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No Is Not Enough
No Is Not Enough: Resisting the New Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need | Naomi Klein
"Trump is extreme but he's not a Martian. He is the logical conclusion of many of the most dangerous trends of the past half-century. He is the personification of the merger of humans and corporations--a one-man megabrand, with wife and children as spin-off brands. This book is to help understand how we arrived at this surreal political moment, how to keep it from getting a lot worse, and how, if we keep our heads, we can flip the script and seize the opportunity to make things a whole lot better in a time of urgent need. A tool-kit for shock-resistance." --from the Introduction The election of Donald Trump produced a frightening escalation in a world of cascading crises. The Trump Administration's vision--the deconstruction of the welfare and regulatory state, the unleashing of a fossil fuel frenzy (which requires the sweeping aside of climate science) and an all-out attack on vulnerable communities under the guise of a war on crime and terrorism--will generate wave after wave of crises and shocks around the world, to the economy, to national security, to the environment. In No Is Not Enough, Naomi Klein embraces a lively conversation with the reader to expose the forces behind Trump's success and explain why he is not an aberration but the product of our time--Reality TV branding, celebrity obsession and CEO-worship, Vegas and Guantanamo, fake news and vulture bankers all rolled into one. And she shares a bold vision, a clear-eyed perspective on how to break the spell of his shock tactics, counter the rising chaos and divisiveness at home and abroad, and win the world we need.
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I‘ve had this on my physical shelves since 2017, but it wasn‘t until I was able to access a library #audiobook (narrated by Brit Marling) that I finally read it. Even then, if Klein hadn‘t promised “a road map for shock resistance” and a credible plan for a safe & caring future, I wouldn‘t have been able to face the depressing subject. It‘s not long (266 p or 8 hr) and it‘s very readable. I came away with greater understanding & greater hope. ❤️

Emilymdxn I adored this book and absolutely agree about it being more hopeful than it might first seem. Naomi Klein tackles such miserable subjects but I‘ve come out of every one of her books feeling more empowered going forward, even with climate change which is no mean feat! 5y
Lindy @Emilymdxn Yes, distilled analysis plus hope are Klein‘s twin superpowers. 5y
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#top10ofthedecade #nfedition

My top ten NF reads of the decade were all books that had the capacity to be too depressing but were too important not to love, and all my hope for the future comes from writers like this speaking truth to power and sharing it with the world. I managed to keep Naomi Klein to just 2 of the 10 but the list was almost only her! Here‘s to another decade of powerful writers changing the world

Suet624 Great list!! 5y
Cinfhen Fantastic list!!! Hoping to get to some of these next year 5y
rockpools I need to read more Naomi Klein - I read No Logo back along, but haven‘t got to any of her newer ones. Hmm. Where to start? 🤔 5y
Emilymdxn @RachelO I would suggest no is not enough as a good one for understanding the political situation in the USA today, or this changes everything for a global focus on climate change. It‘s less depressing than it immediately appears I promise! 5y
rockpools @Emilymdxn Thank you! I think I‘ll try This Changes Everything next then 😊 5y
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The hour calls for optimism. We‘ll save pessimism for better times.
—Jean Claude Servals

Sace Beautiful picture. 5y
Cathythoughts Great quote 😁 5y
Lindy @Sace Thanks! Still have lots of photos of Japan on my phone. 🌸 5y
Lindy @Cathythoughts 😊👍 5y
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I‘m just drinking up Naomi Kleins books atm, she feels like exactly what I need right now 💖💖 this one was perfect too, and I can‘t wait to read No Logo next.

BarbaraBB No logo was such an eye-opener for me! 6y
Lindy @BarbaraBB No Logo was an eye-opener for me too. I‘ve owned a print copy of No Is Not Enough for over a year, but it was a library audiobook copy that finally got me to read it. 5y
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After finishing this changes everything I was desperate for more Naomi Klein, she‘s fast becoming my fave public intellectual. Looking forward to reading this one. Can anyone recommend any other books by her? I also have No Logo

batsy I loved both No Logo and The Shock Doctrine. The latter was extremely educational (and rage-inducing) 6y
Emilymdxn @batsy amazing! I‘ll download the shock doctrine and make sure to bump no logo up my tbr 6y
arubabookwoman I second the recommendation for The Shock Doctrine-a great book that enlightens and explains much of the current political situation. 6y
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FYI! I picked up Rebecca Solnit's newest for under $2... And about ten other books. 🤣 #dealalert

Eyelit This is amazing - thanks for the heads up! 6y
Cinfhen Oh wow! Hubby might seriously blow a fuse😜 6y
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Trump has surrounded himself with masters of chaos, from Mnuchin to Tillerson. And chaos has a long track record of sending the price of oil up. If it rises to $80 or more a barrel, then the scramble to dig up and burn the dirtiest fossil fuels, including those under melting ice, will be back on. So in a very real sense, preventing war and averting climate chaos are one and the same fight.

