of want to read The Mummy first. 6y
Copwithabook @rubyslippersreads I read The Mummy so long ago that I barely remembered details from it. I don‘t think you would have to read The Mummy first, however, The Passion of Cleopatra would give you major spoilers for The Mummy. 6y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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1. 27
2. One wonderful younger sister
3. Nope
4. Just finished Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra. Continuing The Queen of the Night on audiobook.
5. Jane Eyre, Lord of the Rings, HP, Pride and Prejudice, etc etc
6. 😊
7. Ethereal
8. Depends on the audience. My students are surprised I sing (I‘m an instrumental music teacher). And that I‘m a huge LOTR and Star Trek nerd.
9. Cat
10. Coffee
11. Sense and Sensibility

Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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I love that I only just read the original The Mummy a couple years ago, and then she makes a second! Such fortuitous timing. Anyway, it had a great pace. I loved the new characters and the plot continuation. I was especially relieved that I liked it considering I was not a fan of the latest Vampire Chronicle, Prince Lestat. Again, Anne (and now her son!) Rice delves interestingly into concepts of immortality even without the vampire element.

Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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What do you think about that description of love? In some ways, I think it‘s spot on. Then again, it may be love, but is that kind of love a healthy one? One can easily feel that way about someone who‘s not right for you...

Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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I 💙💙💙 The Mummy. It was one of favorites of Anne Rice. I still have my original bookmark.
I had no idea there was a sequel until I saw this at the library book sale last month. So excited!

rubyslippersreads ❤️❤️❤️ that bookmark and the book. (The first one—haven't read the second one yet, but am looking forward to it.) (edited) 6y
minkyb Nice surprise for you! Enjoy. 6y
LeahBergen That bookmark is fantastic! 😍 6y
sdbruening Awesome bookmark! Jealous! 6y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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#TBRtemptation post 2! Sequel to "The Mummy". Ramses the Great, former Egyptian pharaoh, is re-awakened by the elixir of life in Edwardian England. He re-awakens Cleopatra, the two defy one another in a battle of wills. But another force is present, even older than them. She ruled a global empire, and she knows all about the elixir. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?

rubyslippersreads Definitely want to read this one! 6y
OrangeMooseReads This one is sitting on my shelf waiting to be read soon 6y
sdbruening So excited about this one! On my shelf ready to be read. 6y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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I will always buy Anne Rice no matter what. She‘s one of my go to authors.

398.2 This sound good! 6y
Witchy_Book_Dragon It does!! I read the original Mummy: Ramses the Damned by her years ago and liked it so I hope this one is as good 6y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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More of a #MiniBookHaul, really, but considering we just went to Costco to pick up shelves, this felt like a pretty good score! The top two are my picks and the bottom two are my husband's.

Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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These were my other B&N purchases today.
I love the suggestions at the bottom of the receipt. Why yes I bet I would like Lumberjanes 6 since I‘m buying Lumberjanes 7.

Nebklvr Well, they wanted at least one sure bet 7y
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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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Super excited about this Christmas gift for my mom. I read The Mummy in high school because my mom loved it and I was getting into Anne Rice at the time. It was one of my favorites of hers, and I had no idea this new story was being published. I can‘t wait to borrow it from my mom when she‘s done 😏 #booksforchristmas

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Ramses the Damned: The Passion of Cleopatra | Anne Rice, Christopher Rice
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I'm looking forward to start reading this ARC from #firssttoread . I haven't read the first book in the series so I'm hoping it will not affect my enjoyment of it. #TotalEclipseoftheARC