Slajaunie Some areas, such as the one I live, depend on oil. The economy and the people here have suffered greatly because of low oil prices. 6y
keithmalek @Slajaunie What Klein was referring to here was starting unnecessary wars solely for the purpose of driving up oil prices. 6y
Slajaunie 👍 6y
Suet624 I applaud you for reading these books. It‘s so hard. 6y
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Sahar 🤬 6y
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Suet624 Ugh. 6y
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Shock doctrine logic is entirely in keeping with Trump‘s view of the world. He unabashedly sees life as a battle for dominance over others--and he keeps obsessive track of who is winning. In his much-celebrated negotiations, the questions are always the same: What's the most that I can get out of this deal? How do I exploit my adversary's weakness?

Aimeesue Yep. What a pathetic human being he is. 6y
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A few used bookstore grabs.

MidnightBookGirl I LOVE the Night Bookmobile! It's a little morbid, but the idea behind the bookmobile is lovely. 6y
RowReads1 @MidnightBookGirl I got it the first time from the library 📚. Now I have a copy. 6y
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This book aims to explore how we ended up in a Trumpist world, why it is dangerous and regressive, and what we can do to move forward. Specifically, she encourages ongoing protests, challenging laws in the courts, and recognition of intersectionality of issues to promote solidarity rather than division (though she weakens this with blatant Sanders pandering and vilification of Clinton). A tough but valuable read in our current dystopia.

Librariana It was an eye-opening look at how hewhoshallnotbenamed was almost sort of... "formed"? I don't know if that's the best term... but I'm sure you know what I mean ? The ideas of brand and power were thought-provoking, too! There were a lot of "Well, no wonder!" and "Hhmmm..." moments. 6y
Librariana Maybe "created" is a better term? Oh, I give up! Lol ? 6y
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According to a report from the human rights watchdog Global Witness, more than three people were killed a week in 2015 defending their lands, forests and rivers against destructive industries. Increasingly, communities that take a stand are finding themselves in the firing line of companies' private security, state forces, and a thriving market for contract killers. About 40 percent of the victims, they estimate, are Indigenous.

Suet624 This is terrible. 6y
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Absolutely mind blowing and powerful.


Survivalists stockpile canned goods and water in preparation for major disasters; these guys stockpile spectacularly antidemocratic ideas.


But the hard truth is that after September 11, large parts of the progressive side of the political spectrum got spooked, and that left the economic- populist space open to abuse. Politics hates a vacuum; if it isn't filled with hope, someone will fill it with fear.

DGRachel 😭😭 6y
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Wilbur Ross, Trump's commerce secretary, reportedly described the bombing of Syria as Mar-a-Lago's "after-dinner entertainment."

AmyG This man. 😡 6y
OrangeMooseReads WOW! 🤬 6y
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“I imagine that one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, that they will be forced to deal with pain.” #JamesBaldwin #NotesOfANativeSon


On Trump:

To an alarming extent, he has collected a team of individuals who made their personal fortunes by knowingly causing harm to some of the most vulnerable people on the planet, and to the planet itself, often in the midst of crisis.

AmyG Yep 6y
Gina You might want to read... it is an eye opener if you are into that sort of thang... 6y
keithmalek @Gina I'll add that to my stack. Thanks! 6y
sprainedbrain Indeed. 6y
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Some light reading while I wait for an oil change

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I'm not looking to overthrow the American government, the corporate state already has.

--John Trudell, Santee Dakota activist, artist, and poet (1946-2015)

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This version of this quote is from an article from The Guardian but the sentiment shows up in this book (and probably Shock Doctrine, but I haven‘t read that one yet). If you think this won‘t happen, think again. It already has, with our (US) government‘s reactions after 9/11. Once you give up rights, they‘re really hard to get back. #crisis #Quotsy #QuotsyJan18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

Andrew65 Too true! 6y
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Starting a new audiobook to help get ready for the 1-year anniversary of the Women's March next weekend--last year I flew to D.C. for the March, and this year I'll be marching in Seneca Falls, NY. #boutofbooks


There is no time to wait- the urgency of our time is now, here, and in our power. Klein makes you feel like it is still possible even in face of the monumental sadness of 2016 USA. She traces our collective mistakes not only pointing fingers at one side. And you realize that healing needs to include all of us. Usually I don‘t make it through a Klein book because I‘m so angry- this one does offer the beginning of a solution.

RaimeyGallant This seems opposite to her words on Twitter, very opposite. ;) 7y
Creadnorthey @RaimeyGallant I‘ve never read her Twitter feed - is she pointing fingers... 7y
RaimeyGallant And how. 7y
Creadnorthey Ouch... hope it‘s not too off putting-saw her in person I just loved her, but she does (and I appreciate this) have a punk-rock, f-you attitude that I believe is more and more appropriate in light of the damage caused by being polite... I‘ll check out her Tweets. 7y
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I really enjoyed listening to this. Klein does a great job of pulling together the disparate elements that got us to our present moment culturally and politically. I definitely need to look more into her work on shock politics...and finally get around to reading No Logo which has been on my shelf for years. Inspiring and ultimately hopeful.

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Huge sale! The tagged book is $1. Grab your wallets, people!

UrsulaMonarch Wow! Great deal to support a great publisher. Thanks for posting! 7y
Angitron 😮😮😮 7y
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Would recommend this to anyone interested in our current situation. She makes many good points. On how Trump has built his brand and how that helped in becoming President and that he is a culmination of the neoliberal project.

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I don't know if this audiobook is good for my blood pressure, but you bet yer sweet tookus I'm gonna keep listening.
Looking for hope, wisdom, perspective. Looking for ways to continue being part of the resistance.

Hooked_on_books I have this sitting next to my chair in my library. I need to steel myself to read it. 7y
JSW This quote is so true. 7y
Librariana @Hooked_on_books - Holly, my dear... I have to listen in chunks because otherwise, I just get outraged/mad/upset. But better the 😈 we unfortunately have to know than pretend this isn't our reality. Gotta stay cognizant about the distractions... diligent about staying informed without losing our own sanity. 7y
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Librariana @JSW - Right!? The first few chapters alone have helped me connect a lot of dots... clarified other things. I'm having a lot of "Whoa! That's so true!" moments. 7y
Hooked_on_books @Librariana Oh I agree completely! There are just so many books relevant to him that I'm parcelling them out between the less enraging ones. 7y
Librariana @Hooked_on_books - very intelligent approach! 7y
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A little light reading this evening from today's library visit.

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So I have some good and bad news. The bad news is that Trump is literally trying to start WWIII with North Korea right now, the worse news is Naomi Klein wrote this book about how Trump can use "shock and crises" to solidify his power, and the good news is it's 40% off on @haymarketbooks today! Yaaaay?

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Sorry for the silence. Last week was hectic. This week isn't going to be much better. But, I had a really nice day in Ludlow last week and of course I had to go into castle books. Of course I had to buy books. So, here's the book haul

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Cause for hope in these dark days. A compelling read.

Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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A powerful read in the current social and political climate - informative and ultimately hopeful and encouraging.

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It's important to remember, as Jo Cox said we have much more in common than that which divides us. And only when we realise how connected we all are in all our struggles can we start fighting back those that seek to divide us for their own monetary interests #noisnotenough #naomiklein #beachreads

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I love audiobooks at work! Although I tend to have to stick to non-fiction. So today I started this ⬆️⬆️⬆️
Listening to challenging non-fiction makes me feel better about spending my time in a less-than-challenging job 😣

#bibliophile #politics #uspolitics #trump #shock #nonfiction #political #activism

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Bookmail! My Haymarket Book Club selections for the month have arrived and I think this month's books are particularly strong. In particular, happy pub day to Naomi Klein. #resist

RaimeyGallant Great collection! 7y
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When it's middle of the month and you have already almost gone through your paycheck but staying woke is more important 📚📚 #DontLeaveMeInWaterstonesAlone